A former Chairman of the influential Surulere Lawyers Forum (SLF), Mrs. Chioma Ferguson has commended Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN for constituting the NBA Surulere Branch Caretaker Committee.

Speaking to CITY LAWYER on the setting up of a Caretaker Committee to operationalize the new branch, the fiery Bar Leader described the development as “epoch-making,” saying that “Posterity will be kind to the NBA President for taking the bold step to fully bring this long-awaited branch to life.”

Ferguson, who is also a founding member of the forum, stated that “The new branch will take Bar activities in the Yaba/Surulere axis to an entirely new level, thereby boosting professionalism and the welfare of lawyers.”

Reputed to have taken SLF to enviable heights during her eventful tenure, the seasoned Bar Leader also commended members of the Caretaker Committee “for accepting to serve the Bar at this crucial time. I am especially excited that they are people of character and integrity. I urge all our members to accord them maximum support in order to enable them seamlessly discharge their mandate.”

CITY LAWYER recalls that Maikyau had recently constituted the Caretaker Committee, with respected senior lawyer, Mr. Adeleke Agboola SAN as Chairman.

He wrote: “Whereas the National Executive Council in its meeting of 29 February 2024 held in Jos,
Plateau State, reiterated its approval for the creation of Surulere Branch of the Association, and authorised the National Executive Committee to constitute a Caretaker Committee for the Branch for the purpose of conducting the election of Branch officers.

“After careful consideration, the Caretaker Committee of Surulere Branch, is hereby constituted as follows:

1) Adeleke Agboola, SAN – CHAIRMAN
2) Ita Azim – SECRETARY
3) Roseline Akinbo
4) Chuka Adimonye
5) Peter Ozobialu

“The Committee is to administer the affairs of the Branch for 3 (three) months, beginning from the date of this Notice. Within this period, the Committee shall, as a matter of priority, plan for and hold the Annual General Meeting of the Branch, at which the election of the executive committee of the new Branch shall be conducted. For avoidance of doubt, the Caretaker Committee shall conduct election and hand-over to the elected Branch Executive Committee on or before 7 August 2024.

“I thank members of the Committee for graciously accepting this responsibility and urge them
to discharge their duties in accordance with law, without fear or favour. Members of the Branch are enjoined to give the Caretaker Committee maximum support and cooperation to ensure hitch-free launch of the Branch.”

Meanwhile, the branch will hold its Monthly General Meeting on Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 at Forester Hall, Babatunde Street, Surulere, Lagos. Time is 3 pm. Highlight of the meeting is the handing over of the reins of power by the SLF Executive Committee to the Caretaker Committee.

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The Chairman of the the National Officers’ Election Appeal Committee (NOEAC), Mr. Usman Ogwu Sule SAN has allayed fears of disqualified aspirants that they may be shut out of the appeals process.

Responding to an enquiry by CITY LAWYER over allegations that the appeals committee published a “wrong” email address to which disqualified aspirants are to send their appeals, Sule told CITY LAWYER in a telephone conversation that he had received similar complaints.

He however assured all disqualified aspirants that the committee was not eager to shut out anyone from the appeals process, saying: “I am aware of such complaints. We are dealing with it. Aspirants are free to send in their appeals through as many channels as possible. They may even send copies to NBA Secretariat.

“One of the disqualified aspirants even sent to my WhatsApp number. My number is available. If they send it, we will receive it and treat it. If we receive hard copy from the NBA Secretariat, we will treat it. We are very flexible about it.

“It is our Bar; we must get it right. We will accept and treat all appeals. I think today or tomorrow is the deadline. If any aspirant fails to meet the deadline, that we cannot help.”

Some aspirants told CITY LAWYER that they were having challenges accessing the advertised email for receipt of the appeals.

The NOEAC had in its Guidelines for the appeals dated 6th May, 2024 stated that “All Appeals shall be sent to the NBA NOEAC via email to, and must be sent within 7 ( seven) days of receipt of Notice of the Disqualification.”

But some disqualified aspirants who attempted to send their appeal to the email address got an error message which read: “Message blocked. Your message to has been blocked.”

CITY LAWYER gathered that some aspirants had to resort to the email address displayed on top of the NOEAC letterheaded paper, even as some said they have received acknowledgement to their emails.

There are strong indications that the correct email is, while at least one aspirant told CITY LAWYER that he had to send to both emails to ensure delivery of his appeal.

However, incumbent NBA Treasurer Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop was at press time still having grey hair trying to obtain an acknowledgement to her email, even as a source close to the embattled National Officer told CITY LAWYER that she had sent several emails and reminders on the issue without any positive feedback.

Part IX of the Second Schedule to the NBA Constitution provides as follows:

1) “Any candidate who is disqualified by the ECNBA in respect of his nomination or candidature, may within seven days of the communication of the decision, appeal to the Election Appeal Committee.

2) “The Election Appeal Committee, shall upon receipt of an appeal lodged by a Candidate in the manner stated above, hear the appeal, and make a decision thereon within fourteen (14) days thereof. Such hearing may be based on documents only, or by physical hearing or hearing via electronic medium.

3) “The decision of the Election Appeal Committee on any appeal lodged by a Candidate shall be final and binding on the parties.”

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The Founding Chairman of Eti-Osa Lawyers Forum (ELF), Mr. Adewale Sanni has heaped praise on the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN for speedily empaneling the Eti-Osa Branch Caretaker Committee.

CITY LAWYER recalls that Maikyau had in a statement named a five-member caretaker committee to formally midwife the branch into existence, following the ground-work done by the forum.

Speaking on the development, Sanni commended the NBA President for the gesture, saying it spotlights Maikyau as a consummate Bar-man whose entire focus is on the well-being of the profession.

His words: “We commend the commitment, dedication and unflinching support of the NBA President, Mr. Y. C. Maikyau SAN and his team towards the eventual actualisation of the much desired NBA Eti-Osa Branch.

“The recent appointment of the five-man Caretaker Committee by the President, especially at this critical moment in the twilight of his regime when other leaders would have been focused on winding down, is most commendable.

“It clearly portrays his continued commitment to the growth of the Bar and the opening of more vistas for the development and welfare of lawyers.

“Notwithstanding that the President did not give any commitment to the creation of the branch nor did he make it a campaign issue to us, we are delighted that he since assumption of office has been clear in his unwavering desire towards the establishment of the Branch – provided all conditions precedent were met. The constitution of the Caretaker committee is the icing on the cake! We are grateful for this commitment.

“We must also express our profound gratitude and appreciation to the President for his careful consideration and choice of very experienced colleagues and administrators as well as his preference for diversity as reflected in the committee’s membership.

“May I on behalf of all our colleagues here at Eti-Osa, assure the President and his team that maximum support and cooperation shall be extended to the committee to ensure a hitch-free launch of the Branch as envisaged by the President.

“We welcome the caretaker committee members and promise to assist them with all necessary wherewithal to ensure that they succeed in this all-important task. I note that the committee has already swung into action and we shall be meeting almost immediately as requested, to facilitate expeditious performance of their mandate.”

“Ours in Eti-Osa has always been a professional family affair, and this is what shall be demonstrated to the delight of all members of the NBA generally.

“This Executive Committee, especially Mr. President, the General Secretary as well as other National officers and NBA-NEC representatives shall remain our heroes forever.”

It is recalled that NBA-NEC had on February 29, 2024 given its final nod to the establishment of NBA Eti-Osa Branch. Following the approval, Maikyau constituted a Caretaker Committee for the branch.

The committee, appointed by the National Executive Committee (NEC), is tasked with administering the affairs of the branch for a period of three months and conducting elections for the branch’s pioneer executive committee.

The Caretaker Committee is chaired by Olawale Ajia, with Chinyere Akuwueze Nwaogu serving as the Secretary. Other members of the committee include Clifford Orighomisan Atakere, Hauwa Halidu, and Ganiyu Adebowale Johnson.

Maikyau directed the committee to plan and hold the Annual General Meeting of the branch within the stipulated three-month period, during which the election of the executive committee will be conducted. The committee is expected to complete the election process and hand over to the elected Branch Executive Committee on or before August 7, 2024.

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The Nigerian Bar Association Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NBA-ICLE) under the leadership of Tobenna Erojikwe in partnership with the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCMBD) has concluded arrangements for the commencement of an all-expense-paid in-person energy sector training for shortlisted Nigerian lawyers.

Applications for the training open today, 7th May 2024, and close on 27th May 2024. The training is expected to equip Nigerian lawyers with the knowledge and skills required to advise on transactions and engagements in all facets of the energy sector. The application link is

The NCMDB and NBA-ICLE have noted that the training is of strategic importance to both institutions as a means of growing local advisory capacity in the energy sector and expanding the knowledge base and income-earning ability of Nigerian lawyers.

According to the Chairman of the NBA-ICLE, Tobenna Erojikwe, “The NBA-ICLE has continued to build partnerships with various stakeholders for the purpose of improving the knowledge base of lawyers and adding value to their practices. This is one critical way that Bar Associations all over the world add value to their members”.

He continued “This training is the first in the series of such trainings under the NCMDB partnership and is open to only lawyers who are based, or are practising, in any of the six states in the South-South zone of Nigeria. Similar trainings covering lawyers in other zones will be announced in due course”.

The trainings will take place in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State from 16th to 18th June 2024 and will be facilitated by experts drawn from the Energy Law and Policy Faculty of the NBA-ICLE. Under the terms of the partnership as negotiated by NBA-ICLE, all expenses of the shortlisted in-person applicants will be fully borne by NCDMB.

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The National Officers’ Election Appeal Committee (NOEAC) has finally issued guidelines on how disqualified aspirants may appeal their disqualification by the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA).

CITY LAWYER had noted that many disqualified aspirants were left in a quandary as the NOEAC did not release guidelines for appeals more than 48 hours after publication of the final list of candidates by the electoral body.

While the ECNBA publication is dated 3rd May, 2024 the NOEAC publication on the guidelines is dated 6th May, 2024. All the aspirants may have received their notifications on 3rd May, 2024.

Consistent with Part IX of the Second Schedule to the NBA Constitution 2015 (as amended), the appellate body wrote: “Any candidate who is disqualified by the ECNBA in respect of his nomination or Candidature, may within seven days of the communication of the decision, appeal to the NBA-NOEAC.”

The electoral committee had in a notice on its “final” list of candidates stated that “Disqualified candidates may wish to exercise their right of appeal against the decision under Part IX, 2nd Schedule of the NBA Constitution 2015 (As amended in 2021).”

Among those disqualified by the electoral body for sundry reasons are Joyce Oduah, Caroline Anze-Bishop, Sabastine Anyia, Osamuede Asenoguan, Mohammed Tsav, Chukwuemeka Mbamala, Felix Ashimole, Henry Chiduabo, Adejorin Abiona, Wahab Muhammed, Dhikrullah Balogun and Ibekwe Nkiru.

Investigation by CITY LAWYER showed that while most of the aspirants are eager to file appeals against the decisions of the electoral committee, the delay in release of the guidelines left them with no clue on how to file their appeals.

The situation was compounded by the fact that the NOEAC, which was appointed last April by NBA President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN, did not publicize any physical or email address through which aspirants can reach the appellate body.

Though most of the aspirants had told CITY LAWYER at the weekend that they had started processing their appeals, lack of information on the appeal guidelines had thrown them into confusion.

At least one disqualified aspirant told CITY LAWYER that he had emailed the NBA Secretariat to ask for the appeal guidelines.

While other aspirants were racking their brains on how to navigate the additional hurdle thrown on their path by the absence of appeal guidelines, one disqualified aspirant told CITY LAWYER that he had to send his appeal to the personal email of the committee’s chairman.

Another aspirant said that he would have to travel to Abuja latest on Wednesday to physically submit his appeal, in the absence of any guidance from appeals committee. His words: “There is no email to file (an appeal). It means we have to go to Abuja to file. Today is sit-at-home (in the South East). By tomorrow or Wednesday, I hope to be in Abuja (to submit the appeal).”

Yet another worried aspirant said: “Maybe I will route the hard copy through the (NBA) president in the national secretariat.

“The committee ought to have issued these guidelines well before the publication of the list of qualified and disqualified candidates.

“I also think that there is need to amend our constitution such that the process of appeal is concluded before a list of cleared and disqualified candidates are published once and for all.”

Part IX of the Second Schedule to the NBA Constitution provides as follows:

1) “Any candidate who is disqualified by the ECNBA in respect of his nomination or candidature, may within seven days of the communication of the decision, appeal to the Election Appeal Committee.

2) “The Election Appeal Committee, shall upon receipt of an appeal lodged by a Candidate in the manner stated above, hear the appeal, and make a decision thereon within fourteen (14) days thereof. Such hearing may be based on documents only, or by physical hearing or hearing via electronic medium.

3) “The decision of the Election Appeal Committee on any appeal lodged by a Candidate shall be final and binding on the parties.”

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The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) has appealed the decision of the Federal High Court in a case brought by the Registered Trustees of Auto-Mobile Dealers Friends Association against the service.

CITY LAWYER recalls that the court sitting in Lagos had on December 27, 2023  delivered a judgment in favour of the Registered Trustees of Auto-Mobile Friends Association against the NCS in Suit No. FHC/L/CS/665/ 2021.

Dissatisfied with the judgment, the Nigeria Customs Service has now brought an Appeal No. CA/L/LAG/CV/280/2024 against the judgment of the trial court.

According to court papers sighted by CITY LAWYER, Nigeria Customs Service strongly believes that it is statutorily empowered to, upon reasonable suspicion, search for, seize or remove anything liable to forfeiture under the Customs Act.

It has urged the appellate court to consider the powers of the Nigeria Customs Service under its enabling law vis-a-vis other legal issues that have been submitted for consideration and determination by the Court of Appeal.

The Federal Government agency also filed a motion praying the Court of Appeal to grant an order staying execution of the judgment as well as an injunction restraining the automobile dealers from taking any step that is capable of rendering nugatory the decision of the appellate court in the event the appeal succeeds.

Meanwhile, the Nigeria Customs Service has hired fiery senior lawyer, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN to lead its legal team for the impending legal fireworks.

Analysts believe that the appeal court’s decision on the matter will enrich Nigeria’s legal jurisprudence and impact the national economy.

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Justice Yellim Bogoro of the Federal High Court has ordered the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to immediately release Babcock University undergraduate, Miss Oluwateniola Omidiji from its custody. The order was issued late Friday evening.

Nineteen-year-old Miss Omidiji, a third-year Nursing student at Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo was whisked away from the school’s premises by EFCC operatives on 26th April, 2024 over a failed business deal entered into in 2020 by her mother, Miss Omoniyi Omidiji with one Mr. Charles Nwoko.

Miss Omidiji was 16 years at the time the business deal was struck between Mrs. Omoniyi and Nwoko, and claims total ignorance of the transaction. But she has now been in EFCC’s custody for 11 days following the breakdown of business relations between her mother and Nwoko.

There are strong indications that the anti-graft agency swooped on the undergraduate student for being a nominal Director in the company named Elisto Global Services Limited. Other directors are her mother, brother and Nwoko.

Oluwateniola had cried out to the court for relief after EFCC operatives laid siege on her school and whisked her away in the midst of her university examinations.

In a ruling on an urgent application brought by her Lead Counsel, Mr. Chijioke Emeka, SAN of Auxano Law, Justice Bogoro, sitting in Lagos, ordered EFCC to release the teenager pending determination of her case against the commission. The court also ordered EFCC to stay all actions against Miss Omidiji until the case is determined.

The lawsuit No. FHC/L/CS/759/2024 was seeking enforcement of Omidiji’s fundamental rights. The suit has been adjourned to 21st May, 2024 for hearing.

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Fiery Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Second Vice President, Mr. Chukwuemeka Ugo has alleged that at least two members of the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA) have been planted to do a “hatchet job.”

In a post on his verified Facebook handle monitored by CITY LAWYER, Ugo, who is popularly called “Democrat,” also alleged that the embattled incumbent NBA Treasurer, Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop is a victim of a fight-back by the powers that she stepped on their toes in her quest for transparency in NBA finances. He stated that he would have suffered the same fate if he had vied for any elective position in the forthcoming elections.

The allegation raises serious concerns regarding the integrity of the forthcoming elections which the electoral body is billed to midwife.

Ugo urged lawyers to protect the fiery NBA National Officer, warning that to do otherwise would ensure that NBA members who would want to challenge the leadership for any infractions would have been intimidated from doing so.

He also disagreed with the electoral committee on its decision to disqualify some of the aspirants, saying that courts of law would have taken a different view if the same issues were litigated.

His words: “I know that if I had picked a nomination form, the present ECNBA – apart from the Chairman – could have disqualified me no matter how correct my document may have been! There are two members in the ECNBA that were given directives never to allow certain persons to go through. The NBA Elections Appeal Committee should correct same.”

He added that “Lawyers of good conscience should protect the NBA Treasurer! The power that she stepped on are fighting back.”

The full text of the post is below.

As a Democrat and a true lover in NBA, as well as for the peace and harmony of one indivisible Nigerian Bar Association, may I make a few remarks about the ‘breaking news’ of various disqualifications of aspirants to various offices of the NBA national elections.

I have a different mindset to the ECNBA findings over the disqualification of some aspirants for the NBA national elections.

If I may make this analogy, can a wrong seal affixed to a court process terminate the hearing and determination of a case in a court of law? If the answer to this is in the negative, ECNBA then should know that their decisions were wrong.

The issue remains: did those that nominated some of the aspirants pay their BPF? Did they pay within time?

ECNBA cannot claim to be a foreigner; they ought to have confirmed from the portal or from the Secretariat of NBA if same persons alleged to have submitted stamp and seal receipt and other receipts actually paid their BPF in the real sense of it. If found that they all paid, why disqualify candidates for reasons of non-submission of same?

Does it mean those who submitted, for example, ‘fake’ BPF receipts but which are not authenticated or verified by ECNBA but on which basis they are cleared are then better off than persons who actually paid their BPF but wrongly attached branch dues or stamp and seal receipts?

I expected the ECNBA to request the affected aspirants to bring forth the missing documents to ascertain whether they actually paid their BPF; that would have been fair and, in the end, justice  would have been served. This position remains the true position in law if we are confronted with  a similar issue in court proceedings – which, I know, is too elementary.

Also, disqualifying a candidate based on earning salary from government, as confirmed by ECNBA, leaves much to be desired. If the NBA Constitution provides for aspirants to the position of General Secretary and some others to be in private legal practice, all the candidate needs to show is his or her evidence that he or she is in private legal practice, not to dig through a planned and hatched petition because the said aspirant was so vocal during NBA AGM towards NBA’s management of her finances.

I know that if I had picked a nomination form, the present ECNBA – apart from the Chairman – could have disqualified me no matter how correct my document may have been! There are two members in the ECNBA that were given directives never to allow certain persons to go through. The NBA Elections Appeal Committee should correct same.

If someone paid money in 2023 and the system generated 2024 BPF receipt, what is wrong with that? Is it wrong to pay too early? As long as the purpose of payment was for 2024 BPF and the receipt of same generated, what is wrong with that?

Lawyers of good conscience should protect the NBA Treasurer! The power that she stepped on are fighting back. WE SHALL WAKE UP SOME DAY TO SEE THAT THERE IS NO VOCAL LAWYER  ANYMORE IN NBA IF WE CLOSE OUR MOUTH AND EYES TO ALLOW ENEMIES AND PERCEIVED OR ALLEGED OWNERS OF NBA SILENCE LAWYERS WHO EXPOSE THE IRREGULARITIES IN THE FINANCES OF NBA AT THE AGM OR ANY FORA. She deserves a fair trial, and I call on lawyers to say no to the sponsored petition against her. Let the writer of the petition come out to own the petition as the true author of same contents with the alleged withdrawn one.

Did her office release her to be in private practice? Yes, as enshrined in the constitution. Is she in private practice? Yes, as she rightly said, she practices in Jos with a private law firm. As well, NBA issued her a green stamp and seal, demonstrating that she is in private practice.

If my establishment released me to go and serve NBA in private practice capacity, what other evidence does ECNBA need to insist she is in government practice – which is not contained anywhere in our constitution?

I am very much aware of the reasons behind section 9(3)(b). This is purely to prevent government interference and or government patronage, and for an elected officer in same position to hold government accountable and confront them at every needed chance to so do. The drafters envisaged conflict between government and the NBA, and ‘whether a paid employee of government can face his/her employer?’

These notions can be described as old-fashioned, because the purpose of same has not been achieved. NBA, for the last 10 years, could not organize any activity without running to government for help. Our Secretariat was bankrolled by those in corridors of power. NBA for the past 21 months has never questioned the government on the dwindling economy and general well-being of her citizens as well as security of lives and property in Nigeria. How are the private practitioners better than those in government employment?

A true answer to the above can be found in the powers of NLC over government policies. These are a group of government employees, yet they are holding the same government accountable to the ills of the society. Who then says an NBA president or General Secretary from the public sector would not be better than some of us in private practice?

I sincerely wish to encourage all government-employed members of NBA not to give up; it is a matter of time and people of good conscience will assume power and realize that section 9(3)(b) of the NBA Constitution (as amended) actually offends the rights of lawyers in public service to vote and be voted for.

I am aware that one day shall come where sui generis Bar men shall rise to preach the true meaning of promoting the rule of law, where every lawyer paying his or her BPF will know that all lawyers are equal.

I stand today to advocate that section 9(3)(b) is so discriminatory and should be challenged in our court to give every lawyer a sense of belonging, where anyone can aspire to any position of his or her choice in NBA. If you try to lead and such obstacle persists, I advise you find yourself a place to lead yourselves where your rights will be observed and respected.


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Details have emerged on the reasons given by the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) for disqualifying many aspirants for the forthcoming NBA Elections.

Among those who ECNBA hammer fell on are former NBA General Secretary Joyce Oduah; incumbent NBA Treasruer Caroline Anze-Bishop; former NBA Bwari Branch Chairman, Mohammed Tsav; fiery legal bogger, Felix Ashimole and returnee aspirants Ede Asenoguan, Sabastine Anyia and Chukwuemeka Mbamala among others.

CITY LAWYER investigation shows that Oduah was disqualified on the basis that she is yet to serve out the 10-year bar between holding two national offices.

CITY LAWYER had predicted last November in its Special Report on the elections that this bar may be a clog on Oduah’s march towards NBA Presidency.

A close associate of the aspirant told CITY LAWYER that ECNBA also queried Oduah for attaching an “invoice” instead of a branch receipt, even as she was said to have explained that that was how NBA Lagos Branch receipt is depicted.

For Anze-Bishop, who CITY LAWYER also predicted may be hobbled by the “private legal practice” requirement for aspirants for the position of NBA General Secretary, the ECNBA stated that she stood disqualified “as your application and nomination failed to meet the constitutional requirements to contest for the position under the NBA Constitution 2015 (As Amended in 2021) herein after referred to as the Constitution.”

The electoral committee stated that the fiery National Officer failed to convince it during a hearing on a petition by one Musa Tijjani that she was in private legal practice, saying: “Your Annexure 1 is a letter from NSCDC which confirms you as a staff of NSCDC, but granted leave of absence for 4 years to serve the NBA and practice law as a private legal practitioner among other things. It however did not terminate your status as a public servant in the employment of the NSCDC who remain your primary employer and which employment relationship defines your primary status as a public servant”

CITY LAWYER investigation shows that some aspirants were caught by the saga of attaching “receipts” from digital payment platforms – especially FLUTTERWAVE which handled the 2024 Bar Practising Fee (BPF) payment – instead of the Supreme Court receipt. Returnee aspirants Mbamala and Anyia as well as Ashimole were caught in this web. Ashimole was also said to have paid his BPF for 2024 on 24th December, 2023.

ECNBA argued that they could not verify the payee as such “receipts” do not bear the name of the payee. Efforts by aspirants to persuade the electoral committee to access the NBA database for confirmation of payment or to argue that the parameters on the Flutterwave notices tallied with the Supreme Court receipts which they later provided were unsuccessful.

Another issue was the attaching of ‘Stamp and Seal’ receipt as against the BPF receipt by some aspirants. Aspirants who fell under this hammer include Oduah whose nominator was said to have attached a Stamp receipt for the third year instead of a BPF receipt. Also caught under this umbrella were Ede Asenoguan and Mohammed Tsav. 

Multiple aspirants told CITY LAWYER that their attempts to remedy the issue were rebuffed by the electoral committee which argued that it was not permitted to “take fresh evidence” at the screening stage.

Returnee aspirant Dhikrullah Adewale Balogun, who is gunning for one of the 20 slots at the General Council of the Bar (GCB), was among the four aspirants disqualified for that race. He had his nomination rejected on the ground that he and his nominator did not attach branch due receipts for 2022.

Many of the aspirants told CITY LAWYER that they or their nominators had processed NBA stamps based on the documents presented to ECNBA, adding that the database for BPF also resides with the NBA.

They wondered why mere attachment of the receipts should be an issue against whether the aspirant or his nominator actually paid the BPF or not, adding that the screening exercise was futile if aspirants could not remedy such irregularities.

All the aspirants told CITY LAWYER that they would appeal the ECNBA decisions. It remains to be seen how the National Officers’ Election Appeal Committee will deal with the impending petitions.

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We extend our warmest congratulations to our esteemed leader, AFAM OSIGWE, SAN, on your successful clearance by the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) to contest for the esteemed position of President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

Your clearance represents a significant milestone in your journey toward leadership within the legal community. We commend the ECNBA for its diligent review process and adherence to the principles of fairness and transparency.

As friends and supporters, we are immensely proud of your accomplishments and unwavering dedication to the legal profession. Your impeccable track record, integrity, and commitment to upholding the rule of law have earned you the respect and admiration of colleagues and peers alike.

While we eagerly anticipate the upcoming elections, we want to reiterate our steadfast support for you. Your vision for the Nigerian Bar Association resonates deeply with our values of justice, equality, and excellence. We have full confidence in your ability to lead with integrity and make meaningful contributions towards the advancement of the legal profession.

As we await further guidance from the ECNBA regarding campaign regulations, please know that we stand ready to assist and support you in any way possible. Together, we will continue to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.


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A Partner and Head of Tax at ALN: Aluko & Oyebode, Mr. Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN has announced the commencement of the popular BOA Lawyers’ League Tournament.

In a statement signed by the senior lawyer, Ikwuazom SAN, who is the Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Security Agencies Relations Committee (NBA-SARC) and a former Chairman of the NBA Lagos Branch, noted that 15 law firms have signed up for the 19th edition of the tournament.

Below is the full text of the statement.

We’re thrilled to announce the commencement of the 19th Edition of the BOA Lawyers’ League Tournament, set to kick off on May 5, 2024. After the hiatus forced upon us by the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, it brings me immense joy to announce the revival of this cherished tradition fostering camaraderie and sportsmanship within Lagos’ legal community.

This tournament holds a profound significance for us. It’s organized in honour of the late Mr. Bankole Olumide Aluko, SAN, co-founding partner of ALN Aluko & Oyebode, who passed away in February 2002. His enduring legacy continues to inspire us, and this tournament stands as a fitting tribute to his memory.

With 15 formidable teams in the lineup representing esteemed law firms such as Bloomfield, Grey Chapel, Minerva LP, Templars, G. Elias, ALP Ng Co, Stren & Blan, Denton Acas-Law, DOA, UUBO, Punuka, Banwo & Ighodalo, OALP, Pinheiro, Wole Olanipekun & Co, and, of course, Aluko & Oyebode, this year’s tournament promises nothing short of extraordinary excitement.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all participating law firms for their unwavering support and dedication to this event. Your partnership is pivotal in ensuring the resounding success of the BOA Lawyers’ League Tournament, year after year.

To all members of the legal community in Lagos, I extend this invitation to join us as we come together to cheer on our colleagues, revel in the competitive spirit of the games, and seize the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals.

Let’s unite in celebration of our shared passion for both the legal profession and the beautiful game of football.

Chukwuka Ikwuazom, SAN
Partner and Head of Tax, ALN: Aluko & Oyebode

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Afam Osigwe SAN Cleared to Contest for President of Nigerian Bar Association!

Afam Osigwe SAN has officially been given the green light to vie for the prestigious position of
President of the Nigerian Bar Association! The Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association has conducted a thorough review and has cleared Afam Osigwe SAN to contest in the upcoming elections.

This exciting development marks a significant milestone in the legal landscape of Nigeria. With his wealth of experience, impeccable credentials, and unwavering commitment to justice and fairness, Afam Osigwe SAN is poised to bring about positive change and transformation to the Nigerian Bar Association.

As a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Afam Osigwe has demonstrated exemplary leadership, integrity, and dedication to the legal profession. His track record speaks volumes, showcasing his passion for upholding the rule of law and advancing the rights of all citizens.

With Afam Osigwe SAN in the race for the presidency, there’s a renewed sense of hope and optimism within the legal community. His candidacy represents a beacon of light, promising a future where transparency, accountability, and inclusivity reign supreme.

As we await the directives of the electoral body on lifting the ban on campaigns, stay tuned for more updates as we witness history in the making!

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Friends of one of the leading candidates for the position of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) First Vice President, Dr. Promise Iwezor have congratulated him on his clearance by the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA).

According to the message seen by CITY LAWYER, they stated that the clearance “remains a huge testament to your strong commitment to the rule of law and unflinching ethos.”

The full text of the message reads:


Congratulations on your being cleared to run for office of the First Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Dr. Promise Iwezor.

This remains a huge testament to your strong commitment to the rule of law and unflinching ethos.

We wish you the very best at the polls Dr!

Friends of Promise Iwezor

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NBA presidential aspirant, Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe has objected to the shortlisted companies chosen by the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) to serve as election platform service providers for the upcoming NBA Elections in July 2024.

In a letter dated April 29th addressed to the ECNBA Chairman, Erojikwe outlined his concerns regarding the transparency of the selection process and questioned the ability of the four shortlisted firms to successfully conduct an election of the scale and significance of the NBA presidential polls.

The shortlisted firms are Zoracom Ltd., INITS Limited., Aberdeen Strategies, and AppsInception.

The news release reads: “A major point raised by Erojikwe is the lack of detailed information provided to aspirants and members about the companies shortlisted and their technical bids. Beyond the names of the companies and addresses, no data has been shared on their respective capacities, election management experience, ownership structures, or any subcontracting arrangements.

“Erojikwe argued that access to such crucial background is necessary for stakeholders to make a fully informed assessment of the shortlisted providers’ qualifications to credibly handle an election of over 100,000 voters nationally. He has formally requested that the ECNBA provide more details regarding the respective bids of the shortlisted companies.

Experience Gap for High-Stakes Election
“While awaiting the requested information, the presidential aspirant expressed doubts that any of the shortlisted firms currently demonstrate proven experience of independently conducting an election operation on the scale and complexity required for the NBA presidential vote.

“Pointing to the controversies, litigation, prosecution, and arrests related to irregularities in recent past NBA elections in 2016 and 2018, Erojikwe stated that ‘Given the high stakes involved, we cannot entrust such a delicate task to an entity that does not have the track record of having conducted such elections locally and internationally.’

“His letter claims that a due diligence review found none of the shortlisted companies meet the criteria of adequate global election experience. Erojikwe also noted that one of the firms shortlisted was the vendor during the last elections but was supported by an international firm that provided the platform during the last NBA election cycle.

Call for Proven Experts
“Based on his objections, Erojikwe has urged the ECNBA to ensure that only globally-proven election services companies (or service providers working in collaboration with them) with expertise managing large-scale national elections across multiple regions are considered.

“He argued that given the ‘low integrity quotient’ in our country and the likelihood of election disputes proceeding to litigation, the NBA’s credibility is on the line with selecting an experienced platform provider.

“The ECNBA previously stated that the shortlisting and request for comments were aimed at ensuring an impartial, internationally-compliant election after the challenges of past cycles.

“With this objection letter, a leading presidential candidate has now raised doubts about the transparency and rigour of the bidding process to select the critical election platform technology.

“It remains to be seen how the electoral committee will respond to Erojikwe’s demands for more vetting and disclosure around the qualifications of the shortlisted providers to conduct an election of this magnitude.”


About six weeks after it was supposed to have made a decision on its choice of Technical Support Consultant (TSC) for the forthcoming Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Elections, the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA) is still keeping its choice under wraps.

CITY LAWYER recalls that the electoral committee had stated in its “Request for Proposal For Technical Support Consultant to the ECNBA” dated 19th February, 2024 that it would on 15th March, 2024 issue a “final decision” as well as award the contract for the role.

The roles of the TSC include Member Identity & Database (Technical Assistance), ICT Service Provider (“Service Provider”), Stakeholder Support as well as Tests, Audits & Reports.

The electoral committee had stated that “Proposals must be received on or before 5pm, on 29th February 2024 for consideration to be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to THE SECRETARY, ECNBA, NBA INSTITUTE, NO. 9 ORO-AGO CRESCENT, OFF MUHAMMADU BUHARI WAY, OFF TWON BRASS STREET, GARKI 2, ABUJA. A soft copy of the proposal and attachments shall also be submitted electronically via email to”

It added that “Proposals must remain valid in all material respects for 90 days. 8. The ECNBA will shortlist and publish successful respondents on the ECNBA/NBA website or any other major platform to afford members of the Association the opportunity to make observations or file any complaint against the engagement of any of the Respondents stating substantial and verifiable grounds. The decision of the ECNBA in respect of the choice of the respondent shall be final.”

The committee set out the timelines to deliver its task of appointing the TSC as follows:

 Publish Request for Proposal – 20th February 2024

 Shortlist successful respondents and notify unsuccessful respondents – 3rd March 2024

 Publish shortlisted respondents on ECNBA/NBA websites and major platforms, request for any objections/complaints – 5th March 2024

 Consider objections and complaints against shortlisted respondent(s) – 7th March 2024

 ECNBA’s Due Diligence and final decision/Award Contract – 15th March 2024

The committee had in a notice dated 27th March, 2024 announced its shortlist of three companies for the role, saying: “The Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) is pleased to announce the shortlisted entities that have submitted bids as technical support consultants for the upcoming NBA elections.”

The companies include Infohob Technology Limited, Digital Hub Solutions and Services Limited and Morgen Green Limited.

The ECNBA stated that “These entities have demonstrated exceptional qualifications and experience in the field and will proceed to the next stage of the selection process, which will involve interviews and further assessment.”

Digiterhub is reputed as a fast-growing Managed Service Provider (MSP) business “which is poised for global expansion on the back of a robust solution/ product portfolio as well as strategic investments and enhancements in delivery capabilities like Cyber Security, Data Privacy as a Service, Cloud Computing, Mobile & Web Apps, and integrated Training hub platforms.”

Morgen Green Limited is reputed as a company that specializes in providing advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions. Äccording to the company’s profile, “We support businesses and organizations across various sectors by delivering mission-critical ICT systems, integrating tailored business solutions, and enabling end-to-end digitalization of services. Our portfolio includes telecoms, payment gateways, IT security, network services, and edutech solutions.”

Infohob Technology Limited has Mr. Anthony Tersoo Ayabam as its Founder and Chief Executive Officer. He is a member of the National Advisory Council on Technology and Creativity. He is reputed as an experienced leader in the IT and telecoms sector with over 20 years combined technical and C-Suite experience in the development, deployment and analysis of technical solutions, and trends. His technical experience is “grounded in work for range of large international corporations including Schlumberger, Ericsson and the World Bank. He helped these companies arrive at the right solutions, from conceptualization to implementation.”

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Afrobeat musician and son of legendary Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, Seun Kuti, has apologised to Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN over a defamatory statement he made against the senior lawyer.

Seun had in a video on social media alleged that Ayorinde intentionally passed information to Process and Industrial Development (P&ID) while representing Nigeria in the arbitration proceedings over a disputed gas contract.

The afrobeat musician had also vowed that he was ready to meet Ayorinde in court over the controversy surrounding the P&ID gas processing contract case.

Following this, the senior lawyer slammed the popular afrobeat musician with a libel and defamation of character lawsuit before an Oyo State High Court sitting at Ibadan.

However, at the hearing of the suit on April 18, 2024, parties informed the court that they had amicably resolved the matter. They urged the court to adopt their terms of settlement dated 15/4/2024 and filed the same date as the judgment of the court.

Consequently, Justice Kamorudeen Olawoyin adopted the terms of settlement as the judgment of the court.

The court said: “In view of the foregoing and in accordance with the expressed desire of the parties in this suit as confirmed by the respective counsel in court, I hereby enter the foregoing terms of settlement as the judgment of the court.”

In the terms of settlement seen by CITY LAWYER, Seun stated that his statements made and published on his Instagram handle @bigbirdkuti on October 31, 2023, against Ayorinde were untrue and stood retracted.

He stated: “It is not true that the claimant (Chief Ayorinde SAN) leaked confidential documents to the adverse side in the P & ID Vs. Nigeria arbitration matter or in any way conducted himself in any unethical or corrupt manner in his work as legal Practitioner for Nigeria in the said case.

“It is not true that the claimant deliberately planned with the opponent to lose in the P & ID Vs. Nigeria Arbitration Matter and sabotaged the interests of Nigeria in the case.

“It is not true that the claimant committed Treachery against Nigeria in the said P & ID Vs. Nigeria Arbitration Matter.

“It is not true that the claimant charged $197 million for a case in which the claimant intentionally sabotaged his country, Nigeria.”

Seun added: “Having now conceded that my allegations are untrue and unfounded and that I have unjustifiably impeached the character and reputation of Chief Ayorinde, SAN, I hereby publicly recant and retract my aforesaid untrue imputations against Chief Ayorinde, which stood to damage the hard earned good name and good will of Chief Ayorinde’s character.”

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