The cardinal objective of the N.B.A is to promote the Rule of Law. I will at all times assist the NBA President in ensuring the promotion of the Rule of Law, Good Governance, Equity, Fairness and Justice prevail in our society.

Thus, the primary responsibility of the 1st Vice President is to assist the NBA President and any other role that may be assigned by the President.

My vision if elected as the 1st Vice President while working with the President of the NBA is:

 To uphold the standard and reputation of the legal profession while entrenching global best practice as the core values of any lawyer in Nigeria.

 To create a National Data Base for lawyers in Nigeria and all human Rights cases in Courts across the Country

 To resuscitate and re-engineer the NBA Human Rights Institute for greater efficiency.

 To hold National Summit for Young Lawyers in Nigeria on Matters Generally affecting our Practice, Opportunities in the Legal Profession, Human Rights, Gender Based issues and remuneration of Young Lawyers.

 To ensure that NBA partners or collaborate with Civil Societies for the promotion of Human Rights in Nigeria and by so doing strengthen the Human Rights posture of the Association.

 There will be Continuous Legal Education and Capacity Building Programmes for lawyers with more emphasis in ICT

 To introduce National Pro bono Project to assist the indigent and less privileged in our society in civil and criminal matters for access to justice and speedy dispensation of cases in Nigeria.

 NBA intervention programs for young lawyers.

 Endowment programs for lawyers and above all empowerment of lawyers to have decent means of livelihood.

 To move the NBA to initiate voluntary six (6)months to one (1) year internship program for young lawyers with prestigious law firms in Nigeria and abroad which will be code named Bringing Up Smart Lawyers in Nigeria or the Smart Lawyers Project


Liman Salihu Esq

Former Chairman, NBA Lokoja

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