Former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) 1ST Assistant Secretary, Mr. Okey Leo Ohagba has advised lawyers to be “more selfless in offering meaningful contributions towards repositioning the NBA as that Voice of the Voiceless.”

In a goodwill message to NBA National Executive Committee (NBA-NEC) members, he also called on lawyers to “focus more on welfare and capacity building programs for lawyers (especially the young lawyers), so as to enable them compete more favorably in the emerging global legal market.”

Below is the full text of the message.


It is my profound pleasure to felicitate with the NBA President, Paul Usoro, SAN, NBA NEC Members and observers alike, as we converge in Abuja for the National Executive Committee (NEC) Meeting of our dear Association, holding from the 4th to the 6th day of December, 2019.

As we gather to lend our voices for the good of our Nation and particularly our NBA, I call on us to be more selfless in offering meaningful contributions towards repositioning the NBA as that “Voice of the Voiceless”, particularly at a time when our nation’s core democratic foundations are being threatened, even more overtly.

Let me also remind us that the future of the Bar and Legal Profession in Nigeria can only be assessed by the level of investment we make today in younger members of the profession. Therefore, I urge us to focus more on welfare and capacity building programs for lawyers (especially the young lawyers), so as to enable them compete more favorably in the emerging global legal market.

Finally, I wish the NBA – NEC, fruitful deliberations and meaningful resolutions. Do have a pleasant stay in the Federal Capital Territory

and journey mercies to and fro your respective abodes.

With Compliments from;

Okey Leo Ohagba

Immediate Past NBA 1st Asst. Secretary