The distinguished legal luminary, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN was on Friday, 19th July, 2024 invested as a Fellow of the Association of Legislative Drafting and Advocacy Practitioners (ALDRAP).

The Investiture ceremony was led by the Secretary of ALDRAP, Dr Clinton Jaja, and the award and certificate presented on behalf of the Association by Prof. Peter Akper Terkaa, SAN.

The well-deserved investiture recognised Chief Gadzma’s tireless efforts towards the advancement of legislative drafting as a global area of law and his immense contribution to legislative advocacy in Nigeria.

Goodwill messages were delivered by Chief Mela Audu Nunghe, SAN, Madam Olaitan Abiodun, the Founder of Co-Authors and Prof. Peter Akper Terkaa, SAN.

The conferment of the rank which took place in Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, was graced by esteemed individuals, including well-wishers and the staff of J-K Gadzama LLP.

Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN appreciated the Association for this recognition and reiterated his commitment to the achievement of the Association’s goals and objectives.

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These are not the best of times for embattled Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN.

Barely hours after the factional Executive Committee of NBA Section on Public Interest and Development Law (NBA-SPIDEL) asked a Delta State High Court to jail him for alleged contempt of court, the association’s embattled Treasurer Caroline Ladidi Anze-Bishop has dragged Maikyau to sundry forums over the association’s finances.

CITY LAWYER recalls that the factional NBA-SPIDEL Executive Committee has issued Form 49 asking the High Court sitting in Warri to jail Maikyau following the holding yesterday of an NBA-SPIDEL Annual Conference which the court had barred via an interim order,

In a letter addressed to the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Prince Lateef Fagbemi SAN in his capacity as the Chairman of the General Council of the Bar (GCB), Bishop urged Fagbemi to “set-up a high-powered Committee to immediately and thoroughly consider and investigate my concerns.”


CITY LAWYER gathered that a similar petition was addressed to the Chairman of the Body of Benchers  as well as to NBA Trustees. It is recalled that Bishop made a similar plea after the controversies that trailed the NBA Annual report and Accounts at the 2023 Annual General Meeting.

Chronicling a litany of allegations which verged on not being permitted or given facilities to discharge her mandate as set out in the NBA Constitution, Bishop wrote: “As it stands now Sir, I know nothing about the Financial Position of the Association or how Mr. President is spending our Association’s finances. He simply does as he wishes and obviously without my involvement or referral to due official templates. In truth, Mr. President and G.S are the NBA Treasurers de facto while I have become a Treasurer who shows up at NEC and other Statutory Meetings to present and adopt an (sic) doctored Financial Report. My duties as contained in Section 9(5)(g) of the NBA Constitution 2021 as amended have been completely hijacked by the General Secretary with the total backing of Mr. President, without the slightest regard to my enshrined Constitutional mandate. It goes without saying therefore that I cannot endorse Annual Financial Report or present same at the subsequent NBA AGM 2024 as the NBA National Treasurer, because my job has once again been hijacked and I am still and left in gross darkness as to the Financial Status of the Bar.

It is quite unfortunate that I am still being marginalized from carrying out my constitutionally sworn duties by Mr. President especially for the second time in a row, and in a manner worse than the previous year. I therefore humbly invite this exalted body to intervene and protect my Office and other National Officers who are subjected to this autocratic leadership of the NBA President. Our public image as a Bar is at an al time low right now and I dare say it may be exposed to further embarrassments courtesy of this trajectory of the NBA President, who would rather be a autocratic than a democratic Leader.

“Decisions are taken to NEC or churned out to Nigerian Lawyers by Mr. President as the resolutions of the National Executive Committee when Official National meetings are scarcely ca led, called epileptically, hardly concluded or never even caled. Section 9(6) of the NBA Constitution 2021 as amended provides that a meeting of the National Executive Committee shall hold monthly and that all resolutions are democratically arrived at, but in our given instance the reverse applies substantively. We seldom meet as the National Executive Committee and when we do it is mostly for a Skeletal briefing by Mr. President.”

Continuing, Bishop wrote: “I therefore take this opportunity to tell all Nigerian Lawyers ahead of this year’s Annual General Meeting that the financial affairs of the Association of the Bar are still solely run by Mr. President and who has again ousted the National Treasurer from all financial activities of the Bar I repeat it again that the state of our Finances at the Bar are not transparent or known to me at all because it is Mr. President and the General Secretary that are still running the Finances of the Bar and I ask that this impunity be nibbed in the bud now lest this present unconstitutional action becomes a template and antecedent of action for future Presidents of the Bar. I have voiced out these concerns because the Bar is our commonwealth and in line with my Oath of Office all of our distinguished Colleagues need to have this information of my mandated
Stewardship efforts with Bar Finances and conundrums involved as well, as early as possible for
their needful as Stakeholders Sir.”

Saying that “no President is mandated by the NBA Constitution to takeover, assume or mute the duties of other elected Officials in the name of running the Bar,” Bishop urged Fagbemi to “kindly set-up a high-powered Committee to immediately and thoroughly consider and investigate my concerns as as presented and for your necessary action Sir.”

CITY LAWYER recalled that Bishop had sensationally disowned the NBA Annual Financial Report during the 2023 Annual General Meeting, saying that she was not privy to its preparation. The accounts remain inchoate till date.

But Maikyau had fought back, saying that members of the NBA National Executive Committee were only eager to fritter away NBA’s scarce resources. Nearly all the National Officers however issued disclaimers against the accusation.

An attempt by Bishop to ascend to the position of General Secretary in tomorrow’s NBA Elections met a brick wall as she was disqualified on the ground that she is not in full-time private practice.

Though it has been speculated that her travails may not be unconnected with her fiery stance on issues, Bishop has since approached the court to seek redress.

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The crisis rocking the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Public Interest and Development Law (NBA-SPIDEL) peaked today as the factional Executive Committee of the section has asked a Delta State High Court presided over by Justice Anthony Olotu Akpovi to jail NBA President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN for allegedly disobeying a court order.

In a Form 49 court filing obtained by CITY LAWYER and addressed to Maikyau, the plaintiffs informed Maikyau that the court would be moved to commit him to prison for allegedly disobeying a court order.

A similar process was also addressed to Mr. Ben Oji, the Secretary of the NBA-SPIDEL Caretaker Committee appointed to Maikyau to replace the Executive Committee which was dismissed following an NBA National Executive Council (NBA-NEC) resolution at its meeting in Jos, Plateau State.

Meanwhile, the plaintiffs have filed Form 48 processes against Mr. Steve Adehi SAN and Mr. Yakubu Philemon SAN, the Chairman and Alternate Chairman respectively of the Caretaker Committee, asking them to show cause why they should not be committed to prison for holding the controversial conference.

Similar Form 48 processes have also been filed against Messrs Habeeb Akorede Lawal and Charles Ajiboye, the NBA Publicity  Secretary and Assistant Publicity Secretary respectively, for their alleged roles in facilitating the conference.

CITY LAWYER recalls that following an advertised plan to hold an “NBA-SPIDEL Annual Conference,” the plaintiffs (Mr. John Aikpokpo-Martins and Ms. Funmi Adeogun, suing for themselves and on behalf of the dismissed NBA-SPIDEL Executive Committee) had approached the court for an interim injunction stopping the conference.

Though the court granted the plaintiffs’ prayer, NBA and Oji filed sundry applications including a Notice of Appeal to arrest the interim order.

Following arguments which lasted over two hours, the court however decclined to lift the interim order. Instead, the judge in a ruling obtained by CITY LAWYER that “The implication is that my interim order of 9/7/24 subsist (sic) until 30/7/24 the next hearing date.”

The NBA however held the conference yesterday. 

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Justice Anthony Olotu Akpovi has cleared the air on the controversial Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Section on Public Interest and Development Law (NBA-SPIDEL) Annual Conference scheduled for tomorrow, warning that his order stopping the conference remains intact.

In a ruling obtained by CITY LAWYER and issued by the Delta State High Court judge following yesterday’s hearing on the lawsuit brought by the factional NBA-SPIDEL Executive Committee, the court held that “The implication is that my interim order of 9/7/24 subsist (sic) until 30/7/24 the next hearing date.”

Justice Akpovi had on 9th July barred NBA from proceeding with the planned SPIDEL Annual Conference pending the determination of an application brought by the factional NBA-SPIDEL executive members who urged the court to upturn an NBA National Executive Council resolution dismissing them from office and appointing a Caretaker Committee in their stead.

A fierce bid by the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) leadership to lift the court order met a brick wall yesterday, as the factional SPIDEL Executive Committee battled against the efforts.

Following the court order obtained by the factional SPIDEL Executive Committee barring NBA from going ahead with its planned SPIDEL Annual Conference scheduled for tomorrow, the NBA had filed a flurry of processes aimed to arrest the order.

Among the processes filed by its Lead Counsel, Mr. Ama Etuwewe SAN were a Notice of Appeal against the interim order; a motion to stay enforcement of the order; a counter-affidavit in opposition to the motion for interlocutory injunction against the conference, and a counter-affidavit in opposition to the originating summons as well as a written address.

When the matter came up for hearing, factional SPIDEL Chairman and former NBA First Vice President, Mr. John Aikpokpo-Martins told the court that he was served with the four processes yesterday evening, adding that he needed time to respond to the processes.

Etuwewe however urged the court to vacate the interim order to enable the NBA-SPIDEL Annual Conference to hold as planned.

Aikpokpo-Martins countered, saying that SPIDEL could not be associated with the conference because it was being organised by non-SPIDEL members who compose the controversial Caretaker Committee.

He argued that the Caretaker Committee had been running SPIDEL bank account, adding that the factional Executive Committee could not condone such travesty.

After fierce arguments which lasted about two hours, the parties agreed to consolidate the notice of preliminary objection and the originating summons. The case was adjourned to 30th July, 2024 for hearing of the substantive originating summons and the preliminary objection.

CITY LAWYER recalls that the factional SPIDEL Executive which was dismissed by the NBA National Executive Council at its meeting in Jos had brought a lawsuit urging the court to annul the controversial NBA-NEC resolution.

The Executive Committee members are also questioning the qualification of the Caretaker Committee members, saying they are not registered members of SPIDEL and that their appointment violates the NBA Constitution.

The plaintiffs had also taken out Form 48 and vowed to commit to prison any person that attempts to proceed with the planned SPIDEL Annual Conference and Elections in violation of the interim court order.

Meanwhile, CITY LAWYER gathered today that the plaintiffs have also taken out Form 48 against the NBA-SPIDEL Caretaker Committee Chairman, Mr. Steve Adehi SAN and Mr. Yakubu Philemon SAN. Another Form 48 had earlier been addressed to NBA President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN.

Though a reliable source told CITY LAWYER that the NBA leadership planned to go ahead with tomorrow’s conference as planned, this could not be confirmed at press time.

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Gentlemen and Ladies,

I have decided to stop my campaign and rest same formally till 12 midnight in honour of my Brother and Learned Friend, Bar. Izu Amobi who I just learnt lost his life yesterday night.

Please let us all remember Bar. Izu Amobi in our prayers.

He was among the earliest to form this group. Death has once again stolen from us.

Bar. Izu Amobi was a good man. Among the best!

May the soul of Bar. Izu Amobi and the souls of others who departed in the ugly accident at Anambra State yesterday (including other Learned Friends) through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen.

My name is Dr. Gerald Abonyi.

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I endorse Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, for the esteemed position of President of the Nigerian Bar Association. Mazi Afam Osigwe embodies the values, vision, and dedication required to lead our association into a new era of progress and integrity.

Throughout his distinguished career, Mazi Afam Osigwe has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to justice, the rule of law, and the betterment of the legal profession. His exceptional legal acumen, coupled with his deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our profession, makes him uniquely qualified to serve as our next president.

Mazi Afam’s leadership is characterized by inclusivity, transparency, and a relentless drive for excellence. He has consistently advocated for the rights and welfare of lawyers, and his innovative approach to addressing the issues within our legal system has earned him the respect and admiration of his peers.

I firmly believe that under his leadership, the Nigerian Bar Association will thrive and reach new heights of achievement. His vision for a more united, efficient, and dynamic association aligns with the aspirations of our members and the broader legal community.

I urge my colleagues and fellow members of the Nigerian Bar Association to support Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, in his bid for the presidency. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant, and more impactful association that will serve the interests of all its members and contribute to the advancement of justice in Nigeria.

With great confidence in his capabilities and a shared commitment to our profession, I endorse Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, for President of the Nigerian Bar Association.


Kehinde Ogunwumiju, SAN

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The Federal High Court sitting in Benin City, Edo State capital today dismissed a lawsuit filed by Chief Kenneth Imansuagbon challenging the candidature of the Labour Party (LP) governorship candidate and former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Olumide Akpata for the Edo State governorship race.

Justice Babatunde Quadri ruled that the court lacked jurisdiction to entertain the suit, adding that the suit lacked merit and was speculative.

The court also held that Imansuangbon failed to exhaust internal dispute resolution mechanisms within the Labour Party before seeking legal action, hence it robs the court of Jurisdiction.

The Court further held that Imansuangbon’s claim that Akpata did not sign the Indemnity Form is statute-barred and that the court lacked Jurisdiction to entertain the matter.

The court declared the lawsuit premature and lacking substantial evidence to support the claims.

The ruling upholds Akpata’s position as the Labour Party’s gubernatorial candidate for the election.

Imansuangbon had in Suit No. FHC B/CS/26/2024 filed at the Benin City Division of the Federal High Court by his counsel, A. A. Malik & Co, stated that Akpata was not qualified to have contested the LP primary election, having allegedly violated the provisions of Section 222 (c) of the Nigerian Constitution as well as Article 28 of the party’s guidelines for the conduct of the primary.

Imansuangbon had urged the court to declare the votes garnered by the former NBA President in the primary election to be declared invalid and wasted.

The judge held: “This court lacks jurisdiction to entertain the suit. It lacks merit and it is based on speculation. The claimant failed to exhaust the internal dispute resolution of the party before seeking legal action hence robbing the court of jurisdiction.

“The claim that Akpata did not sign the indemnity form is status-barred and, therefore, the court lacks jurisdiction.”

Akpata was declared winner of the primary election after he defeated Imasuagbon and four others on February 23, 2024.

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Dr. Ubani, a Leading light in the Legal Profession, is a Past. Vice President NBA, Past Chairman NBA Ikeja, Past Council Chair of SPIDEL etc.

Join the L.I.B.I. Land-Banking Scheme. There is something for everyone; from individual investment at N15 million Naira and above, the group of Five [5] at N3 million naira each, the group of 15 at N1million naira each or the group of 150 at N100,000 each. Anonymous subscription is allowed.

Visit our Secretariat at suit A8, Kenuj O2 Mall, Behind Games Village Abuja.

The Lawyers In Business Institute [LIBI] is about driving Group/Individual investment, knowledge for earning, innovation, Tech-skills Trainings, Multiple streams of income and a more dignified Life for all of us; including non-Lawyers.

In the Land-Banking Scheme, we come together to own a Land, Build it, keep it, sell later and share profit.

Hurry, Only 10 slots left in Elite Group 2.

Our Lands are with FCDA ALLOCATION AND APPROVED BUILDING PLAN, in an Abuja Estate.

Other Subscribers include:
1] Aare.Isiaka Abiola Olagunju SAN

2] Anonymous [Dr.P.F.C]

3] A.O Ajayi Esq [Mrs]

4] A. O Ajayi Esq [Mrs]

5] Dr.Monday Onyekachi Ubani

6] Chinyelu Adanma

7] Mr.Justice Uwakwughasia Oguaba

8] Agbo Kingsley Tochukwu.

9] Mr.Grey Ekeju

Click below to join our group

[President LIBI/Past General Secretary NBA]

Emeka Silas Agbara Esq
[Convener LIBI/Director, Solar For All Ltd]

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Lagos, a megacity teeming with opportunities, also presents a complex landscape for real estate hopefuls. With a rapidly growing population, property purchases can be fraught with risk and this surge in demand presents a minefield for unsuspecting buyers, highlighting the need for scrupulous due diligence.

Buyers face a minefield of potential pitfalls, including fraudulent claims of ownership and properties susceptible to flooding.

“A recent case involved a client nearly purchasing a property unaware it was part of a family dispute, with one sibling attempting a sale without the knowledge of others,” says Lagos-based real estate enthusiast and CEO, Webbihomes Ltd, Mr. Victor Usoro. “Thankfully, a thorough title check by us revealed the murky ownership situation”.

“Essential infrastructure can also be lacking. Potential buyers may find themselves charmed by a property, only to discover later it lacks reliable electricity or water access, or is situated in an area prone to seasonal flooding”.

“However, innovative solutions are emerging to combat these challenges. Real estate firms like Webbihomes Ltd are offering meticulous due diligence services, conducting thorough checks to verify legal ownership and identify potential red flags like flooding risks”.

According to Victor Usoro, physical inspections are crucial. “We recently encountered a property during an inspection where access was severely limited due to flooding during the rainy season. This could have been a disastrous situation for the buyer if not identified beforehand.”

“The future of Lagos real estate appears to be one that prioritises both buyer protection and environmental responsibility.

“We have carved a niche by offering comprehensive due diligence services. These services include verifying land titles at government registries, ensuring access to essential utilities, verifying authentic owners and factoring in the impact of future development plans and ecology on a property’s value.

“Before recommending a property to a prospect, we consider proximity to services and transportation. Also, we do proper findings if the area is flooded. We confirm the availability and reliability of water, electricity, and other essential services. This protects buyers from fraudulent schemes and ensures they are making informed decisions”.

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The Supreme Court judgement on Thursday, July 11, 2024, directing the federal government to pay allocations due to local government areas directly to their accounts thereby abolishing the old practices of State-Local Government Joint Account, is timely and courageous.

What the judgement has done is more like interpreting section 162 of the Constitution, which provides for a joint State-Local Government Account. In which case, money is normally paid to state governors’ accounts and then for them to disburse to the local governments for them to share. But what has been happening is that, as I noted in 2020, over three years ago, the state governors, have been behaving like ‘‘bandits,” waylaying local government funds along the way and thus impoverishing them leaving them with nothing to work, just a little for salary. And nothing to actually work for the people whom they represent.

I agree totally with the judgement of the Supreme Court to grant full financial autonomy so that money is released and paid directly to the 774 local government councils which constitute the third-tier of government, to develop their places because the LGAs are grass rooted and nearest to the people. Rather than allow overbearing state governors throw their weight around and muzzle the local governments and seize their purse, they will now allow LGs breathe some air of freedom.

If you take a look at our situation, Nigeria is operating a very lopsided federation, more like a unitary system of government. Where the federal government is supposed to be a small government, it is controlling 67 items on the exclusive legislative list. That is why the federal government gets the lion share of the federation account, the lion share of the money that comes to the federation account to the tune of 52.68%. The states get 26.72% while the entire 774 local government councils in Nigeria get just 20.60% of the monthly allocation by the Revenue Mobilization Allocation and Fiscal Commission.

The question is, what is the federal government doing with almost 53% of the national income? That is because it is a government that is behemoth. That is elephantine. A government that intrudes and intervenes in areas that should not concern it at all. What is the federal government’s business with licensing cars and trucks for states? What is its business with the Marriage Act, dealing with how people marry and wed in Nigeria and how they live together as husband and wife and separate or divorce? What is the federal government’s business with unity schools? A whole FG operating secondary schools? What is their business? Why is the FG not allowing states generate their own power, operate their own railway stations, if they have the capacity? Why should the federal government not allow states have their own police force? Even for the local governments to have their own police force as we have in the United States and other advanced countries of the world where even tertiary institutions have their own police?

The truth is that the federal government is over bloated and over pampered. That is why it is using too much money and make the centre become too attractive, eating deep into funds that ought to be meant for the states and local government areas. The states take not only that which belongs to the states, but also waylays at source that which is meant for the local government areas. No nation grows that way.

So, I see this judgment as epochal, having far-reaching effect because money will now be made available directly to the local government areas who will no longer be subservient, like fawning slaves to state governors. In fact, the judgement even went further to say that no state government has the power henceforth to dissolve local government areas. This is because we have been seeing cases where in spite of the provisions of section 7 of the 1999 constitution that give autonomy to local government areas, states normally go ahead and dissolve local government areas and appoint caretaker committees for them. This is whimsical and capricious. The Supreme Court has said this can no longer go on and that henceforth, no state government should ever be able to dissolve any local government area in Nigeria for any reason whatsoever and howsoever.

The judgement is salutary, timely and regenerative. It should be upheld by all governments and people in Nigeria for better democratic dividends. I see this as victory for our wobbling democracy, even if we are far removed from true fiscal federalism where the federating units control and utilize their God-given resources while paying royalty or tax to the central government. This case is one big plus for tested court room gladiator, Prince Lateef Fagbemi, SAN, the Attorney General of the Federation, who initiated the case at the apex court, invoking its original jurisdiction. Surely, to jaw-jaw is better than to war-war. God bless Nigeria.

  • Chief Mike Ozekhome is a Senior Advocate of Nigeria and writes from Abuja.

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Nta Ekpiken Nkpang, Immediate Past NBA Lagos Branch Secretary Endorses Tobenna Erojikwe for NBA President

Nta Ekpiken Nkpang, the immediate past secretary of the NBA Lagos Branch, has officially endorsed Tobenna Erojikwe for the position of NBA President. In a heartfelt statement, Nkpang highlighted Erojikwe’s leadership qualities and his significant contributions to the legal profession in Nigeria.

Nkpang, who worked closely with Erojikwe on various NBA initiatives, described him as an “extremely brilliant and incisive mind that would not let a point go without drilling it down and encouraging a flow of ideas while insisting on a landing.” This observation stems from their first encounter when Erojikwe was introduced to Nkpang and colleagues at Aluko and Oyebode.

The endorsement emphasises Erojikwe’s commitment to lawyer development, particularly through his role as Chairman of the CLE Committee of the NBA Lagos Branch. Nkpang noted, “It was critical to you that the NBA focus on quality training and development initiatives without charging fees to its members. You instituted the Group Mentorship Initiative and the One-to-One Mentorship Scheme, and through them, you created opportunities for many young lawyers and older ones.”

Erojikwe’s leadership of the NBA Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NBA-ICLE) was also praised, with Nkpang stating that he “still push[es] the philosophy of accessibility, affordability, and availability of development initiatives.”

A significant portion of the endorsement focuses on Erojikwe’s leadership during the 2023 NBA Conference Planning Committee (TCCP). Nkpang described his leadership as “effortless” and highlighted his resilience in the face of challenges: “You led the team in such an extraordinary and efficient way that we all thought that nothing could go wrong, but when issues arose, you faced them head-on and told everyone else to act out the script that the show must continue.”

Nkpang particularly commended Erojikwe’s integrity and commitment to quality, stating, “You refused to be persuaded to give substandard-quality bags to our members but rather risked your reputation for excellence in order to do what you believed was right.”

The endorsement concludes with a strong recommendation: “In all the capacities mentioned above, we encountered a courageous, innovative, disciplined, principled, and selfless leader. I heartily recommend you as the best candidate for the office of president of this dear association.”

As the NBA presidential election approaches, this endorsement from a recent key figure in the NBA Lagos Branch adds to the growing support for Erojikwe’s candidature, highlighting his leadership experience and commitment to the development of the legal profession in Nigeria.

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It’s with great joy that Sabastine Anyia, the candidate for the office of the First Vice President felicitates with the Chairman and good people of NBA, OJI – River BRANCH, for their well thought out law week. I also welcome Distinguished Senior Advocates, Benchers, elders at the Bar, learned friends and colleagues to the Power Bar, for this year’s law week.

NBA Oji- River BRANCH is one of the major branches of NBA in Enugu State and by extension Nigeria. NBA Oji-River branch has produced amazing leaders in this great association. I’m proud of what you have accomplished as a branch.

I’m happy that the organizing committee of the branch Law Week took the present realities into consideration in planning this year law week as can be seen in the theme of the law week: ” Human
Right Abuses and Challenges : Practical Approaches to Achieving Harmonious Relationships Between Security Agencies and Lawyers “. This well organized law week program and the invited legal Giants who are lined up to deliver talks herein speak volumes of NBA OJI – RIVERS BRANCH.

I have no doubt that the gathering of these legal GIANTS in this law week shall guide us and give us a new direction on how to pilot the affairs of this great country in a manner that will make us truly the giant of Africa.

I wish us all safe travels as we journey to attend NBA, OJI-RIVER Branch law week even as I wish them a rewarding outing.

Sabastine Anyia
Former Chairman, NBA Aguata and former Chairman of Chairmen and Secretaries of the 8 branches of NBA in Anambra State.

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The importance of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the legal profession cannot be overemphasized. It is a key pathway to success in the legal field. This is one of the many plans dear to the heart of Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, as outlined in the Proactive Bar Manifesto.

A vote for Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, on the 20th of July, 2024, guarantees that he will:

  • Advocate for employers to have a CPD plan for lawyers in their employment.
  • Set qualifications and license service providers for CPD programs.
  • Review and evaluate all CPD programs to meet current realities and enhance practice in the legal space.
  • Create rules to regulate CPD.
  • Institutionalize and reform the NBA Journal.
  • Ensure mandatory acquisition of ICT skills for lawyers to enhance productivity and growth in legal practice.

To access the Proactive Bar Manifesto, visit

Vote for MAZI AFAM JOSIAH OSIGWE, SAN as President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

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Solar For All: Hon. Muizudeen Abdullahi SAN (Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice of Kogi State) is our “Star Client of the week”

Hon. Muizudeen SAN is an astute Lawyer of outstanding repute and a huge inspiration to many.

To get an efficient Solar system at 10% Discount anywhere in Nigeria with 25 years warranty and “Pay Small Small”, call/chat Solar For All Ltd: 08060266163.

(Abuja) Suite A8, Kenuj O2 Mall ,Behind Games Village.
(Lagos) No 113A, Mainland Way, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi.
(Enugu State) Ehalumona Junction, Nsukka.

He is an embodiment of goodness and intellectualism; a great son of a great Islamic Scholar in EgbiraLand, late Honourable Justice Younus Abdullahi, who was the first Grand Kadi of Kogi State.

His astounding depth of knowledge on jurisprudence, his thoroughness as a legal practitioner par excellence and his steadfastness as an Islamic Scholar are virtues that are worthy of emulation.

The Solar System ensures steady Power and at least 50% saving in the cost of power, such that within about two years of usage, Learned Silk would have recovered his cost of installation 100%.

Other beneficiaries from whom the efficiency of delivery can be verified include: Chief James Ogu Onoja SAN (Ofante Kogi State); Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye [the Soun of Ogbomoso]; Mrs. Ezinwa Nwanyieze Okoroafor Esq.; Dr. Chike Okogwu; Mr. Stephen Arubuike Esq. of G. Elias SAN &Co; Chief Solomon Umoh SAN; Alhj. Ohio Abdullahi; Amb. Gen. Tukur Burutai (COAS Rtd); Chief S. I. Ameh SAN; Dr. Monday Onyekachi Ubani Esq; Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN; Sir Ebun Olu Adegboruwa SAN; Dr. Anthony Ani (Federal Medical Center Cooperatives); Mr. Lawrence Nwaketi; Mrs. Amina Agbaje Esq (FIDA Nigeria CVP); Prof. Dr. Olusola Oke (UNILAG COLLEGE OF MEDICINE); Dr. Muiz Banire SAN; Chief Jude Onwuharonye Esq.; High Chief Emeka J-P Obegolu SAN; Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN; Chief J-K Gadzama SAN; Hon. Justice George Oguntade (Justice of the Supreme Court Rtd); Sir James Ononiwu (NBA Ikeja); Chief Ejiofor Onwuaso (Otu Oka-Iwu Abuja); Hon. Sir. Ebuka Igwe (Anambra State House of Assembly); Prince Adetosoye Adebiyi Esq.; Mr. Paul Daudu Esq (J.B Daudu SAN & Co); Mr. Benedict Daudu Esq; Chief Peter Ilegogie Esq; Aare Muyiwa Akinboro SAN; Aare Isiaka Olagunju SAN; Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN (SPA Ajibade SAN & Co); FIDA Nigeria (FIDA House Abuja); Prince Adetokunbo Kayode SAN; Dr. Mrs. Ayorinde (Ayorinde SAN & Co); Mrs. Mariam Agbaboka; Barr. Mrs. Rachel Ebun Akerele; Mr. Anthony Malik SAN; Chief Tawo E. Tawo SAN; Chief Kemi Pinheiro SAN; Mr. I. M. Dikko SAN (Liman, Liman SAN & Co); Hon. Justice Emeka Nriezedi (Anambra State Judiciary); Dr. Hassan Liman SAN; Chief J. U. K. Igwe SAN; Mr. Chike Ekeocha, Esq. (Alex Izinyon SAN & Co/SUEX Nig. Ltd); Mummy Sylvia Okoregbe Esq; John Ochogwu, Esq; Hon. Rodrich Ugwu Esq; Prof. Godson Ogbonna (Abia State University, Uturu); Sir Austin Mwana Esq; Mr. Thony Lyiod Onyemaizu Esq; Dr. Agada Elachi Esq; Mr. Zach Akubo (S. I. Ameh SAN & Co); Mr. Ime Edem-nse Esq; Mr. Edafe Mrakpor Esq. (Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development); Ebedebiri Cottage Hospital, Sagbama LGA, Bayelsa State; Federal College of Education, Warri; Nigerian Agricultural Seeds Council; Institute Of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria (ICMC); Chief R. N. Okeke and Sons Ltd, Wukari, Taraba State; Alhaji Abdulrahman Adamu (Trademoore Estate), among many others.

Some of the distinguishing benefits of Solar/Inverters include:
*Solar is cheaper at long-run!

*24 hours Power Supply for homes/offices

* Your current Power cost will drop by at least 50% after we install.

*No noise!

*No Pollution!

*Automatic change over!

*No fueling

*25 years warranty on the German Cells Solar panels.

To view the price list, click here

  • The views expressed in this featured report are entirely those of the author.

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On Wednesday, June 26, 2024 the Eminent Silk, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN delivered a Guest Lecture at the Legislative Assembly News One Year Anniversary Event which held at the National Assembly Complex Abuja.

The Anniversary Event which harboured a Book Launch and an Award Night as well had in attendance a number of Legislators, Royal Fathers and many stakeholders was Chaired by Hon. Suleiman Abubakar Gummi, the House of Representatives Member representing Gummi/Bukkuyum Federal Constituency and Chairs the House Committee on Climate Change and Environment. It had in attendance Hon. Prince Lateef Olaide Mohammed (representing Irepo/Orelope/Olorunsogo Federal Constituency of Oyo State), Hon. Joshua Gana ( representing Lavun/Mokwa/Edati Federal Constituency of Niger State, Senator Ned Munir Nwoko (ably represented by his Chief of Staff), Hon. Prince Odianosen Okojie (represented by his Personal Assistant), HRH Alhaji Adamu Baba Yunusa, the Ona of Abaji and Chairman FCT Traditional Council (ably represented), Success Obioma, Esq. Dr. Akin Oluwale Oluwadayisi, the book reviewer and many others.

The Learned Silk delivered his Guest Lecture on the theme, “Commemorating Milestones for Effective legislation in Nation Building”.

While delivering his Lecture, the renowned Silk noted that the essence of law making is nation building. He further stated that effective legislation plays a crucial role in providing the legal framework for good governance, economic development, and social progress.

He then highlighted some of the milestones achieved so far by the National Assembly ranging from constitutional development, tackling security and criminal justice challenges, social and civic development, and economic development through legislations such as the Electoral Act 2022, Freedom of Information Act 2011, The Electricity Act Amendment Act of 2024, Nigeria Startup Act 2022, Nigerian Data Protection Act 2023 and
Students Loans (Access to Higher Education) Act 2024.

Indeed it was an insightful lecture in the light of current realities in Nigeria. The Learned Silk ended his speech by eloquently describing the Nigeria of his dreams.

I dream of a Nigeria with purposeful, visionary, and exemplary leadership which extols national interests above the individual and sectional interests. I dream of a day Nigerians will have leaders that are unifying figures and who command moral authority;
I dream of a Nigeria with free, fair, transparent, and credible national elections;
I dream of a Nigeria where humanity is our race, our language is one and indigenship is true to all citizens regardless of residency in any State. I dream of a Nigeria where unity binds all peoples both at home and in the diaspora;

I dream of a Nigeria where a nobody can become somebody and somebody is treated as equal with someone regarded as a nobody in the eyes of the law – where the rule of law is worshipped and the sacredness of justice is not corrupted. I dream of a Nigeria where equity, fairness, transparency, and justice thrive above all intents and aspirations of persons;
I dream of a Nigeria inspiring the African continent and the black race to her pride of place in the world;
I dream of a Nigeria where the Legal Profession and the Bar play a pivotal role in nation-building since we are the primus inter pares;
I dream, I dream and I dream of a better Nigeria where everyone mutually co-exists and lives peacefully with a wide range of opportunities to thrive and succeed in any lawful profession, trade or vocation anywhere he or she resides. I dream of a brighter future for our children and children’s children. I pray that all Nigerians work to make these dreams come to pass in the not too distant future.

The distinguished legal luminary, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN was also meritoriously honoured with an award of Legislative Legal Pacesetter of the Year 2024 by the Legislative Assembly News for his immense contribution to the legislative process of our dear nation.

Other Awardees included the Chairman of the Event, a number of Legislators and industry players. It was indeed a colourful event.


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The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Nigeria Annual Conference is a marquee event in the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) calendar.

This year’s theme, “Fresh Perspectives: Back to Basics in ADR” highlights the need for a renewed focus on fundamental principles.

The conference will bring together leading arbitration experts who have contributed significantly to the field. Their insights and experience and your participation will help shape the future of arbitration in Nigeria and promote a more effective and trustworthy system.

This post introduces the confirmed speakers and looks forward to their valuable contributions to the conference.

To view all videos, click here.


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Mr. Adewale Sanni has emerged as the pioneer Chairman-elect of the newly created Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Eti-osa Branch.

The senior lawyer emerged unopposed as the chairman of the nascent branch alongside other members of the new Executive Committee.

CITY LAWYER recalls that Sanni was highly instrumental to the birthing of the new branch which emerged from the now defunct Eti-Osa Lawyers Forum (ELF).

A statement by the Publicity Secretary-elect of the branch, Mr. Makinde Akeem Olasunkanmi reads:

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Eti-osa Branch held its maiden Annual General Meeting/inaugural election today, June 26, 2024, at the Christopher Olatunde Segun Court complex. The newly elected executives ran unopposed, bringing joy to all present.

The elected officials and their positions are as follows:

1. Mr. M.M.A. Sanni – Chairman-elect
2. Mr. Lanre Obadina – Vice Chairman-elect
3. Mr. Peter Gabriel – Secretary-elect
4. Mr. Manir Ahmad – Assistant Secretary-elect
5. Mrs. Grace Ajayi – Social Secretary-elect
6. Mr. Makinde Akeem Olasunkanmi – Publicity Secretary-elect

Additional positions will be filled by the new executives post-inauguration scheduled for July 2024.

The Chairman-elect, Mr. M. M. A. Sanni expressed gratitude to the Caretaker Committee Chairman, Mr. Olawale Ajia and his team. He pledged to fulfill the commitments set out in his manifesto.

Congratulations flooded in for the new executives amidst a celebratory atmosphere. Stay tuned for updates on the inauguration date and venue.

Makinde Akeem Olasunkanmi, Esq.


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MAZI AFAM JOSIAH OSIGWE, SAN delivered a compelling speech on “Restructuring of the Nigerian State: A Veritable Tool for National Development” at the Nigerian Bar Association, Benin Branch Law Week.

This event marked a significant milestone in our ongoing discourse on national development and governance. Afam Osigwe’s address was not only insightful but also deeply thought-provoking, providing a comprehensive analysis of the current state of Nigeria and the potential benefits of restructuring.

He elaborated on how restructuring can serve as a transformative tool for national development. By advocating for a more balanced distribution of power and resources, the Learned Silk highlighted the importance of creating a system that promotes efficiency, accountability, and equitable development across all regions of Nigeria.

He emphasized that restructuring is crucial for fostering unity and harmony among Nigeria’s diverse populations. Through his eloquent speech, Afam Osigwe conveyed the idea that a well-structured governance framework could lead to sustainable growth and the realization of a prosperous and united Nigeria.

The learned silk is known to never shy away from addressing national issues candidly, he touched majorly on the challenges we face as a nation the opportunities available in those seemingly challenging situations, and how the Nigerian state can harness her enormous potential for a better future.

Leaders like Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, who are willing to share their thoughts on critical national issues without fear of controversy, deserve our support and recognition.


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The election for a new leadership for Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Aba Branch could not hold yesterday due to disruptions done by appeals against the qualification of some candidates. The election was postponed to today.

Meanwhile, past and present NBA National Officers have come down hard on the  NBA Branch Elections Appeal Committee (East) for its decision to bar fiery General Council of the Bar (GCB) member, Mr. Chinonye Onwere from contesting today’s chairmanship election. The decision leaves only Mr. Charles Onuchukwu as the presumptive Branch Chairman-elect.

The incumbent chairman of the branch, Mr. Innocent Egwu told CITY LAWYER that challenges arising from late production of ballot papers due to the Appeal Committee decisions led to the postponement of the election.

The Appeal Committee had in a controversial decision barred Onwere from the chairmanship poll on the basis that he has allegedly held two elective offices before gunning for the position of branch chairman.

CITY LAWYER gathered that the committee had stated that “the said Victor Chinonye Onwere, Esq. is equally not qualified to contest the said election having held two elective positions which he is still holding one presently. He was elected the Vice Chairman of NBA Aba branch in 2020 to 2022 and was equally elected as a member of the General Council of the Bar which election took place in July 2022 and which office he is still occupying till date to expire in July 2024.”

But NBA First Vice President Linda Bala; her predecessor-in-office, Mr. John Aikpokpo-Martins; immediate past NBA Publicity Secretary Kunle Edun and Egwu sharply disagreed with the committee.

According to information obtained by CITY LAWYER, Aikpokpo-Martins had fired the first salvo when the matter trended on the exclusive “Present and Past National Officers” WhatsApp platform.

Responding to the committee’s decision, the estranged Chairman of NBA Section on Public Interest and Development Law (NBA-SPIDEL) wrote: “Wonderful! How can membership of a caretaker committee (by Onwere’s nominator) be deemed as holding office as a branch officer! How can a position held in 2009 come into reckoning in the determination of a 5-year period! The problem in the NBA is that almost no one is interested in the affairs of the association. So sad.”

On her part, Bala responded on her verified WhatsApp handle, saying: “Gentlemen Good Morning Sirs. The 5-year period is counted from the date you last relinquished the office. Being a Chairman of a caretaker committee is definitely not inclusive. For the purposes of Branch Elections only Branch held positions are in issue not National. For the National only Nationally held elections are counted & 10 years is calculated from the date you ceased to be a National Officer. My take, Sirs.”

Also expressing shock at the decision of the Appeal Committee, Edun wrote: “I cannot believe what I read that happened. Seriously, can this be true?”

Berating the Appeal Committee for the hammer that fell on his close associate at the GCB, Aikpokpo-Martins described the decision as “unacceptable and quite unfortunate. It smells more of a hatchet job.” While Aikpokpo-Martins is the Coordinator of the amorphous ‘Representatives of the NBA to the General Council of the Bar’ which is at loggerheads with NBA President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN, Onwere is the Secretary.

Aikpokpo-Martins also wrote: “However, I do not agree respectfully, sir, that a member of the General Council of the Bar is a national officer and should be barred from holding national office. A member of the General Council of the Bar is just like a member of the Body of Benchers. He is not a national officer. Great injustice has been occasioned by the Eastern Zone Appeals Committee.

“The appeals committee has no jurisdiction to sit over a petition except it is an appeal arising from a decision of the branch electoral committee from a petition made to the branch electoral committee by a known petitioner.

“We must not destroy the NBA for petty reasons and for the fact that you have an opportunity to sit in judgment over your colleagues.”

Egwu noted that Onwere “was not informed of any pending petition against him not to talk of being asked to respond to the petition. We were at a requisitioned Extra-Ordinary General Meeting of the branch when the WhatsApp message on the decision came in. Immediately I read it to the house, Onwere became very agitated; he could not believe it, he was in a kind of trance as to whether such was indeed happening in real life.

“Some have argued that it seems like a hatchet job. It is certainly a very disturbing development. The natural thing is to have given him an opportunity to respond to any petition against him. That he is holding a position at the national level is not one of the grounds for disqualification under the Uniform Bye-laws. In fact, the NBA Constitution did not list membership of the General Council of the Bar as one of the offices that constitute a bar even at the national level.

“Again, his nominator was merely a member of the Branch Caretaker Committee which was peopled by past officers of the branch and mandated to rescue the branch during its crisis period. The committee was in office for less than two years. How can his answering a call to rescue the branch as a past branch officer be held against him and his nominee?”

Onwere’s nominator, one E. E. Agwulonu, was alleged to have “held two elective offices within the last five 5 years is not qualified to stand election for the same office and as such not eligible to nominate any body for any elective office of the branch”.

Agwulonu denies the claim. His words: “For the avoidance of doubt, the last elected position I held in the Branch was the position of NEC REP(which ordinarily wasn’t even an elective position then) and this was between 2007 to 2009.
The position of member of caretaker committee which I held about Five years ago was never elective position and I was even appointed in absentia and it was at inaugural meeting of the said committee which comprised only past chairmen of the Branch and all former National officers of the Branch. As Victor Nwaugo pointed out the caretaker position lasted for less than one year and cannot by any stretch of the imagination translate into a tenure of office in NBA Aba Branch which is a complete two years. How can a period between 2009 to 2020 be interpreted to mean a period of Five years.”

The Appeal Committee had stated that the provision of Article 6(3) “is quite explicit” as it provides as a disqualifying factor thus : “No member of a branch shall occupy the same office for more than two (2) years and any member who has held elective offices as a branch officer for two (2) terms shall not be eligible to contest for a branch office until at least five (5) years after his /her tenure of office “.

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 The Law Office is a full-service law firm situated at Ikoyi, Lagos.

 Associate

 1-3 years post-call

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 Interested candidates should email


APPLICATION DEADLINE: Sunday, June 30, 2024. Interviews to hold first week in July.

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

POSTSCRIPT: This law firm has been VERIFIED by CITY LAWYER.


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Solar For All: Hon. Muizudeen Abdullahi SAN (Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice of Kogi State) is our “Star Client of the week”

Hon. Muizudeen SAN is an astute Lawyer of outstanding repute and a huge inspiration to many.

To get an efficient Solar system at 10% Discount anywhere in Nigeria with 25 years warranty and “Pay Small Small”, call/chat Solar For All Ltd: 08060266163.

(Abuja) Suite A8, Kenuj O2 Mall ,Behind Games Village.
(Lagos) No 113A, Mainland Way, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi.
(Enugu State) Ehalumona Junction, Nsukka.

He is an embodiment of goodness and intellectualism; a great son of a great Islamic Scholar in EgbiraLand, late Honourable Justice Younus Abdullahi, who was the first Grand Kadi of Kogi State.

His astounding depth of knowledge on jurisprudence, his thoroughness as a legal practitioner par excellence and his steadfastness as an Islamic Scholar are virtues that are worthy of emulation.

The Solar System ensures steady Power and at least 50% saving in the cost of power, such that within about two years of usage, Learned Silk would have recovered his cost of installation 100%.

Other beneficiaries from whom the efficiency of delivery can be verified include: Chief James Ogu Onoja SAN (Ofante Kogi State); Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye [the Soun of Ogbomoso]; Mrs. Ezinwa Nwanyieze Okoroafor Esq.; Dr. Chike Okogwu; Mr. Stephen Arubuike Esq. of G. Elias SAN &Co; Chief Solomon Umoh SAN; Alhj. Ohio Abdullahi; Amb. Gen. Tukur Burutai (COAS Rtd); Chief S. I. Ameh SAN; Dr. Monday Onyekachi Ubani Esq; Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN; Sir Ebun Olu Adegboruwa SAN; Dr. Anthony Ani (Federal Medical Center Cooperatives); Mr. Lawrence Nwaketi; Mrs. Amina Agbaje Esq (FIDA Nigeria CVP); Prof. Dr. Olusola Oke (UNILAG COLLEGE OF MEDICINE); Dr. Muiz Banire SAN; Chief Jude Onwuharonye Esq.; High Chief Emeka J-P Obegolu SAN; Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN; Chief J-K Gadzama SAN; Hon. Justice George Oguntade (Justice of the Supreme Court Rtd); Sir James Ononiwu (NBA Ikeja); Chief Ejiofor Onwuaso (Otu Oka-Iwu Abuja); Hon. Sir. Ebuka Igwe (Anambra State House of Assembly); Prince Adetosoye Adebiyi Esq.; Mr. Paul Daudu Esq (J.B Daudu SAN & Co); Mr. Benedict Daudu Esq; Chief Peter Ilegogie Esq; Aare Muyiwa Akinboro SAN; Aare Isiaka Olagunju SAN; Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN (SPA Ajibade SAN & Co); FIDA Nigeria (FIDA House Abuja); Prince Adetokunbo Kayode SAN; Dr. Mrs. Ayorinde (Ayorinde SAN & Co); Mrs. Mariam Agbaboka; Barr. Mrs. Rachel Ebun Akerele; Mr. Anthony Malik SAN; Chief Tawo E. Tawo SAN; Chief Kemi Pinheiro SAN; Mr. I. M. Dikko SAN (Liman, Liman SAN & Co); Hon. Justice Emeka Nriezedi (Anambra State Judiciary); Dr. Hassan Liman SAN; Chief J. U. K. Igwe SAN; Mr. Chike Ekeocha, Esq. (Alex Izinyon SAN & Co/SUEX Nig. Ltd); Mummy Sylvia Okoregbe Esq; John Ochogwu, Esq; Hon. Rodrich Ugwu Esq; Prof. Godson Ogbonna (Abia State University, Uturu); Sir Austin Mwana Esq; Mr. Thony Lyiod Onyemaizu Esq; Dr. Agada Elachi Esq; Mr. Zach Akubo (S. I. Ameh SAN & Co); Mr. Ime Edem-nse Esq; Mr. Edafe Mrakpor Esq. (Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development); Ebedebiri Cottage Hospital, Sagbama LGA, Bayelsa State; Federal College of Education, Warri; Nigerian Agricultural Seeds Council; Institute Of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria (ICMC); Chief R. N. Okeke and Sons Ltd, Wukari, Taraba State; Alhaji Abdulrahman Adamu (Trademoore Estate), among many others.

Some of the distinguishing benefits of Solar/Inverters include:
*Solar is cheaper at long-run!

*24 hours Power Supply for homes/offices

* Your current Power cost will drop by at least 50% after we install.

*No noise!

*No Pollution!

*Automatic change over!

*No fueling

*25 years warranty on the German Cells Solar panels.

To view the price list, click here

  • The views expressed in this featured report are entirely those of the author.

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Former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) General Secretary, Mr. Nimi Walson-Jack has appealed the decision of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory which held that NBA has the power to remove or dismiss any erring member of its National Executive Council (NEC).

According to a statement made available to CITY LAWYER, the embattled Bar Leader has filed 6 grounds of appeal challenging the decision of the lower court and seeking an order of the court setting aside the entire judgment.

The legal team is to be led by experienced litigator and Bar Leader, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN.

The statement reads:


Recall that the Past General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Hon. Nimi Walson-Jack commenced an action before the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory against the NBA challenging the unlawful and arbitral resolution of the NBA National Executive Council (NBA-NEC) suspending him as a member of the NBA-NEC and stripping him of all privileges accruing to him as a past General Secretary for promoting the Nigerian Law Society (NLS).

On Tuesday, 19th March, 2024, the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory delivered its Judgment in favour of the Defendant and held that the Defendant reserves the power to remove or dismiss any erring member of the Council.

Dissatisfied with the Judgment of the Court, Hon. Nimi Walson-Jack has now filed a Notice of Appeal on Thursday, 13th June, 2024 containing 6 grounds of appeal challenging the decision of the lower Court and seeking an order of the Honourable Court setting aside the referenced Judgment.

The Notice of Appeal was filed by the Eminent Silk, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN who is set to lead the team of lawyers representing Hon. Nimi Walson-Jack at the Court of Appeal.

The crux of Hon Walson-Jack’s appeal is that the NBA Constitution does not confer or imply any conferment of any power on the NBA-NEC to either suspend or remove Hon. Walson-Jack from the National Executive Council, hence the act of suspension by the NBA-NEC is ultra-vires.

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LEDAP condemns the removal of Dr. Solomon Arase from office of the Chairman of Police Service Commission by the President as the removal process did not follow due process and requirements of the Police Service Commission (Establishment) Act 2001. Under the Act, the chairman can only be removed with the vote of the Senate, which was not the case here.

LEDAP demands for his immediate reinstatement and calls on the Federal Government to consistently follow due process in carrying out governance activity.

Section 5 (1) of the Police Service Commission (PSC) Act 2001, provides that, “Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 4 of this Act, the Chairman and any other member, may at any time be removed from office by the President acting on an address supported by a two-thirds majority of the Senate praying that he be removed for inability to discharge the functions of the Office (whether arising from infirmity of mind or body or any other cause of misconduct).”

Recall that, President Tinubu in a statement on June 10th, 2024 also announced to the public the immediate appointment of Mr. Hashimu Arugungu as the new chairman of the PSC, thereby bringing to an abrupt the tenure of Arase.

For: LEDAP – Legal Defence & Assistance Project


Nora Asobara
Program Officer

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Three Candidates have been cleared by the Seun Abimbola SAN-led Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) for the 2024 NBA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. They are Afam Osigwe SAN of NBA Abuja Branch , Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN of Lagos Branch and Tobenna Erijokwe of NBA Lagos Branch.

In a dramatic twist, Joyce Oduah, immediate past General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association was disqualified by the ECNBA on the ground that her contest violates the provision of the Constitution of the Nigerian Bar Association (2019 as amended) to the effect that a National officer of the statute of General Secretary can only run 7 years after holding such a national office. Her appeal at the Elections Appeal Committee has equally been dismissed, leaving her with the only option of approaching the Courts, which she has sworn to do in a recent public statement.


Clearly, except a “miraculous” comeback of Joyce Oduah, the boxing ring for the NBA PRESIDENCY is set for 3 candidates, earlier highlighted above.

Without being immodest, pundits have opined that Afam Osigwe SAN is the candidate to beat in the forthcoming Presidential elections. Apart from the huge credentials of experience of being a former General Secretary of the Association, there are strong opinions to the effect that Afam Osigwe SAN is the “anointed candidate” of Austin Alegeh SAN, the “Kingmaker” of the Nigerian Bar Association, whom pundits believe has been producing candidates from back-to-back since his emergence as President of the NBA in 2014. It is also a notorious fact that Afam Osigwe SAN served as General Secretary of Austin Alegeh SAN during his reign as President between 2014-2016.

However, pundits are of the view that Afam Osigwe SAN’s road to being “anointed” is a chequered one. It will be recalled that he was disqualified at his first attempt at NBA PRESIDENCY in 2018, with many bookmakers holding the view that this led to a “discord” of a sort between him and his former Principal.

However, pundits have observed that Afam Osigwe SAN has reconciled with his former Principal, given his unbroken hold on the Presidential throne of the Nigerian Bar Association. Needless to say, the reconciliation has brought Osigwe SAN many perks and privileges. Within the 8 years’ interlude, he has taken Silk and now appears the top contender for the Number 1 position in the Nigerian Bar Association.


However, the falcon seems not to hear the falconer, “things have fallen apart” in the camp of the “ALEGEH-ists”, the Orthodox followers of Austin Alegeh SAN who see the 2026 Presidential election as “compensation” for their unalloyed loyalty to their leader, Austin Alegeh SAN.

This explains why Tobenna Erijokwe is in the Presidential race, despite the fact that pundits believe Afam Osigwe SAN is the “anointed” candidate of Austin Alegeh SAN. Indeed, pundits opine that Tobenna Erijokwe is a candidate of the Akpata-ists, a splinter group of the ALEGEH-ists led by the immediate past President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Olumide Akpata who is now running as Labour Party candidate in the imminent Edo State Gubernatorial Election.

Pundits observed an acrimony of a sort that developed with Olumide Akpata, who is a follower of Austin Alegeh SAN himself and rode to power on the back of a united family of the ALEGEH-ists. The “acrimony” is believed not to be unconnected with the events that trailed the last days of Olumide Akpata as President of the Nigerian Bar Association in the Body of Benchers. The dust is yet to settle in the hallowed Chambers of the Body of Benchers which accounts for the ongoing war of attrition between Chief Adegboyega Awomolo SAN and Alegeh himself. However, that is another issue entirely and not the focus of this analysis.

The first manifestation of split within the ranks of the ALEGEH-ists was in the battle for the Chairmanship of Lagos Branch, which all pundits have come to believe is the beachhead of winning NBA PRESIDENCY. Olumide Akpata outrightly supported the candidacy of Mayowa Owolabi against the candidacy of Bisi Makanjuola, whom many believed is supported by Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN – for the obvious reason of gaining home support for his NBA PRESIDENTIAL ambition.

For events that have become history, Bisi Makanjuola in a dazzling razzmatazz beat Mayowa Owolabi, the Akpata-ist, in a grand display of show of force by Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN that he still has a deep hold on the voting structures of his Branch as a former Chairman of the Branch between 2017 and 2019. Both Tobenna Erijokwe and Olumide Akpata, the godfathers of Mayowa Owolabi, are veterans of the Section of Business Law of NBA and never commanded leadership of NBA Lagos like Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN. As they say, all politics is local.

The defeat of the Akpata-ists in the local NBA Lagos Branch election did not deter them from pressing forward with their Presidential election. However, the question that is on the lips of many pundits is: Can mere repetition of the “political thunder” of Olumide Akpata by Tobenna Erijokwe that “he is not a SAN” and his impressive innovations and use of contemporary social media platforms as Chairman of the Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE) jell for Tobenna Erijokwe?

The answer is in varied forms. One, Tobenna Erijokwe would have given Afam Osigwe SAN run for his money if Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN is not in the race. By contesting from the same Branch, the duo have split the votes from the Branch into two and made the job of winning the election easier for Afam Osigwe SAN.

Two, Olumide Akpata rode to power on the back of vigorous efforts of a united family of the ALEGEH-ists and his local Branch, the NBA Lagos Branch. However , the split in the ranks of the ALEGEH-ists at the top has also split the ranks of Lagos Branch members into two, especially among the Orthodox Akpata-ists, die-hard canvassers and followers of Olumide Akpata in his PRESIDENTIAL BID, who are now divided into new day Ikwuazom-ites and Tobenna-ites.


For pundits, Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN ‘s entry and traction in the 2024 Presidential race is a new day phenomenon. What is not well known especially to recent observers of NBA national politics is the fact that Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN played a major back-end role in the Presidential candidacy of Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN in the last NBA 2020 elections. However, Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN’s contest in the 2020 election could not gain much traction due to the unity and strength of the ALEGEH-ists that drove the Akpata’s campaign. Two is also the fact that the Learned Silk as well as Dele Adesina SAN were swimming against the tide of “anti-SAN” sentiment whipped up by the campaigners of Olumide Akpata. Yet he came second, leaving the perennial contestant in person of Dele Adesina SAN to a distant third. In fact, many pundits believe that Dr. Ajibade SAN’s contest was a reply of a section of lawyers of Yoruba extraction to the perennial contest of Dele Adesina SAN.

Aside this, Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN is also not a newcomer in NBA politics. His Chairmanship of NBA Lagos Branch between 2017 and 2019 is still regarded as a sterling performance. He has equally demonstrated his strong grip of the local voting structures by installing a Chairman of his making in person of the incumbent Chairman, Bisi Makanjuola. He outsmarted the combined energy of Olumide Akpata as immediate past President and Tobenna Erijokwe, who is no political lightweight and a rival in the Presidential election, to the game.

In other words, Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN and the dynamo behind his Presidential campaign is a phenomenon to study for political pundits in the NBA. What is clear is that his campaign rests on two pillars. Clearly, he is a candidate of a section of the Bar who are totally aggrieved of the perennial hold of the ALEGEH-ists on power at the Centre. Two, he is a forerunner of a comeback of Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN in the NBA 2026 Presidential election, which is zoned to the West. A victory for Ikwuazom SAN would mean an break of the hold of the ALEGEH-ist dynasty in the NBA. For sure, whoever wins between Tobenna Erijokwe and Afam Osigwe SAN would mean a continuation of the ALEGEH-ist dynasty as they have roots traceable to the dynasty.

However, pundits have been observing how his campaign tactics can land him the Presidential job. No doubt, he has shown tremendous energy transversing the length and breadth of the country in his capacity as the incumbent Chairman of the Security Agencies ‘Relations’ Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association. His Committee ‘s organising of Town Hall Meetings – starting with that of Western Zone in Lagos – is a masterstroke, powerfully going over the virtual-only contact method used by Tobenna Erijokwe.

However, his campaign handlers have not deployed any serious reply to the volley of virtual webinars doled out ceaselessly by Tobenna Erijokwe. In short, they have left the arena of massive use of the internet for continuing legal education as a means of electoral campaign to Tobenna Erijokwe, who is winning converts daily by such means to his fold.

With Tobenna Erijokwe in the race, Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN’s bloc votes that should have come from the NBA Lagos Branch is split. He would be in better standing if he can appeal to his brother from the same home town, NNEWI to be precise, to “step down” for him.

The possibility or otherwise of that is left for events and destiny to determine. However, given the rugged determination by Tobenna Erijokwe thus far, it looks more like a remote possibility. If it were to be the case, a straight contest between Ikwuazom SAN and Afam Osigwe SAN would have seen Ikwuazom SAN winning the race, with the traction he is gaining among lawyers for his vigorous campaign against brutalization of lawyers.


Without holding brief for Afam Osigwe SAN, bookmakers are of the view that with two contestants from NBA Lagos Branch, his job has been made simpler.

However, given the traditional campaign style he is utilising, it has little or no shine, especially among young lawyers who have experienced the innovative and modern campaign style of Olumide Akpata, which is now being taken to vigorous levels by Tobenna Erijokwe. The resentment of non-Silks against Silks still exist and runs deep in the Bar which can see a surge in votes for Tobenna Erijokwe against the duo of Afam Osigwe SAN and Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN.

The campaign handlers of Afam Osigwe SAN needs to do a complete overhauling of their campaign tactics in order not to be taken unaware by the thunderstorm that lies ahead .

Whoever wins the Presidential election will clearly be a reminder that power is transient as the ALEGEH-ist hold on power at the centre in the NBA fades away slowly but surely like the morning dew.

  • AYO ADEMILUYI ESQ is a Bar Activist and the views canvassed herein are his personal views and not the positions of the Groupings he belongs to in the Nigerian Bar Association. 

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Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, Graces Unity Bar Football Team Match Against Profile FC; Receives Overwhelming Endorsement from the Team

Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, attended the Nigerian Bar Association, Abuja branch (Unity Bar) Football Team match against Profile FC. His attendance was a significant highlight, demonstrating his ongoing commitment to community engagement and the well-being of the members of our great association.

Mazi Afam Osigwe’s presence at the match was met with great enthusiasm and appreciation from both players and supporters. His support provided a notable morale boost to the Unity Bar Football Team, underlining his dedication to fostering unity and camaraderie within the legal community.

During the event, Mazi Afam Osigwe took the time to interact with team members, sharing words of encouragement and expressing his vision for a more inclusive and supportive Nigerian Bar Association. His genuine interest in the team’s activities and his approachable demeanour resonated deeply with everyone present.

The match itself was thrilling, showcasing the talent and teamwork of the Unity Bar Football Team as they competed vigorously against Profile FC. However, the highlight of the day was the overwhelming endorsement Mazi Osigwe received from the Unity Bar Football Team. The players and supporters unanimously expressed their admiration for his leadership qualities, his unwavering commitment to professional excellence, and his proactive approach to addressing the needs of all lawyers.

The endorsement by the Unity Bar Football Team reflects a strong belief in Mazi Afam Osigwe’s ability to lead the Nigerian Bar Association with integrity and vision. His support for initiatives like the Unity Bar Football Team highlights his understanding of the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and community spirit in building a robust and cohesive Bar Association.

Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, has consistently demonstrated a dedication to the values that bind our community together. His presence at the match and his interaction with the team members underscored his commitment to fostering a sense of unity and belonging among all members of the Bar.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mazi Afam Osigwe for gracing the event with his presence and for his continued support of the Unity Bar Football Team. His endorsement by the team is a clear testament to the respect and trust he has earned within the profession.

As we look forward to the future, we are confident that under Mazi Afam Osigwe’s leadership, the Nigerian Bar Association will continue to thrive and achieve new heights of excellence and unity. His proactive and inclusive approach promises a brighter future for all members of our esteemed association.

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Honour again came the way of a leading chairmanship candidate in the forthcoming Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Port Harcourt Branch Elections, Mrs. Cordelia Eke as she has been bestowed with a prestigious Service Award by the branch.

The award was given to Eke at the recent “NBA Port Harcourt 2024 Awards” hosted by the branch at the NBA Port Harcourt Branch House Auditorium. The Awards ceremony was tagged “A day of distinction: Celebrating exceptional service to the Bar.” 

The Award to the Bar Leader is titled “Award of dedicated service” in recognition of Eke’s “dedicated service to the branch at the National level.

CITY LAWYER recalls that Eke has held several sensitive positions at both branch and national levels including Secretary of the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA) and also Secretary of the NBA Electoral Reform Committee (NBAERC).

A pioneer female Secretary of the branch, she is on course to also emerge as the pioneer female Chairman of the mega branch. 

Currently a Director in the Rivers State Ministry of Justice where she holds sway as a no-nonsense criminal trial prosecutor, Eke has been actively engaged in mediation, civil and criminal litigation at the high court, Appeal court, and the Supreme court for over 20 years.

She is also the President of the influential 1995 Law School Class. A Rivers State Representative in the Eastern Zone Management Committee of the NBA Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL), Eke holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree from the Rivers State University of Science and Technology (now Rivers State University), Port Harcourt, and a Master of Laws (LLM) in Public International Law, from the University of Kent, Canterbury in the United Kingdom. 

More recently, the respected Bar Leader was named among Africa’s Top 100 Female Lawyers during the unveiling of this year’s “Courtroom Mail 100 Women 2024.”

A citation by the organisers noted that Eke is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators ICMC Nigeria, a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants, and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Nigeria. She specializes in Criminal Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Eke has held several leadership positions in the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), African Bar Association (AFBA), African Women Lawyers Association (AWLA) Nigeria, International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria and the Law Officers Association of Nigeria (LOAN) at state and national levels, including being Council Member of the NBA Human Rights Institute and the National Executive Committee. She is presently a member of the NBA National Remuneration Committee.

The popular Bar Leader is acclaimed as an ace prosecutor and has also held down several roles at the Ministry of justice, including, being the Team Lead, Committee on Drafting of Prosecution Manual and Code of Conduct for Prosecutors and Team Lead, Attorney-General’s Special Committee which treated abandoned case files of over 350 awaiting trial inmates in the Federal prisons in Rivers State.

Her expertise in criminal law practice made her a much-sought-after Speaker, Trainer, and Resource person on legal and other subjects. She has presented papers to members of the Bench and the Bar among others at various seminars, workshops and conferences including the NBA Annual General Conferences and NBA Continuing Legal Education (NBA-CLE) programmes among others.

Reputed as a cerebral lawyer, Eke is the author of the fast-selling book, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN NIGERIA: A PRACTICAL GUIDE. She has also published articles and edited legal works and newsletters.

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A leading candidate for chairmanship of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Port Harcourt Branch, Mrs. Cordelia Eke has admonished members of the Law Students Association of Nigeria (LAWSAN) to prepare themselves to tackle some of the challenges facing the legal profession when they become lawyers.

In her mentorship talk at the LAWSAN National webinar tagged “THE RIGHT AND FUTURE OF LAWSANITES” held on 15th June, 2014 Mrs. Eke advised the students to pay attention to their studies, seek mentorship and network among themselves and practicing lawyers to pave way for their entry into the legal profession.

The former scribe of the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA) and the NBA Electoral Reform Committee (NBAERC) spoke as a Guest Lecturer at the “Call to Bar” ceremony of the Rivers State University Students Union Government.

She charged the Law students to be the light to other students in the university community and to be agents of peace and amicable resolution of conflicts through the Students Union Judicial System.

Mrs. Cordelia Eke is a recipient of a Mentorship Award from the NYSC Legal Aid CDS Rivers State Group.

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It was a glorious evening today with the LIBI team in Ibadan.

Learned Silk Olagunju SAN is a Past General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association, the current Chairman of the Oyo State Independent Electoral Commission.

The Lawyers In Business Institute [LIBI] is about driving Group investment, knowledge for earning, innovation, skills, Tech, Multiple streams of income and a more dignified life for members.

His assumption of office, after the Board’s appointment, is a quantum leap in the journey of the LIBI.

With his wealth of experience, expertise and personality, our Noble Institute is surely repositioned for greater things ahead.

Congratulations to the LIBI family worldwide!

Congratulations to Aare. Isiaka Abiola Olagunju SAN, 1st President of the Lawyers in Business Institute [LIBI]

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Visit our Secretariat: Suite A8 Kenuj Mall, Behind Games Village, Abuja.

Chief (Ikenga) Emeka Silas Agbara Esq.
Senior Associate, M. I. Dikko SAN/Director, Solar For All Ltd
Convener, LIBI.

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DR. PROMISE WOBO IWEZOR was called to the Bar in 2005. He later became a Notary Public in 2013. He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M) Degree from the prestigious Rivers State University (2020) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Degree from the same university.

Dr. Promise is a true Bar man
who has served the Bar in various capacities

He was the Financial Secretary, Okpo Club of Nigeria (2006-2010); Publicity Secretary of NBA Isiokpo Branch (2010-2012);Secretary NBA Isiokpo Branch (2012-2014); Chairman NBA Isiokpo Branch (2014-2016); Treasurer, Eastern Bar Forum (EBF) (2015-2017) ; Member, Governing Council, Eastern Bar Forum (EBF) (2015-2017); Member, NBA Natural Resources Committee (2012-2014, 2014-2016); Member, Nigerian Bar Association Anti-Corruption Committee (2016-2018); Secretary, Eastern Bar Forum Football Committee (2017-2019); Co-opted Member of the Executive Committee, NBA Isiokpo Branch (2018-2020); Chairman NBA Isiokpo Branch Local Organizing Committee (LOC) (2018); Chairman, Association of Environmental Lawyers of Nigeria, Rivers State Branch (2021-2023); Chairman, NBA Isiokpo Branch Local Organizing Committee (LOC) (2023); Chairman, NBA Isiokpo Branch Peace and Reconciliation Committee (2023).

Dr. Iwezor’s commitment to the NBA is very evident in the various roles he has played for the betterment of NBA

Click here to view the full Manifesto of Dr. Promise Wobo Iwezor as candidate cleared by the ECNBA for the position of NBA FIRST VICE PRESIDENT.

Continue Reading





The controversy trailing the reconstitution of Body of Benchers standing committees by its Chairman, Chief Adegboyega Awomolo SAN has taken a new twist as the immediate past Chairman of the elite body, retired Justice Mary Odili has washed her hands off appointment of former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Augustine Alegeh SAN as the Appointment Committee chairman.

CITY LAWYER had in an excusive report noted that Alegeh disagreed sharply with the recent reconstitution of the Body of Benchers committees by Awomolo and vowed that he remained the chairman of the Appointment Committee.

Law and Society Magazine reports that following Odili’s denial, Awomolo issued a query dated 3rd June, 2024 to the Secretary of the Body of Benchers, Mr. Daniel Tela, asking him to respond to Odili’s assertion.

Part of Odili’s her letter reads: “It is with great shock to read the contents of the letter which in effect means that I, as outgoing chairman of the Body of Benchers, authorized the said appointment. I could not have embarked on such an appointment of Augustine Alegeh SAN as Chairman of Appointment Committee for the following reasons:

1. I had made it known to the administration that I had no interest in reconfiguring the Appointment Committee during my tenure.

2. I could not have embarked on such a process on the day I chaired the last meeting of my tenure, which meant that the appointment would not be presented to the House for approval before the letter to the candidate.

3. I would not have entered into the restructuring of the Appointments Committee without reference to the Vice Chairman with whom I worked as a team.”

In an elaborate defence, Tela insisted that all the instructions he received from the five different Chairmen he had served as Secretary of the Body were mostly oral. Asserting that it was the secretariat which always raised letters based on the verbal, SMS or WhatsApp instructions of the Chairmen as that of Justice Odili appointing Alegeh Chair of Appointments Committee, Tela wrote: “It is rare to see a written instruction.”

Setting out his defence, the embattled Benchers’ scribe also wrote: “Regarding the appointment of Committee members, I wish to clarify that the Secretariat acts only on the directives of the Chairman issued orally or in writing. I say this on my honour. The Secretariat sometimes makes suggestions to the Chairman who is the final authority. In the instant case, I suggested to the then Chairman, Hon. Justice Mary U. Peter-Odili, CFR, JSC (Rtd), DSSRS, that the Chairman of the Benchers Appointment Committee should come from the Bar, given that the previous Chairman had served two consecutive terms from the Bench. Mr. Augustine Alegeh, SAN, being a Life Bencher and past President of the Nigerian Bar Association was subsequently appointed as Chairman, based on the verbal approval of the Chairman.

“May I state for the record that the above appointment is not the first to be done based on verbal communication or via SMS. There are other Chairmen and members of Committee whose appointments were made on the basis of such verbal communication. That is why the steps taken on the appointment of Mr. Alegeh, SAN and other members of the Committee was not strange.

“Prior to this, I verbally drew the attention of the immediate past Chairman to the expiration of the tenure of the Chairman, Benchers Appointment Committee, Hon. Justice Umaru Abdullahi, CON and some of the members wherein it was agreed that they be notified of the expiration of their tenure, some having served beyond the stipulated tenure. Letters were issued notifying the following of the expiration of their tenure as members of the Benchers Appointment Committee having been appointed on the 8th of February, 2018: Hon. Justice Umaru Abdullahi, CON, Chief Albert Akpomudje, SAN, lchie L.M.E. Ezeofor, Hon. Justice Oyebola Ojo. This means their tenure ought to have expired on the 5th of February, 2024 having served two (2) consecutive terms.

“I further suggested to the Chairman the need to replace the Benchers whose tenure have expired. I specifically suggested that the nominees to serve on the Committee should be Life Benchers in view of the peculiar function of the Committee.

“Following the above suggestion, the Chairman requested for the list of members of the Body of Benchers which I forwarded through her PA via WhatsApp. The Chairman, through her PA nominated Hon. Justice K. B. Akaahs, OFR, Hon. Justice P.A. Galumje, Hon. Justice A. N. Nwankwo and Mr. D. D. Dodo, OFR, SAN. The list was sent to me via WhatsApp.

“I drew the attention of the Chairman through her PA on WhatsApp that Mr. Dodo, SAN was already a member of two (2) Standing Committees of the Body, and based on the Body of Benchers Regulations (as amended), no Bencher shall serve on more than two (2) Standing Committees of the Body which the PA responded that she will get back to me. Subsequently, the PA sent me the name of Hon. Justice Uzo Anyanwu as replacement for Mr. Dodo, SAN.

“It is for the foregoing reason that Hon. Justice P. A. Galumje attended the meeting of the Benchers Appointment Committee held on 22nd May, 2024 and today he remains a member of the Committee.

“I wish to emphasize that I have always acted in good faith and in accordance with the directives of the Chairman. I have never unilaterally appointed any Bencher to serve in any Committee, and I cannot do so. My loyalty to the Body and its leadership remains unwavering, even in the face of differing opinions or challenges.

“Sir, you may recall that by a letter dated 16th April, 2024, I forwarded the list of members of the Committees of the Body indicating the date of appointment of each Committee member as requested. The names of the aforementioned Benchers were included on the list, particularly at page 5. (Copy attached for ease of reference). Sir, if l was not directed, how could I have included their names on the list of the Benchers Appointment Committee which I forwarded?

“Sir, you may further recall my observations to you on the 26th of April, 2024 regarding the reconstitution of the Committees of the Body where I expressed some concerns and reservations and also mentioned the appointment of the Chairman of the Benchers Appointment Committee.

“However, I still followed your directives being the Chairman and knowing you have the final say and issued appointment letter to Prof. Yusuf 0. Ali, SAN as Chairman of the Benchers Appointment Committee as well as other Benchers appointed into various Committees as reconstituted. God forbid that a day will come when the Secretariat will refuse to carry out the directives of the Chairman of the Body on account of the manner in which the directives was issued.

“I must state that most instructions given to the Secretariat to act are done orally. It is rare to see a written instruction. As a matter of fact, it is the Secretariat that usually raises a Memo for the Chairman’s approval not the other way round. There are several instances where such memos have been raised or letters written to a Chairman for his information and further directives or necessary action and the response comes either orally or via SMS or WhatsApp messages. Out of respect and in line with the usual practice, the Secretariat carries out the directives. With the recent development, should the Secretariat only act upon written directives given to it for the records? To my mind, the answer should be yes. This way, the records will speak for itself.

“I have received oral directives from various Chairmen on several occasions which were duly carried out. This include the issuance of appointment letters to Hon. Justice Ejembi Eko and Hon. Justice Sidi Bage as members of the Body of Benchers in October, 2023 under the chairmanship of the immediate past Chairman, the circulation of the list of reconstituted Committees to all members on 29th April, 2024, the directive that appointment should be for a period of two (2) years and issuance of letters to Benchers who objected to their removal from Committees informing them of their continued membership of the particular Committee. I have also received oral directives regarding changes to meeting dates, Call to Bar ceremonies and Traditional Law Dinners.

“Permit me to state for the record that after the incidence that took place on the on the 22nd of May, 2024 during the meeting of the Benchers Appointment Committee wherein both Prof. Yusuf 0. Ali, SAN and Mr. Augustine Alegeh, CON, SAN claimed to be the rightful chairman of the Committee, I thought it wise to mention to the immediate past Chairman about the embarrassing situation for two (2) reasons; first because the list of nominees for appointment as Benchers which My Lord the then Chairman recommended for appointment was brought up in the course of the meeting and adjourned for consideration on the 26th of June, 2024.

“Secondly, to draw My Lord’s attention to the fact that Mr. Alegeh, SAN who was appointed during her tenure and Prof. Ali, SAN appointed under the leadership of the current Chairman were laying claim to the position of Chairman of the Committee and expressed my worries about the effect of such incident on the image of the Body. I made this call on the 23rd of May, 2024. In response, My Lord thanked me for the information and also told me not to allow anything disturb me, stating that they will sort themselves out.

“To my mind, after the report of the incident, the question as to how Mr. Alegeh, SAN and Prof. Ali, SAN were both appointed to chair the Committee would have risen. But none. On the contrary I was told not to allow anything disturb me and that they would sort themselves out.

“I was shocked that by a letter dated 3rd June, 2024 I was issued a query alongside the letter written by the immediate past Chairman dated the same 3rd June, 2024 denying knowledge of the appointment of Mr. Alegeh, SAN. I placed a call to My Lord to find out if the letter actually emanated from her and I was surprised to receive a response to the effect that she tried reaching out to me earlier but I was not picking and she had to put together the letter and does not want anything to do with the issue of the Appointment Committee as it was not her position. I reminded my Lord of our discussion on the issue and the subsequent correspondence but my Lord maintained her position. The conversion ended with a plea that I should ‘find a way to help Awomolo’.

“I said I have been doing so, but with the content of the letter, I kept wondering how? At the detriment of my integrity, reputation and career, because the content of the letter is damaging to my person. I have been pondering on the import of the statement. I have never and will never work against the interest of any Chairman nor betray the trust reposed on me.

“I have been inundated with calls on the fact that that the immediate past Chairman did not authorized nor approved the appointment and that I have been queried. I am still wondering how the letter got to the public space.

“May I further state that since my assumption of office, this is the first time I am receiving a query from any Chairman of the Body regarding actions I took in good faith and based on approval given by the Chairman.

“I am concerned about the negative impact of recent events on the Body’s image and integrity, it has been a major distraction for me in the smooth operation of the Secretariat. I pray that these events wiII soon come to an end, and I remain committed to advising and guiding the Chairman with honesty and integrity.

“I have always ensured that the image of the Body and that of the leadership is always protected by not making certain comments and actions public even when it sometimes portrays me and the Secretariat in bad light. My loyalty to the Body and its leadership at all levels remains intact.

“In my humble view, what is most important at this stage is finding a solution rather than blame game. It is never too late to make things right for the good of the Body.

Meanwhile, Awomolo has asked the Federal High Court in Lagos to dismiss the suit filed by Alegeh challenging his removal as Chairman of the Appointment Committee. The Benchers Chairman argued that Alegeh has no legal right over the affairs of the Body of Benchers, and that appointments are not rights but privileges.

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Solar For All: Otunba Dr. Dada Awosika SAN SAN is our “Star Client of the week”

Dr. Awosika SAN is a leading light in the Legal Profession and a huge inspiration towards excellence to many.

We were at the brand new Lagos office of the distinguished Silk, Awosika SAN, for a 10KVA Solar System installation to power two Air Conditioners and other basics in the office.

To get an efficient Solar system at 10% Discount anywhere in Nigeria with 25 years warranty and “Pay Small Small”, call/chat Solar For All Ltd: 08060266163.

(Abuja) Suite A8, Kenuj O2 Mall ,Behind Games Village.
(Lagos) No 113A, Mainland Way, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi.
(Enugu State) Ehalumona Junction, Nsukka.

The Solar System ensures steady Power and at least 50% saving in the cost of power, such that within about two years of usage, the Learned Silk would have recovered his cost of installation 100%.

His academic qualification and professional experience make his area of core competence to include Commercial/Civil Litigation, Bankruptcy, Insolvency, Oil & Gas transactions, Criminal law, Banking law, Debt restructuring, Arbitration and Intellectual Property practice.

His extensive practical litigation experience across these fields of law compliment the legal advisory and consultancy work he frequently undertakes for his private clients and public quoted companies who require his specific services.

Dada Awosika is one of the leading copyright counsel in Nigeria and a fervent advocate of liberalization of the collective management organization within the precincts of the Copyright Act.

He has been a Solicitor and member of Law Society of England and Wales since 2007. He is also a member of Nigerian Bar Association and International Bar Association. He sits on the Board of a couple of Oil & Gas Companies, and is a member of the Institute of Directors.

Other beneficiaries from whom the efficiency of delivery can be verified include: Chief James Ogu Onoja SAN (Ofante Kogi State); Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye [the Soun of Ogbomoso]; Mrs. Ezinwa Nwanyieze Okoroafor Esq.; Dr. Chike Okogwu; Mr. Stephen Arubuike Esq. of G. Elias SAN &Co; Chief Solomon Umoh SAN; Alhj. Ohio Abdullahi; Amb. Gen. Tukur Burutai (COAS Rtd); Chief S. I. Ameh SAN; Dr. Monday Onyekachi Ubani Esq; Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN; Sir Ebun Olu Adegboruwa SAN; Dr. Anthony Ani (Federal Medical Center Cooperatives); Mr. Lawrence Nwaketi; Mrs. Amina Agbaje Esq (FIDA Nigeria CVP); Prof. Dr. Olusola Oke (UNILAG COLLEGE OF MEDICINE); Dr. Muiz Banire SAN; Chief Jude Onwuharonye Esq.; High Chief Emeka J-P Obegolu SAN; Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN; Chief J-K Gadzama SAN; Hon. Justice George Oguntade (Justice of the Supreme Court Rtd); Sir James Ononiwu (NBA Ikeja); Chief Ejiofor Onwuaso (Otu Oka-Iwu Abuja); Hon. Sir. Ebuka Igwe (Anambra State House of Assembly); Prince Adetosoye Adebiyi Esq.; Mr. Paul Daudu Esq (J.B Daudu SAN & Co); Mr. Benedict Daudu Esq; Chief Peter Ilegogie Esq; Aare Muyiwa Akinboro SAN; Aare Isiaka Olagunju SAN; Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN (SPA Ajibade SAN & Co); FIDA Nigeria (FIDA House Abuja); Prince Adetokunbo Kayode SAN; Dr. Mrs. Ayorinde (Ayorinde SAN & Co); Mrs. Mariam Agbaboka; Barr. Mrs. Rachel Ebun Akerele; Mr. Anthony Malik SAN; Chief Tawo E. Tawo SAN; Chief Kemi Pinheiro SAN; Mr. I. M. Dikko SAN (Liman, Liman SAN & Co); Hon. Justice Emeka Nriezedi (Anambra State Judiciary); Dr. Hassan Liman SAN; Chief J. U. K. Igwe SAN; Mr. Chike Ekeocha, Esq. (Alex Izinyon SAN & Co/SUEX Nig. Ltd); Mummy Sylvia Okoregbe Esq; John Ochogwu, Esq; Hon. Rodrich Ugwu Esq; Prof. Godson Ogbonna (Abia State University, Uturu); Sir Austin Mwana Esq; Mr. Thony Lyiod Onyemaizu Esq; Dr. Agada Elachi Esq; Mr. Zach Akubo (S. I. Ameh SAN & Co); Mr. Ime Edem-nse Esq; Mr. Edafe Mrakpor Esq. (Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development); Ebedebiri Cottage Hospital, Sagbama LGA, Bayelsa State; Federal College of Education, Warri; Nigerian Agricultural Seeds Council; Institute Of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria (ICMC); Chief R. N. Okeke and Sons Ltd, Wukari, Taraba State; Alhaji Abdulrahman Adamu (Trademoore Estate), among many others.

Some of the distinguishing benefits of Solar/Inverters include:
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To view the price list, click here

  • The views expressed in this featured report are entirely those of the author.

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Winners in The ‘Nonso Azih Legal Essay Contest have been announced. The competition delved into the intricacies of the recent legal services bilateral agreement between Nigeria and the UK and was open for participation to Nigerian lawyers in their first 5 years of practice.

Aminat Tijani (called to the Bar in 2024) clinched the 1st Prize, impressively scoring 366 out of 400 and securing a reward of N250k. Following closely, Chinaza Eneh (called to the bar in 2024) claimed 2nd place with a score of 365, earning a cash prize of N150k. Gbolarin Oloyede (called to the bar in 2024) secured the 3rd spot with a commendable score of 312 and will be rewarded with N100k.

Speaking on the essay competition, Mr. Azih, who is the Principal Counsel at Azih & Azih Legal Practitioners, a Lagos based dispute resolution, maritime, and commercial law firm, said: “The aim is to nurture legal research skills among young lawyers and law students, fostering self-development, and enhancing legal practice in Nigeria.

“The annual competition, initiated in 2017, serves as a platform to give back to society and empower aspiring legal minds.

“Kudos to all the young lawyers who participated and submitted well-researched and proactive essays for the competition.

“I want to specially thank the esteemed panel of judges for the 2024 edition comprising of accomplished legal practitioners – Desmond Ogba, Chinenye Oragwu, FCTI, FIMC, MCArb, Notary Public, Jamiu Akolade MCIArb, Bayo Onamade, CCEP-I, Ozioma Agu and Kenneth O. D. Okwor.

“My gratitude also goes to Ifeanyi Anikwe – a vibrant and resourceful aspiring lawyer for his kind technical and research support.

“Together, we shall continue to raise the bar in grooming young talents and promotion of law practice anchored on international best practices.”

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A senior lawyer and Principal Counsel at Azih & Azih Legal Practitioners, a Lagos based dispute resolution, maritime, and commercial law firm, Mr. Nonso Azih has been inducted into the Ancient and Noble Order of the Knights of St. John International (KSJI).

CITY LAWYER recalls that Azih was in 2017 named a “Next Generation Lawyer in Shipping and Transport (Nigeria)” by Who is Who Legal. In 2021, he served as one of the youngest members of the Nigerian Admiralty Law Reform Committee charged to review and make recommendations for maritime law reforms.

Announcing the induction, Azih wrote: “To the glory of God, I am happy to announce that I was yesterday, Saturday 1st June 2024, initiated into the Ancient and Noble Order of the Knights of St. John International (KSJI) under the authority of the Supreme Commandery of the Order.

“Please pray for me to God for mercies, wisdom and guidance as I embark on this journey and work of being a soldier of Christ and defender of the Church, using my time, talent, and treasure.

“As an imperfect man, I feel unworthy, but I am empowered by Hebrews 5:4, which says: ‘No one takes this honour on himself, but he receives it when called by God, just as Aaron was.’

“God’s grace is sufficient for me!!”

Azih is a legal practitioner with over 17 years of law practice experience covering core competencies in commercial dispute resolution, maritime and shipping law, employment and labour law, business compliance, data protection, and family law.
Prior to setting up Azih & Azih, he had significant law practice experience at leading law firms in Lagos such as Banwo & Ighodalo, Dentons-ACAS-Law, Foundation Chambers and The Chambers of Ubong Akpan.

He also had crucial in-house counsel experience with APM Terminals, a subsidiary of AP-Moller-Maersk Group which is a leading global shipping and logistics entity.

Azih is a graduate of the prestigious University of Nigeria (UNN) where he obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree in 2005. He also holds a Master of Laws degree from the prestigious University of Lagos (UNILAG). He was admitted to the Nigerian Bar in November 2006 after training at Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus.

He is an Accredited Mediator of the Lagos State Multi-Door Courthouse (LMDC), and holds a Certificate in Maritime Dispute Resolution and Arbitration from the globally renowned Lloyd’s Maritime Academy.

Azih is an active member of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Lagos Branch; Nigerian Maritime Law Association (NMLA), and the Employment and Labour Lawyers Association of Nigeria (ELLAN).

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1. ⁠Effective Management of our Enbar Secretariat.
2. ⁠Responsive and Pragmatic Representation
3. ⁠Rapt attention, speedy response and processing of members complaints
4. ⁠ ICT Based Innovative Secretariat.
5. ⁠Regular updates of E-Directory of Members
6. ⁠Effective Records Keeping
7. ⁠Adequate planning and proper organization of meetings.
8. ⁠Swift processing and delivery of stamp and seal to Enbar applicants and
9. ⁠Quality management of correspondence and Effective Communication
Together we can achieve these, for a greater Enbar

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Controversy is trailing the appointment of Mr. Dennis Okwakpam as the Alternate Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Branch Elections Appeal Committee (East).

CITY LAWYER recalls that the NBA leadership last week unveiled members of the branch and sections elections appeal committees.

No sooner had the news hit the legal community than some stakeholders query Okwakpam’s appointment, alleging that he is a Leader of the influential Integrity Group which is openly backing the candidacy of some candidates in the forthcoming NBA Port Harcourt Election scheduled for June 27, 2024.

As evidence, one of the stakeholders told CITY LAWYER that Okwakpam led the candidates to the General Meeting of Okrika Born Lawyers (OBL) on March 3, 2024 where “he not only presented kola on behalf of the select candidates but also campaigned vigorously for votes on their behalf.”

The stakeholders say that they cannot get justice against “Okwakpam candidates” if they are to appeal any decision of the Branch Electoral Committee. “Justice must not only be done but must be seen to have been manifestly done,” a stakeholder told CITY LAWYER. “We already know what the verdict will be if we are to come against any of Okwakpam’s candidates at the Appeal Committee. There is clearly no level playing field.”

The stakeholders urged NBA President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN to redress the situation by reconstituting the committee.

When contacted, Okwakpam stated that the appointment to the committee was made last year, saying those querying his appointment may have made u their mind to “scuttle” the election or appeal its outcome.

His words: “The appointment was made last year, not recently. Please find out how the panels work. Nobody participates in the resolution of any petition from his branch. Every member of the panel is from the zone and petitions can only challenge decisions of an Electoral committee. For anyone to complain about the membership of an Appeals Panel, means that they have resolved to go to the Appeals Panel no matter what happens.”

Pressed that the issue turns on fair hearing than whether a candidate decides to appeal, Okwakpam said: “That’s my point, do they have any petition before the Panel. What is the obsession with my membership of the Panel, when complaints do not go directly to the Panel. Note something, anybody who wants to scuttle an election will hang onto anything. They will do anything to win by default. I advise these people to focus on persuading voters to vote for them at the polls.”

Asked whether he is a Leader of the Integrity Group, he denied the claim, saying: “Absolutely not.” He sought the identity of the stakeholders, saying: “Who are these people really? You will be surprised that most members of the PH branch are actually members of the (Integrity) group.”

CITY LAWYER recalls that a similar controversy trailed the appointment of Ms. Huwaila Muhammad as the Secretary of the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA) even as she has been cleared to contest the chairmanship of NBA Kano Branch.

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Dear Distinguished Colleagues,

Permit me to once again address you all, particularly in my capacity as the Spokesperson for Ms. Olawunmi Adeola Strategic Team.

As you are all aware, Ms. Olawunmi Adeola has crossed the hurdles of Appeal after her disqualification by the Branch Electoral Committee and has now been reinstated to run for the 2024 Ikorodu Branch General Election.

I hereby use this channel to officially unveil her TWELVE POINTS MANIFESTO on emergence as the Branch Chairman. This Manifesto will undoubtedly be the road map for the Branch in the next dispensation (next two years).

Additionally, may I once again solicit your continued support for her and more importantly your VOTES for her to emerge as the Chairman-Elect come 3rd June, 2024.

This is not just an election, it’s a revolution for change.

Be part of positive history, and you’ll be glad you did.

Thank you.

L. O. Jaiyeola, Esq.
Spokesperson, The Strategic Team

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The Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Port Harcourt Branch has published the manifestos and curriculum vitae of gladiators for the forthcoming branch elections scheduled for June 27, 2024.

Also unveiled by the committee are the campaign flyers of the candidates already cleared for the election.

Among those whose manifestos have been unveiled is the pioneer female branch secretary Cordelia Eke who is aspiring to make history as also the pioneer female chairman of the highly influential branch.

Others to slug it out with Eke, who is viewed as a leading candidate, are Geoffrey Joseph and Felicia Nwoke.

Among the list of candidates whose manifestos were published are Ezechimenum Adums, Chijioke Amadi, Modupe Babalola, Elijah Briggs, Kelechi Chinule, Mary Samuel and Cordelia Eke. Others are Cleopas Esu, Atonye Ezekiel-Hart, Francis Ibekwe-Allagoa, Emmanuel John, Geoffrey Joseph, Nnenda Kejeh, Felicia Nwoke, Obumneme Nwoye and David Onyema.

While Amadi and John are to slug it out for the position of Vice Chairman, Briggs and Nwoye will duel for the influential position of Branch Secretary.

The race for Assistant Secretary is between Esu and Ibekwe-Allagoa while Babalola and Ezekiel-Hart will battle for the position of Financial Secretary.

Candidates who are going into the election as unopposed include Chinule (Publicity Secretary), Onyema (Welfare Secretary), Kejeh (Treasurer), Mary Dikibo (Social Secretary) and Adums (Provost).

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The Lawyers In Business Institute [LIBI] is about driving group investment, knowledge for earning, innovation, skills, Tech, multiple streams of income and a more dignified life for members.

Landed Property is a sure way to bank your money in this unstable economy. Money kept in the Bank is simply wasting. Land-Banking is your surest bet.

Visit: Suite A8, Kenuj Mall, Behind Games Village Abuja.

If we recommend any investment, it means we guarantee authenticity and undertake to pay you back should anything turn out wrong. This is the trust with which you should deal and deal fast!!

In Abuja, we have some Plots of Land that we have acquired, which members can own individually or in a group of 15 members/100 Members.


Our Land Banking Scheme is Open to everyone including non-Lawyers and “Anonymous Members/Subscribers” of LIBI, who don’t want their names put out there.

You can pick as many slots as possible!!



Kindly click below to join our LIBI ELITE LAND-BANKING SCHEME

Bellow is the General LAND-BANKING Group of 100k Contribution by 100 persons to own their own Plot and share profit later.

Our Land is Situate between the boundaries of Galadimawa and Lugbe Abuja.

Please Note: it is only payment that confirms you have a slot[s].

All payments are made into Lawyers in Business International: 6060440751. Fidelity Bank.

As you pay, plan to attend our Physical/Hybrid meeting slated for 6th June 2024, at Royalton Hotel, 16 Gongola Street, Area 2Garki Abuja. Time is 4:Pm Dot.

Call/Chat: 08060266163.
Visit suit A8 Kenuj Mall, Behind Games Village Abuja.

Silas Agbara Esq.
[Director, Solar For All Ltd/ Convener, Lawyers In Business Institute]

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Solar For All: Musibau Adetunbi SAN [RAJI CHAMBERS Abuja/Ibadan] is again our “Star Client of the week”

For this erudite, cerebral and distinguished SAN, it is a second bite on the Solar cherry, as we were at his Ibadan office for a 10KVA Solar System installation to power two Air Conditioners and other necessary appliances.

To get an efficient Solar system at 10% Discount anywhere in Nigeria with 25 years warranty and “Pay Small Small”, call/chat Solar For All Ltd: 08060266163.

(Abuja) Suite A8, Kenuj O2 Mall ,Behind Games Village.
(Lagos) No 113A, Mainland Way, Dolphin Estate, Ikoyi.
(Enugu State) Ehalumona Junction, Nsukka.

The Solar System ensures steady power and at least 50% saving in the cost of power, such that within about two years of usage, Learned Silk would have recovered his cost of installation 100%.

MUSIBAU ADETUNBI SAN is an experienced legal practitioner who derives joy in tackling complex cases be it criminal or civil. His wide and deep experience in litigation has been used by him to lead the law firm to victory in complex and extremely challenging litigation cases in several areas of law such as banking, criminal law, election petition, real estate, maritime, arbitration, customary law, law of tort and intellectual property. His exploits in litigation have earned him several favourable judgments in all the superior courts of record in Nigeria. He has equally been highly commended by all these courts.

Learned Silk’s experience and knowledge is however not limited to litigation, as he equally solves tasking non-litigation legal problems with ease of simple arithmetic. His passion in ensuring that complex legal problems are tackled with full commitment and dedication is excellent.

Other beneficiaries from whom the efficiency of delivery can be verified include: Chief James Ogu Onoja SAN (Ofante Kogi State); Oba Ghandi Afolabi Olaoye [the Soun of Ogbomoso]; Mrs. Ezinwa Nwanyieze Okoroafor Esq.; Dr. Chike Okogwu; Mr. Stephen Arubuike Esq. of G. Elias SAN &Co; Chief Solomon Umoh SAN; Alhj. Ohio Abdullahi; Amb. Gen. Tukur Burutai (COAS Rtd); Chief S. I. Ameh SAN; Dr. Monday Onyekachi Ubani Esq; Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN; Sir Ebun Olu Adegboruwa SAN; Dr. Anthony Ani (Federal Medical Center Cooperatives); Mr. Lawrence Nwaketi; Mrs. Amina Agbaje Esq (FIDA Nigeria CVP); Prof. Dr. Olusola Oke (UNILAG COLLEGE OF MEDICINE); Dr. Muiz Banire SAN; Chief Jude Onwuharonye Esq.; High Chief Emeka J-P Obegolu SAN; Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN; Chief J-K Gadzama SAN; Hon. Justice George Oguntade (Justice of the Supreme Court Rtd); Sir James Ononiwu (NBA Ikeja); Chief Ejiofor Onwuaso (Otu Oka-Iwu Abuja); Hon. Sir. Ebuka Igwe (Anambra State House of Assembly); Prince Adetosoye Adebiyi Esq.; Mr. Paul Daudu Esq (J.B Daudu SAN & Co); Mr. Benedict Daudu Esq; Chief Peter Ilegogie Esq; Aare Muyiwa Akinboro SAN; Aare Isiaka Olagunju SAN; Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN (SPA Ajibade SAN & Co); FIDA Nigeria (FIDA House Abuja); Prince Adetokunbo Kayode SAN; Dr. Mrs. Ayorinde (Ayorinde SAN & Co); Mrs. Mariam Agbaboka; Barr. Mrs. Rachel Ebun Akerele; Mr. Anthony Malik SAN; Chief Tawo E. Tawo SAN; Chief Kemi Pinheiro SAN; Mr. I. M. Dikko SAN (Liman, Liman SAN & Co); Hon. Justice Emeka Nriezedi (Anambra State Judiciary); Dr. Hassan Liman SAN; Chief J. U. K. Igwe SAN; Mr. Chike Ekeocha, Esq. (Alex Izinyon SAN & Co/SUEX Nig. Ltd); Mummy Sylvia Okoregbe Esq; John Ochogwu, Esq; Hon. Rodrich Ugwu Esq; Prof. Godson Ogbonna (Abia State University, Uturu); Sir Austin Mwana Esq; Mr. Thony Lyiod Onyemaizu Esq; Dr. Agada Elachi Esq; Mr. Zach Akubo (S. I. Ameh SAN & Co); Mr. Ime Edem-nse Esq; Mr. Edafe Mrakpor Esq. (Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development); Ebedebiri Cottage Hospital, Sagbama LGA, Bayelsa State; Federal College of Education, Warri; Nigerian Agricultural Seeds Council; Institute Of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators of Nigeria (ICMC); Chief R. N. Okeke and Sons Ltd, Wukari, Taraba State; Alhaji Abdulrahman Adamu (Trademoore Estate), among many others.

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  • The views expressed in this featured report are entirely those of the author.

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Dear NBA Community,

I would like to address the recent disqualification in the NBA 2024 Elections, despite the perceived overreach of the electoral committee’s powers. While I firmly believe that the committee acted beyond their authorized scope, and in fact did act ultra vires its powers contrary to the provisions of the NBA Constitution 2024 [As amended 2021], I acknowledge their decision and respect the process.

Maintaining the integrity of the electoral process within the NBA is of utmost importance. It ensures fairness, equity, transparency, and equal opportunities for all candidates participating in the elections. By upholding the integrity of the electoral process, the NBA demonstrates its commitment to democratic principles and reinforces the trust and confidence of its members and stakeholders.

Although I strongly believe in the importance of free, fair and transparent elections, it is crucial to maintain the integrity of the electoral process within the NBA. Whilst I maintain my disagreement with the committee’s actions, I understand that it is essential to uphold the rules and regulations that govern the process and especially the Constitution of the NBA.

However, we must scrutinize the actions and decisions of the ECNBA 2024, and indeed the NOEAC 2024. The actions and decisions of both Committees have been at variance with and contrary to the NBA Constitution.

Section 10, of Part VIII, 2nd, Schedule of the Constitution of the NBA, specifically provides the only five grounds for the disqualification of Candidates, which states that:-

“Subject to the provisions of this constitution, a member shall not be eligible for election as a National Officer or Representative to the General Council of the Bar if he/she:-
(a) is not a Nigerian Citizen;
(b) is a member of a political party in Nigeria;
(c) has been adjudged bankrupt or has made a compromise or arrangement with his creditors;
(d) is adjudged mentally unfit to take up the position by a competent medical authority ;
(e) has been convicted of a crime by a c Court of competent jurisdiction or has been found guilty of misconduct or professional impropriety by the legal practitioners Disciplinary Committee;”

The same Section 10, of Part VIII, 2nd, Schedule, sub-clause [f], goes further to unequivocally state that:
(f) The power of the ECNBA to disqualify a person who wishes to contest for an office shall only be for the grounds specifically contained in this constitution.

The ECNBA as I gathered had no problem with me and my 1st Nominator. The issue was with my Seconder attaching a 2024 Stamp and Seal receipt and omitting to attach the 2024 BPF receipt, as such I am not qualified to contest the 2024 NBA Elections and disqualified.

Does an omission to attach a document to a Seconder’s Form deserve a disqualification of the Aspirant as contemplated by Clause f, of Part VIII of the 2nd Schedule of the NBA Constitution 2015 [as amended in 2021]?

However, it is pertinent to note that the NBA will not issue a member a stamp and seal receipt if you have not paid your Bar Practicing Fees and Branch Dues. You must upload these two documents before you can access the NBA portal to pay for your stamp and seal then print your receipt.

My Seconder is a fit and proper person who was issued with a letter of good standing from the branch, and no doubt very qualified to contest for the office of General Secretary.

Section 6, of Part 1, 2nd Schedule of the NBA Constitution 2015 [as amended in 2021] provides the ECNBA with a discretionary power as follows:-

“The ECNBA may reject nomination papers which do not comply with any of the requirements for nomination and election offices within the Association or which are otherwise not duly completed.”

However, the ECNBA 2024, for reasons best known to it, conveniently ignored and disregarded this provision of Section 6, Part 1, of the 2nd Schedule of the NBA Constitution, but opted to disqualify on a ground that is not provided for in our Constitution.

The NOEAC 2024, also in its wisdom of judgment decided to uphold the decision of the ECNBA,
Can a decision made by the ECNBA ultra vires it powers, be lawfully upheld on appeal?

There are Candidates openly campaigning at the moment, when we all know that the ECNBA has not lifted the ban on campaigns, yet the ECNBA appears to be docile and turning a blind eye. It would seem that some candidates are above being regulated by the ECNBA. Is it that some Candidates are more equal than others?

Be that as it may, I would like to express my gratitude to the members of the Cradle Bar for their absolute loyalty, and all those who supported my candidacy and believed in my vision for the future of the NBA. Your unwavering support has been humbling, and I am truly grateful for the trust, support and understanding you have placed in me during this challenging time..

I have worked for the NBA at both Branch and National levels. In moving forward, I will continue to be an active participant in the activities of the NBA community, supporting the Association’s growth and advocating for positive change. I believe in the power of unity and collaboration, and I am confident that together we can achieve great things.

Let us remain focused on our common goal of making the NBA an even better and more inclusive foremost Association.

My late Father always said to me; “every disappointment is a Blessing in disguise. The Almighty GOD knows best, and is always in control”. Ameen.

Mohammed I. TSAV Esq.,
NBA Bwari Branch.

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These are not the best of times for foremost Bar Leader and Chairman of the Body of Benchers, Chief Adegboyega Awomolo SAN as former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Paul Usoro SAN has asked him to count him out of tomorrow’s scheduled colloquium by “Body of Senior Advocates of Nigeria, Abuja.”

In a searing letter obtained by CITY LAWYER and dated 16th May, 2024, Usoro who is the Chairman of the BOSAN Leadership Committee which is saddled with organising its event, stated that he was not privy to the planning of the event, adding that it would lead to a factionalized BOSAN.

Former NBA President, Mr. Augustine Alegeh SAN had also challenged Awomolo’s recent committee appointments as Body of Benchers Chairman, listing several alleged infractions of the Body of Benchers Regulations 2024.

Awomolo had telephoned CITY LAWYER to express displeasure over the report on Alegeh’s letter, warning that it breached the Cybercrime Act and that the email was “private” communication to benchers.

Awomolo had telephoned CITY LAWYER to express displeasure over the report on Alegeh’s letter, warning that it breached the Cybercrime Act and that the email was “private” communication to benchers.

In an extensive letter dated 6th May, 2024, BOSAN Leader, Chief Alfred Kasunmu SAN had asked all invitees to the colloquium, including the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Olukayode Ariwoola, to shun the event, describing it as “illegal, in breach of the constitution of BOSAN and antithetical to the philosophical ideals underpinning the establishment of the Body.”

Heaping more pressure on the foremost Life Bencher, Usoro stated that it would be setting a “terrible precedent” for him, as the Chairman of the Leadership Committee, to now “rubber-stamp” the “divisive Colloquium of a factionalized BOSAN” as Chief Host, “and worse still, a Colloquium that I was not even given the courtesy of knowing anything whatsoever about its planning.”

He stated that “I truly wished I was consulted before the printing of this Invitation Card, with my name as the Chief Host, because I would, most respectfully, have dissuaded the organisers from this patently divisive course – and I say this with very profound respect, Sir.”

He said that he viewed the planned event “with regret and quite some tinge of disappointment,” adding that the colloquium was in breach of the procedures of the BOSAN Leadership Committee as all ideas about conferences and seminars ought to be “channeled to the (Leadership) Committee for implementation under the auspices of the unified and united Body.”

According to the former NBA President, “Even as I write, I, as the Chairman of the Leadership Committee, do not know who has been invited for the event, who the speakers are, what topics or issues they will address – indeed, I know next to nothing about the event. With the greatest respect, Sir, that is not how the Leadership Committee of the Body works.”

Usoro stated that “the organisers of this event have not been fair to me at all or to BOSAN as a Body,” even as he called on Awomolo “as our elder and Father (to) please call them to order and dissuade them from this factionalizing course. We inherited a united BOSAN and a united and non-factionalized BOSAN we must maintain, nurture and build for our successors.”

It is unclear at press time whether Awomolo, who was instrumental to the rebirth of NBA after a 6-year hiatus, will forge ahead with the colloquium.

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Friends of Sabastine Anyia, Esq. heartily rejoice with the indefatigable Chairman of NBA, BWARI BRANCH, our own Paul Daudu Esq. and the entire members of NBA, BWARI BRANCH on the occasion of their 2024 Law week with the theme: Strengthening the Foundation of Justice in Nigeria. We are grateful to be participating in this very rich law week.

It’s gratifying to know that as the son of our former NBA, President, Joseph B. Daudu, you are living up to our expectations. No wonder they say, “The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Keep soaring, your Daddy is watching you with keen attention and a sense of satisfaction.

We have never been in doubt of your ability to effectively and efficiently champion the affairs of NBA, BWARI BRANCH. Your achievements within this short period of time and your well packaged law week bear eloquent testimony to your leadership qualities and humane deposition which your branch and many of us who have come close to you have enjoyed.

We also salute efforts of your executive and members of your branch who had contributed to the success of your tenure and this law week in particular. This law week shall be a veritable platform for ushering in a new beginning to all of us. It’s also our prayers that we benefit from the eminent scholars who had spoken to us and who will be speaking to us hereinafter. We are proud to identify and celebrate with you and your branch members on this epoch making event.

We wish each and every one of us attending this law week a rewarding outing.

Friends of Sabastine Anyia

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I attended a Court session in Onitsha by 8:30 am and the court was already sitting to hear ex parte applications. I was impressed with the zeal of both the lawyers and Judges. I now know why lawyers in the jurisdiction make the list of senior advocates each year.

I also observed that the lawyers in court were 89 percent above 50 years. I investigated further and I discovered that the Young lawyers produced in UNIZIK and UNN Faculty of Law end up in Lagos and Abuja. The impact of this is an inter-generational gap in legal practice.

A state of emergency needs to be declared in legal practice in Onitsha. The senior lawyers in the practice area should carry younger ones along by making them salary lawyers or partners rather than appearance fees counsel AFC.

Community meetings should have as an agenda the need to ensure lawyers in Onitsha do the cases in the state as they are competent and only need encouragement. If the firms are not briefed the younger lawyers will go to where the briefs are

The Court rooms leave much to be desired. The state governor must prioritize suitable Court rooms and accommodation for Judges. Rule of law is not necessarily judgement of court but facilities that aid the outcome.

The job of successful law practice is a collective one; we must all wrap our hands round it with the emergency it deserves.

President Aigbokhan 
Benin City, Nigeria

  • Aigbokhan is a Benin-based lawyer

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Joseph Aloba, the father of the late singer, Ilerioluwa Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad, has denied that he accused a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Mr Femi Falana of threatening to kill him.

Some reports making the rounds on the internet had suggested Mr. Aloba accused Falana and the late Mohbad’s wife, Wunmi of threatening to kill him.

However, in a statement signed by Mr Joseph Aloba on Friday, he described such publications as false Mr Aloba said when such reports were brought to his notice, he spoke to Mr. Falana on the phone and clarified that he never made the allegations.

He said, “Following misrepresentations in the public space alleging that I made certain allegation against eminent silk, Femi Falana SAN, I wish to make the following clarifications.

“My attention has been drawn to misleading publications in the social media titled severally as follows: “I fear that Femi Falana and Wunmi want to kill me – Mohbad’s father cries out”: Femi Falana, Wunmi Threatening to kill me – Mohbad’s father opens up”: “My daughter-in-law, Falana threatening to kill me” – Mohbad’s father”.

“The above publications are entirely falsehood from the pit of hell.

“I never alleged at any time that Mr Femi Falana SAN threatened to kill me and I do not believe the eminent lawyer will ever be involved in such threats against me.

“When this allegation was brought to my notice by the lawyer to our family, Wahab Shittu SAN, I spoke to Mr. Femi Falana SAN on phone and clarified that I never made such allegation against him and that this is the work of mischief makers.

“My commitment to unraveling the death of my dear son, late Ilerioluwa Promise Oladimeji Aloba (Mohbad) is total and unequivocal and I will not rest until I secure justice for my late son.

“This public clarification is necessary because I will not want mischief makers to derail this struggle for justice for Mohbad by bringing me and our family into needless collision with Mr. Femi Falana SAN or any other person.”

“I have great respects for the perssona of Mr. Femi Falana SAN,” Mr Aloba added.

On January 11, 2024, SaharaReporters reported that Mr Falana through his law firm, Falana & Falana’s Chambers, had reacted to Mr Aloba regarding the allegation of threat to his life by the lawyer.

Falana’s law firm in a rejoinder issued by Taiwo E. Olawanle, Esq., recounted their journey on Mohbad’s case since his death in September 2023, stressing that Mr. Aloba was only after his late son’s estate and having refused to follow due process, he wa merely engaging in puerile blackmail to accomplish his mission.

The statement reads: “Our attention has been drawn to the reckless statements credited to Mr Joseph Aloba on several online platforms, television and radio stations regarding Mr Femi Falana (SAN).

“This rejoinder is necessary to set the records straight on the roles played so far by our law firm in unravelling the circumstances surrounding the death of Ilerioluwa Oladimeji Aloba, popularly known as Mohbad.

“It is no longer news that Mohbad died in September 2023 under questionable circumstances. Upon the death of this young man, many well-meaning Nigerians and human rights groups contacted our office to assist in unraveling the circumstances surrounding his death and get justice for the family.

“The widow of the late singer, Mrs Wunmi Cynthia Aloba also contacted our office to help in a similar vein.

“At that juncture, Mr. Falana called Mohbad’s father and commiserated with him and assured him of his readiness to ensure that the law takes its cause. Our office immediately petitioned the Commissioner of Police, Lagos State Command requesting a thorough investigation into the case.

“In addition to the above, our office also wrote to the Chief Coroner of Lagos State requesting a Coroner’s Inquest into the remote and immediate cause of the death of Mohbad.

“Our office sent a delegation of lawyers to Mohbad’s residence at Orchid in Lagos to take the statements of those close to the late singer including his wife, parents and staff.”

The statement further noted: “As events unfolded, we realised that the late Mohbad’s father, Mr Joseph Aloba is not interested in unraveling what led to the death of his son but after his estate.

“Hence, he rushed the burial of Mohbad in an unmarked grave without any autopsy to know the cause of death of the deceased. However, at our request, the body of Mohbad was later exhumed for investigation by the Police.

“Since our aim and goal in the matter is to unravel the circumstances surrounding the death of Mohbad through the instrumentality of the law, we had no choice but to distance ourselves from Mr Joseph Aloba’s opportunism and puerile blackmail.”

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My dear distinguished learned SANs, senior colleagues and colleagues,

I must in a special way thank you all for the support rendered to me during my trying moments these past two weeks.

I must confess that your prayers saw me through this particular hurdle. What could I have done if you did not give me your unalloyed support?

I appreciate each and every one of you and further request that you continue to remember me in your prayers to enable me in particular and us in general surmount the future challenge.

A win for one is a win for all!

Thanks and God bless and keep you all. Together we shall emerge victorious in the final analysis.

Sabastine Anyia Esq.

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Lawyers under the aegis of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) branches in Anambra State will today embark on a one-day boycott of courts to press home their demand for release of their colleague who was kidnapped by gunmen at the weekend.

It is recalled that Mr. Chukwubuikem Azoro, the Secretary of NBA Idemili Branch was whisked away by gunmen at Abagana around 8:30 pm last Saturday.

In a notice obtained by CITY LAWYER, the lawyers stated that the boycott “is to enable lawyers press for the immediate release of our colleague and secretary of Idemili branch of the Nigerian Bar Association, Chukwubuikem J. S. Azoro who was kidnapped at Abagana on Saturday 11th May, 2024.”

The Statement was signed by Mr. I. C. Nsofor, the Chairman of Committee of Chairmen and Secretaries, NBA Branches in Anambra State.

The move follows a similar one by NBA Idemili Branch where Azoro held sway as Secretary until his kidnap on Saturday.

A statement by Chukwubuikem Obianyo, the branch Publicity Secretary revealed that his captors have demanded a ransom for his release, adding that “In response to this distressing situation, the members of the Idemili Branch have unanimously resolved to take a stand against such criminal acts. Therefore, Starting from tomorrow the 16th day of May 2024 through the 17th day of May, 2024, all members of the NBA Idemili Branch shall be boycotting appearances in all courts within and outside our jurisdiction. Additionally, members of Idemili Branch pledge to abstain from representing individuals charged with kidnapping or armed robbery until further notice.

“This decision is not taken lightly, but it reflects our unwavering commitment to justice and the safety of our members and the community at large. We call upon the relevant authorities to expedite efforts to secure the safe release of Mr. Azoro and to take decisive action against the perpetrators of this heinous crime.

“We urge the public to join us in condemning such acts of violence and to stand in solidarity with the victim and his family during this difficult time.”

Meanwhile, a candidate in the forthcoming NBA Elections and member of the branch, Mr. Ernest Uwanaka has called for “for fast and unconditional release” of Azoro.

Uwanaka, who has been cleared by the Electoral Commitee of the NBA (ECNBA) to run for the position of NBA Welfare Secretary, condemned Azoro’s kidnap, while calling on Anambra State Governor, Prof. Charles Soludo as well as the State Police Commissioner to ensure the lawyer’s safe return.

According to the senior lawyer, who is also the Secretary of NBA Idemili Branch Human Rights Committee, “While praying to God for fast and unconditional release of the Branch Secretary, Uwanaka urges the Anambra State Governor, Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo and the new Commissioner of Police in the State, CP Nnaghe Obono Itam to assist the NBA, Idemili Branch to secure the release of its member, and beef up security in the State to protect the general public especially legal practitioners and judicial officers whose lives have become endangered due to the nature of their jobs.”






This is to inform all colleagues in the State that there shall be a boycott of courts in Anambra State on Thursday 16th May, 2024.

This is to enable lawyers press for the immediate release of our colleague and secretary of Idemili branch of the Nigerian Bar Association, Chukwubuikem J. S. Azoro who was kidnapped at Abagana on Saturday 11th May, 2024.

Also take notice that there shall be a press conference at Idemili Bar Centre, Ogidi on Thursday 16th May, 2024 by 9.00am. Lawyers are mandated to attend the press conference.

Dress code shall be FORMAL

Kindly ensure strict compliance of this directive.


Chairman, Committee of Chairmen and Secretaries, NBA Branches, Anambra State.

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Former presidential candidate of the Labour Party, Mr. Peter Obi, has bemoaned the state of Nigeria’s judiciary, saying it is witnessing an undeniable decline.

Obi noted that although there still exists few good judges and justices in the country, the situation is worrisome generally speaking and is a threat to the future of the nation.

Delivering a keynote speech on Tuesday titled “The Role of the Judiciary in Shaping Nigeria’s Future” at the fifth memorial of Justice Anthony Nnaemeka Aniagolu, at the Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu, Obi said there is a lot to learn from the integrity of the late Justice of the Supreme Court and his class of justices.

“It was truly an honor to pay tribute to one of Nigeria’s most esteemed jurists, the late Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Anthony Nnaemeka Aniagolu. His illustrious career, particularly as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria from 1978 to 1987, brought immense honor to our judiciary through his unwavering integrity and steadfast commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice in our nation,” said Obi.

“As we commemorate the legacy of Justice Aniagolu and other revered Nigerian judges, we must draw inspiration from their exemplary service. We must strive to emulate their dedication to integrity, fairness, respect for the rule of law, transparency, humility, and the dispensation of justice.

“While the judiciary today still boasts of a few outstanding judges, there is an undeniable decline in our judicial system. This decline poses a significant threat to the future of Nigeria. Justice is increasingly commodified, and delivered in favor of the highest bidder.

“When the rule of law is compromised, the most vulnerable members of society are disproportionately affected, and the fabric of our society begins to fray. The integrity of our institutions, the protection of human rights, and the stability of our nation are all jeopardized.

“The rule of law is the highest intangible and most valuable asset of any society, and we must work tirelessly to protect and preserve it. We must prioritize the pursuit of justice above all else.

“Only then can we ensure that the rule of law remains a beacon of hope and a safeguard against tyranny, oppression, and injustice. The future of our nation depends on it

“In my address to the audience, I emphasized the urgent need to revitalize our judicial system by safeguarding its independence and promoting the values of character, competence, capability, compassion, and integrity among our jurists, as well as within our political leadership. By doing so, we can ensure that justice and fairness prevail as we endeavor to build a better Nigeria for all.”

THE NICHE reports that Godfrey Okoye University, Enugu is a private institution owned and managed by the Catholic Church.

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AGC Conference fees have never been affordable, especially by young Lawyers. As Branch Chairman, I struggled to see why the Branch as a whole would contribute to the conference fee cost of members who had paid their registration fees. What are those extra costs, you might ask? Well you have travel cost and daily transportation to the venue(s), daily upkeep and off course the party that each Branch must host for its members.

Even though I objected to these events, I was compelled to attend a few AGCs at my Branch’s expense which I wasn’t happy about.

The fact is that the AGC fees cannot be made to be too affordable because NBA is so big; there is no way to cater or accommodate its more than 500 thousand members. There will be chaos if the NBA AGC fees were minimal, not even considering the other costs involved.

I recall that during my time as chairman of NBA Ikorodu Branch, I was given a bill of nearly 1 million naira that the Branch spent to go to Abuja with less than 25 of its members for the NBA AGC that year. I nearly had a psychotic breakdown because I knew that the money could have been used to better the lot of more than 200 of my members instead of being used for just about 25 members.

Nevertheless, we must understand that the combined funds spent by NBA national, NBA Branches and individual members of the Bar to host and attend NBA AGCs is money down the drain.

Some may say that the AGC presents to them a social environment to travel and have a holiday and to meet old colleagues. But these are all selfish reasons that add very little value to the real purpose of having an AGC in the first place.

An AGC’s value is in its intellectual and legal reform outcomes. There is no need for justice reform summits or the likes if the AGCs were properly utilized. Besides, every Branch has its own Law Week. So let me propose the following – and these are not new ideas:

1. Focus on State Law Weeks as opposed to Branch Law Weeks

2. AGCs can be held once every 2 or 4 years while AGMs can be help yearly and virtually

3. We can try out Sub-regional Conferences once every other year that the AGC is not holding

4. Breakdown the Registration fees and Charge it per day or per session attended instead of one bulk registration fee

There are many ideas out there but we need to apply ourselves to forward thinking. Not everyone needs to attend these conferences, it is at most, a jamboree anyway because we spend too much time on protocols, receiving special political guests and mentioning the names of all the prominent people in the room while cutting down the time for speakers to deliver their well-researched papers; no time for real debates and exchange of ideas but lots of time for parties and campaigns for NBA positions.

If you are struggling to be part of the 2024 NBA AGC holding in Lagos State, don’t waste your time and your money! You don’t need to be there if you can’t afford to be there!

  • Bayo Akinlade is a former Chairman of NBA Ikorodu Branch (2018-2020)

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The Legal Defence & Assistance Project (LEDAP) has filed a suit at the Federal High Court Abuja against the Hon Attorney General of the Federation and the Minister of Trade seeking detailed information on the recent bilateral agreement between Nigeria and the United Kingdom that would allow UK lawyers to practice law in Nigeria.

The suit came up for its first hearing today, May 13th, 2024, before Hon. Justice J. K Omotosho. LEDAP was represented by Adama Adamu Wakili. The defendants, the Attorney General of the Federation and the Minister of Trade, were absent along with their counsel.

LEDAP’s counsel informed the court that the defendants had been served with the necessary documents and that LEDAP is prepared to proceed. The court adjourned the case to June 3rd, 2024 for hearing of the suit.

In an originating motion filed at the Court with suit no: FHC/ABJ/CS/430/2024, LEDAP seeks orders to compel the Attorney General of the Federation and the Minister of Trade to comply with its request for information on the legal practice agreement, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2011.

The reliefs sought in the suit are:
1. A DECLARATION that the Respondents’ denial of information requested by the applicants in its letters of 14th February 2024 to the Respondents, requesting for copies of the Enhanced Trade Investment Partnership (ETIP) Agreement on legal services between the Government of Nigeria and The United Kingdom and the details of consultations undertaken with relevant stakeholders in respect to the negotiation for the ETIP Agreement including with the Nigerian Bar Association, General Council of the Bar or any other body relevant to the protection of the legal trade in Nigeria is an infraction of Section 1(1) of the Freedom of Information Act, 2011 and of Applicants’ right to such information under the said section.

2. AN ORDER of court compelling the Respondent to disclose to the Applicant within 14 days of the order the detailed information as requested by the Applicant in its letters of 14th February 2024, namely; Copies of the Enhanced Trade Investment Partnership (ETIP) Agreement on legal services between the Government of Nigeria and The United Kingdom and details of consultations undertaken with relevant stakeholders in respect of the negotiation for the ETIP Agreement including with the Nigerian Bar Association, General Council of the Bar or any other body relevant to the protection of the legal trade in Nigeria.

The grounds for the application are as follows:
1. The Applicant has the right to the information it requested from the Respondents in its letter to the Respondents dated 14″ February 2024, (attached to the affidavit in support of the motion as Exhibits B and C), by virtue of section 1(1) of the Freedom of Information Act, 2011.

2. That the Respondents failed to furnish the Applicant with the information requested without stating any valid grounds for withholding the said information.

3. The National Assembly, in 2011, enacted the Freedom of Information Act which makes general provisions on requests for information by “anyone” in need of such information.

4. The information sought by the Applicant from the Respondents does not fall within any of the exemptions provided under Sections 11,12,14,15 16 and 17 of the Act, or under any other part of the Act.

5. This Honourable Court has the jurisdiction to order the Respondents to disclose the requested information under section 25 of the Freedom of Information Act, 2011.

Nora Asobara
Program Director, LEDAP

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1️⃣ SECTION 109(1)(G), CFRN, 1999 provides: “A member of a House of Assembly shall vacate his seat in the House if –
being a person whose election to the House of Assembly was sponsored by a political party, he becomes a member of any other political party before the expiration of the period for which that House was elected: Provided that his membership of the latter political party is not as a result of a division in the political party of which he was previously a member or of a merger of two or more political parties or factions by one of which he was previously sponsored;”

2️⃣ SECTION 109(2), CFRN, 1999: “The Speaker of the House of Assembly shall give effect to subsection (1) of this section, so however that the Speaker or a member shall first present evidence satisfactory to the House that any of the provisions of that subsection has become applicable in respect of the member”


4️⃣. On 14 December 2023, “FUBARA-BACKED RIVERS SPEAKER DECLARES SEATS OF 27 DEFECTED LAWMAKERS VACANT”* (published in premiumtimesng)

5️⃣(a). I can’t see anywhere in the Constitution where Court has any role to play before the seats of defecting lawmakers could or would become vacant;

(b). Meanwhile, the following appear to be not in doubt:

(i). 27 lawmakers had defected to another party. On 11 December 2023, *”27 RIVERS PDP LAWMAKERS DEFECT TO APC”* (See:

(ii). There was no division reported at the national level of their own political party (PDP) as of the time and date they defected to the APC;

(iii). By virtue of an order of a competent court of law, Edison Ehie was the Speaker as of 13 December 2023 when the seats were declared vacant bt the Speaker, Hon Edison Ehie.

(iv). As the speaker, Hon Edison Ehie then declared vacant, the seats of the 27 members who had defected to the APC.

(v). HON EDISON EHIE as the speaker reportedly later wrote the INEC to conduct elections to fill the vacant seats. *”RIVERS SPEAKER WRITES INEC, SEEKS CONDUCT OF FRESH ELECTIONS IN 25 CONSTITUENCIES”*

(vi). Whether INEC listened to conduct bye-elections or not, and pending when INEN would conduct the bye-elections, the declaration by the speaker, based on the defection, appears to have rendered the seats vacant. Further, the Speaker had done what he should do by notifying INEC and inviting INEC to conduct fresh elections to fill the existing vacancies. The ball is now in INEC’s court. Meanwhile, the businesses of the House of Assembly has to proceed with the remaining members of the House, pending when INEC conducts the bye-elections. See Section 102 of the Constitution.

(vii). Until today that declaration by speaker Ehie has not been reversed by the speaker of Rivers State House of Assembly; can it even be reversed by the House? No provisions in the Constitution for reversal of the declaration.

6️⃣. I saw yesterday (09/05/2024) where one of our great seniors was arguing strongly that mere defection doesn’t render the lawmakers’ seats vacant. And I asked myself, even if section 109(1)(g) was not self-executory as the learned senior argued, had the Speaker not given effect to the provisions of Section 109(1)(g) as required by the Constitution, thereby executing it whereupon the seats of the 27 members had then become vacant in the eyes of the law? How else does our oga want the provisions of *Section 109(1) (g)* to be given effect? And, does INEC’s delay in conducting Bye-elections to fill the vacancies created by the defection, affect the fact that in law, their seats are already vacant?

7️⃣. I saw also another opinion, that a court must declare the seats vacant before the seats can become vacant. With due respect, I don’t think that’s what the law says. The Constitution does not say anywhere, that a court of law must make a declaration before the seats of defecting members of a legislative house would become vacant upon such a defection. The Constitution has given power to the Speaker of the House of Assembly to declare the affected seats vacant. And irrespective of how Hon Edison Ehie was elected the speaker, the court had upheld the said election (albeit temporarily) and given the said speaker and the remaining Assembly members the go-ahead to conduct the businesses of the House. It was after the green light from the court that the Edison Ehie-led House went ahead to declare VACANT the seats the defecting members. A court order remains binding and effective unless and until set aside. See *THE MILITARY GOVERNOR OF LAGOS STATE & ORS. V. CHIEF EMEKA ODUMEGWU OJUKWU & ANOR (1986) JELR 47904 (SC);* (SC. 241/850) [1986] NGSC 13 (14 February 1986).

See also Ogundare, JSC, in *Rossek v. A.C.B. Ltd.* (1993) 8 NWLR (Pt. 312) 382 at pages 434-435 E-C; and Eso, JSC in *Oba Aladegbami v. Oba Fasanmade* (1988) 3NWLR (pt.81) 131; (1988-LCER-4450-SC)

See also *Adebayo v. Johnson* (1969) 1 All NLR 176; *Aladegbemi v. Fasanmade* (1988) 3 NWLR (Pt.81) 129; *Komolafe v. Omole* (1993) 1 NWLR (Pt.268) 213; *Rossek v. African Continental Bank Ltd.* (supra).” See also the dictum of MUHAMMAD, J.S.C ( Pp. 23-27, paras. E-C ) in *OSHIOMHOLE & ANOR V. FGN & ANOR* (2004) LPELR-5188(CA).

If there was a court order validating the actions of the Edison Ehie-led House at the time the House declared vacant the seats, can one validly argue that the seats have not been declared vacant?

8️⃣. By the way, let one advert one’s mind to the rules of corporate governance, especially relating to Majority Rule and Minority Protection?What happens when those acting illegally or committing a breach of the law are in the majority, and can’t reasonably be expected to take action against themselves for purposes of giving effect to the legal consequences of their illegal actions, which situation has foisted upon the corporation a state of hopelessness or helplessness? Isn’t the minority entitled to act to save the situation? By the way when 27 members out of a 32-member house defect leaving only five, aren’t the five entitled to act to uphold and protect the law, since it’s reasonably unthinkable that the defecting 27 members would ever give effect to the provisions of Section 109(1)(g), Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999?

9️⃣. There is no doubt that the 27 lawmakers are the ones who had voluntarily given their opponents the weapon with which to fight the 27 lawmakers. Thus, I agree with respected Femi Falana, SAN, that the defection of the 27 lawmakers was ill-advised, self-defeating and counterproductive. *”27 RIVERS LAWMAKERS WHO DEFECTED FROM PDP TO APC DIDN’T RECEIVE SOUND LEGAL ADVICE AND HAVE LOST THEIR SEATS – FEMI FALANA”*

9️⃣. RESOLUTION OF THE MATTER. I humbly think that if the affected 27 or 25 lawmakers believe their seats have not become vacant, they should explore the legal opportunity provided by *Section 272(3), Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999,* which provides as follows: _”Subject to the provisions of section 251 and other provisions of this Constitution, the Federal High Court shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine the question as to whether the term of office of a member of the House of Assembly of a State, a Governor or Deputy Governor has ceased or *become vacant”. The court would then examine all issues and award relevant redress or orders as it may deem necessary, fit and just in the circumstances. It is respectfully submitted that the State High Court also has jurisdiction in the matter.

🔟. Finally, I admit the legal discussions are intricate, complex as many issues need to be examined on both sides. Meanwhile, I urge all lawyers as custodians of the rule of law, to approach the matter with an open and objective mind, while facing reality as it’s. On my part, as much as I need a further education on the legal issues, I think I should write further to give a detailed legal opinion on the matter, citing as much more legal authorities as I am able to have access to, in the best interest of the public and our constitutional democracy.

  • Udemezue (Udems) is the Proctor at Reality Ministry of Justice (RMJ), a Public Interest Legal Advocacy Group), and can be reached at

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A leading aspirant for the coveted position of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Port Harcourt Chairman, Mrs. Cordelia Uwuma Eke has had her chances brightened following her clearance today by the John K. Synger-led Electoral Committee.

In a notice obtained by CITY LAWYER, the electoral umpire stated that it has scrutinized Eke’s nomination papers and found them faultless.

Eke topped the list of candidates cleared by the Electoral Committee for the position of Chairman, even as the committee also gave the green light to Mr. Geoffrey Joseph and Felicia Nwoke.

Others who also made the list include Chijioke Amadi and Emmanuel John for the position Vice Chairman, Obum Nwoye, Secretary; Modupe Babalola, Financial Secretary and Esu Cleopas for Assistant Secretary.

A pioneer female Secretary of the branch, Eke is on course to also emerge as the pioneer female Chairman of the mega branch. 

Eke is a respected Bar Leader and former former Secretary of the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA). Currently a Director in the Rivers State Ministry of Justice where she holds sway as a no-nonsense criminal trial prosecutor, Eke has been actively engaged in mediation, civil and criminal litigation at the high court, Appeal court, and the Supreme court for over 20 years.

She is also the President of the influential 1995 Law School Class. A Rivers State Representative in the Eastern Zone Management Committee of the NBA Section on Business Law (NBA-SBL), Eke holds a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Degree from the Rivers State University of Science and Technology (now Rivers State University), Port Harcourt, and a Master of Laws (LLM) in Public International Law, from the University of Kent, Canterbury in the United Kingdom. 

More recently, she was named among Africa’s Top 100 Female Lawyers during the unveiling of this year’s “Courtroom Mail 100 Women 2024.”

A citation by the organisers noted that Eke is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators ICMC Nigeria, a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants, and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Nigeria. She specializes in Criminal Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Eke has held several leadership positions in the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), African Bar Association (AFBA), African Women Lawyers Association (AWLA) Nigeria, International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) Nigeria and the Law Officers Association of Nigeria (LOAN) at state and national levels, including being Council Member of the NBA Human Rights Institute and the National Executive Committee. She is presently a member of the NBA National Remuneration Committee.

The popular Bar Leader is acclaimed as an ace prosecutor and has also held down several roles at the Ministry of justice, including, being the Team Lead, Committee on Drafting of Prosecution Manual and Code of Conduct for Prosecutors and Team Lead, Attorney-General’s Special Committee which treated abandoned case files of over 350 awaiting trial inmates in the Federal prisons in Rivers State.

Her expertise in criminal law practice made her a much-sought-after Speaker, Trainer, and Resource person on legal and other subjects. She has presented papers to members of the Bench and the Bar among others at various seminars, workshops and conferences including the NBA Annual General Conferences and NBA Continuing Legal Education (NBA-CLE) programmes among others.

Reputed as a cerebral lawyer, Eke is the author of the fast-selling book, CRIMINAL JUSTICE IN NIGERIA: A PRACTICAL GUIDE. She has also published articles and edited legal works and newsletters.

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GOOD NEWS: LAWYER IN BUSINESS INSTITUTE [RC:135532] announces ongoing programmes for the Benefit/Training of Lawyers/members, with Aare Isiaka Olagunju SAN among top subscribers

The programmes include:

1] LIBI Land-Banking Scheme: [100 of us contribute 100k each to buy F.C.D.A Land with Approved Building Plan in a Built-up Estate; Build to DPC Level, sell later and share profit]. Click here to join

2] NHIS Free Comprehensive Health Insurance for two lucky Lawyers/members this June 2024. Click here to join

3] Monthly Asusu [rotational contribution] through the LIBI Cooperative to help Lawyers/members raise interest-free Loan for Investments. Some guides on areas and how to invest also available. Click here to join:

4] Shalom Villa Estate Ltd Partnership: to help Lawyers/members become Landlords in Abuja and pay Small small for up to one year/Six months. Land is F.C.D.A Allocation with FCDA Approved Building Plan. Subscribe, build and move in.

5] TekPath Ltd: To train Lawyers/Members on the Tech Skills needed to render there Legal and other services from home/office and earn in Dollars. [On platformremote. co, nodesk. co, upwork .com, flexjobs. com. pangian. com, remotely. jobs, remotive. com etc]
Click here to join

6] Digital Technology Business School London, United Kingdom: To train and Certify Lawyers/members on IT, Project Management, Business Analysis, Cyber Security and Data Science.

7] Queens Breed Services: To train Lawyers/members on the opportunities available on the Nigerian Customs Auction Portal and how to navigate same. Members will be able to buy cars at amazingly cheap rates during Customs Auction and resell at greater value.

8] NACO Logistics Ltd: To train Lawyers/Members on the Logistics/Hospitality Industry and opportunities therein.

9] Remita Invest Crypto Inc: To train Lawyers/Members on the opportunities in the Crypto Market and equip them with the necessary tools to needed.

10] Marx Capital Cooperative Ltd: to train Lawyers on the opportunities in Loaning and Micro Credit bussiness.

11] Euro Titans Ltd: To train Lawyers/Members on the opportunities available in the Procurement and Government Contract industry and arm them with the requisite skills to take advantage.

Good day Learned Colleagues, especially those who just joined our platform. May all our great dreams come true.

It is with the greatest pleasure that we welcome you to the Lawyers In Business Institute.

I am Emeka Silas Agbara Esq, a Past Provost of NBA Abuja, a Director in SOLAR FOR ALL LTD, the Current Treasurer of Otu Oka-iwu [Igbo Lawyers] Abuja and a Senior Associate in the Law Firm of M. I. Dikko SAN & Associates.

I am, by God’s grace, the Convener of Lawyers in Business Institute.

We started the Lawyers in Business Int’l (Founders of the LIBI) in 2018 as a platform to teach Lawyers and learn from their experiences in the area of Business and Business ownership.

We had our first Workshop, with Professor Earnest Ojukwu SAN as the Keynote Speaker.

We set out to clear the wrong notion that Lawyers are not allowed to do business, and explained step-by-step approaches a Lawyer can take to set up and run a business successfully, without any offence to the RPC. We will share records of that Workshop here.

Before COVID, we had our second Workshop in which we invited individuals and companies that are doing well in business to guide Lawyers on how to start.

These are businesses a Lawyer can learn a few skills on, register a Limited Liability Company as the SPV to drive it, streamline operations in a few months, and be able to earn money with the phone/laptop and from the comfort of the Home, Office and/or Court.

When we practice without a hungry stomach, we practice with dignity and honor. We won’t charge N20k to draft Deed of Assignment and Power of Attorney for a Property of Six Million (a colleague did and put his Seal boldly).

We won’t charge 50k to register a Limited Liability Company, just so we are able to feed (e no easy). These and more, are the reasons we are here. We welcome ideas, contributions and insights from everyone on how best to drive this important agenda.

You are most welcome.

The Lawyers in Business Int’l (Founders of the LIBI) started in 2018 as a platform to teach Lawyers/Members and learn from their experiences in the area of business and business ownership. With your support and cooperation, we will see how far we can go before the year ends.

Kindly click the links above to join us.

Send a message to the Admin for details of any of the above opportunities, as we restrict messages to avoid spam and scam messages.

LIBI … Multiple income for greater Dignity.

Silas Agbara Esq
Senior Associate, M. I. Dikko SAN & Co/ Director, Solar For All Ltd/Treasurer, Otu Oka-iwu Abuja
Convener, LIBI

Call/Chat:08060266163. Visit suit A8, Kenuj O2 Mall, Behind Games Village Abuja

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Life Bencher and former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Augustine Alegeh SAN has disagreed sharply with the recent reconstitution of the Body of Benchers committees by its Chairman, Chief Adegboyega Awomolo SAN.

CITY LAWYER recalls that Awomolo had recently reconstituted the membership of the body’s standing committees while creating two ad hoc committees.

But in a sharp rebuke by Alegeh, who is also a member of the NBA Board of Trustees, the Bar Leader stated that the elite body must not engage in dumping decisions taken on the floor of the house merely due to a change in leadership, warning that it would “portend grave danger if each year the decisions made in the last year are overturned when a new Chairman assumes the mantle of leadership.”

When CITY LAWYER contacted the Body of Benchers, it however assured that all issues raised by the Bar Leader would be addressed by its Chairman.

Continuing, Alegeh wrote: “I believe that the Regulations passed and all decisions made under the leadership of Honourable Justice Mary Ukaego Peter-Odili, JSC [Rtd] must be respected as they are decisions of the Body of Benchers.”

He also questioned his removal as Chairman of the Benchers Appointment Committee, noting that he is yet to serve out his three-year tenure as the duly appointed chairman of the committee.

CITY LAWYER recalls that leading senior lawyer, Prof. Yusuf Ali SAN was announced as the new chairman of the committee, with Justice Fati L. Abubakar as Vice Chairman.

In a letter dated 28th March, 2024 and titled “APPOINTMENT TO SERVE AS CHAIRMAN OF THE BODY OF BENCHERS APPOINTMENT COMMITTEE,” Alegeh was named as the arrowhead of the all-important committee. Signed by Mr. Daniel Tela, the Secretary of the Body of Benchers, the letter stated that the appointment “shall be for a period of three (3) years.” The former NBA helmsman accepted the appointment the same day and vowed to “discharge the functions of the office with great responsibility and commitment to the ideals of the Body of Bencher.”

However, less than six weeks in the saddle, the Life Bencher was reportedly yanked off the seat through the reconstitution exercise by Awomolo. The exercise was communicated to benchers through an email by Tela.

But in a fiery protest letter dated 2nd May, 2024 Alegeh warned on the dangers of side-stepping the Rule of Law, saying: “All Legal Practitioners are indeed, expected to be avid proponents and defenders of the Rule of Law.” He added that “I have always seen the Body of Benchers as the apex body in the promotion and defence of the Rule of Law.”

The senior lawyer noted that “the Body of Benchers passed unanimously the new Regulations, made pursuant to the Legal Practitioners Act, 2014 [as Amended],” adding that “The Regulations are sacrosanct and binding on all members of this distinguished body.”

Alegeh stated that the Regulations “show clearly that the power to create Committees rests with the entire Body,” emphasizing that “I am not aware of any committee of this distinguished Body that has been created in a different manner.”

On the renaming of the committees, he stated that this also violated the Regulations, saying: “The Regulations clearly set out and define the Standing Committees of the Body of Benchers and the names so ascribed to the Committees cannot be changed as if the Regulations have no effect whatsoever. The renaming of the Standing Committees clearly violates the Regulations.”

According to the Bar Leader, tampering with the tenure of office of committee members was also a violation of the Regulations. His words: “In your email, under reference, you stated that the membership of the Committees was now to be for a period of two [2] years only, whereas Regulation 11[6] states clearly that membership of Committees is for a period of three [3] years. I wonder how the tenure of members can be shortened to two [2] years, contrary to the clear stipulations of the Regulations.”

Turning to the reconstitution of the Benchers Appointment Committee, Alegeh expressed concern that he was removed from the saddle before the expiration of his tenure. Making reference to his acceptance of the appointment from the Benchers” leadership, he wrote: ” I am surprised to see that whereas my tenure has not expired, my respected big brother and Life Bencher, Mallam Yusuf Ali, SAN, whom I hold in very high esteem, and who has a rich history of respect for the Rule of Law, was published in your email as the “Chairman” of the same Committee.”

He warned “that I accepted to serve the full term of three [3] years and I have not resigned my appointment as the Chairman of the Body of Benchers Appointment Committee. I believe there must be an error which I respectfully request should be corrected immediately.”

He observed that the error “is made more apparent” by the statement that “members already serving in Committees and are being retained, shall serve the remaining term of office as indicated in their letter of appointment earlier issued”

The former NBA President stated that he was named a mere member of the Benchers Appointment Committee in the reconstitution exercise whereas his letter of appointment “states clearly that I was appointed as the Chairman of the Committee for a term of three [3] years.”

In the clearest indication that he was ready to do battle over the matter, he vowed that “I therefore would continue to act as Chairman of the Committee in the terms stated in my Letter of Appointment.”

Alegeh stated that the “clear provisions” of the Benchers’ Regulations “may not have been brought to the attention of the Chairman before you sent the email under reference,” and urged Tela “as a matter of urgency, to raw the attention of the Chairman to the provisions of the extant Body of Benchers Regulations, 2024 and ensure compliance and respect for the said Regulations.”

Tela however told CITY LAWYER that the Body of Benchers is aware of the  letter and would tackle all the issues raised. His words: “We are in receipt of the letter and the attention of the Chairman has been drawn to it. The issues raised will be addressed by the Chairman.”

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A former Chairman of the influential Surulere Lawyers Forum (SLF), Mrs. Chioma Ferguson has commended Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President, Mr. Yakubu Maikyau SAN for constituting the NBA Surulere Branch Caretaker Committee.

Speaking to CITY LAWYER on the setting up of a Caretaker Committee to operationalize the new branch, the fiery Bar Leader described the development as “epoch-making,” saying that “Posterity will be kind to the NBA President for taking the bold step to fully bring this long-awaited branch to life.”

Ferguson, who is also a founding member of the forum, stated that “The new branch will take Bar activities in the Yaba/Surulere axis to an entirely new level, thereby boosting professionalism and the welfare of lawyers.”

Reputed to have taken SLF to enviable heights during her eventful tenure, the seasoned Bar Leader also commended members of the Caretaker Committee “for accepting to serve the Bar at this crucial time. I am especially excited that they are people of character and integrity. I urge all our members to accord them maximum support in order to enable them seamlessly discharge their mandate.”

CITY LAWYER recalls that Maikyau had recently constituted the Caretaker Committee, with respected senior lawyer, Mr. Adeleke Agboola SAN as Chairman.

He wrote: “Whereas the National Executive Council in its meeting of 29 February 2024 held in Jos,
Plateau State, reiterated its approval for the creation of Surulere Branch of the Association, and authorised the National Executive Committee to constitute a Caretaker Committee for the Branch for the purpose of conducting the election of Branch officers.

“After careful consideration, the Caretaker Committee of Surulere Branch, is hereby constituted as follows:

1) Adeleke Agboola, SAN – CHAIRMAN
2) Ita Azim – SECRETARY
3) Roseline Akinbo
4) Chuka Adimonye
5) Peter Ozobialu

“The Committee is to administer the affairs of the Branch for 3 (three) months, beginning from the date of this Notice. Within this period, the Committee shall, as a matter of priority, plan for and hold the Annual General Meeting of the Branch, at which the election of the executive committee of the new Branch shall be conducted. For avoidance of doubt, the Caretaker Committee shall conduct election and hand-over to the elected Branch Executive Committee on or before 7 August 2024.

“I thank members of the Committee for graciously accepting this responsibility and urge them
to discharge their duties in accordance with law, without fear or favour. Members of the Branch are enjoined to give the Caretaker Committee maximum support and cooperation to ensure hitch-free launch of the Branch.”

Meanwhile, the branch will hold its Monthly General Meeting on Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 at Forester Hall, Babatunde Street, Surulere, Lagos. Time is 3 pm. Highlight of the meeting is the handing over of the reins of power by the SLF Executive Committee to the Caretaker Committee.

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We extend our warmest congratulations to our esteemed leader, AFAM OSIGWE, SAN, on your successful clearance by the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) to contest for the esteemed position of President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

Your clearance represents a significant milestone in your journey toward leadership within the legal community. We commend the ECNBA for its diligent review process and adherence to the principles of fairness and transparency.

As friends and supporters, we are immensely proud of your accomplishments and unwavering dedication to the legal profession. Your impeccable track record, integrity, and commitment to upholding the rule of law have earned you the respect and admiration of colleagues and peers alike.

While we eagerly anticipate the upcoming elections, we want to reiterate our steadfast support for you. Your vision for the Nigerian Bar Association resonates deeply with our values of justice, equality, and excellence. We have full confidence in your ability to lead with integrity and make meaningful contributions towards the advancement of the legal profession.

As we await further guidance from the ECNBA regarding campaign regulations, please know that we stand ready to assist and support you in any way possible. Together, we will continue to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.


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A Partner and Head of Tax at ALN: Aluko & Oyebode, Mr. Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN has announced the commencement of the popular BOA Lawyers’ League Tournament.

In a statement signed by the senior lawyer, Ikwuazom SAN, who is the Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Security Agencies Relations Committee (NBA-SARC) and a former Chairman of the NBA Lagos Branch, noted that 15 law firms have signed up for the 19th edition of the tournament.

Below is the full text of the statement.

We’re thrilled to announce the commencement of the 19th Edition of the BOA Lawyers’ League Tournament, set to kick off on May 5, 2024. After the hiatus forced upon us by the Covid-19 lockdown in 2020, it brings me immense joy to announce the revival of this cherished tradition fostering camaraderie and sportsmanship within Lagos’ legal community.

This tournament holds a profound significance for us. It’s organized in honour of the late Mr. Bankole Olumide Aluko, SAN, co-founding partner of ALN Aluko & Oyebode, who passed away in February 2002. His enduring legacy continues to inspire us, and this tournament stands as a fitting tribute to his memory.

With 15 formidable teams in the lineup representing esteemed law firms such as Bloomfield, Grey Chapel, Minerva LP, Templars, G. Elias, ALP Ng Co, Stren & Blan, Denton Acas-Law, DOA, UUBO, Punuka, Banwo & Ighodalo, OALP, Pinheiro, Wole Olanipekun & Co, and, of course, Aluko & Oyebode, this year’s tournament promises nothing short of extraordinary excitement.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all participating law firms for their unwavering support and dedication to this event. Your partnership is pivotal in ensuring the resounding success of the BOA Lawyers’ League Tournament, year after year.

To all members of the legal community in Lagos, I extend this invitation to join us as we come together to cheer on our colleagues, revel in the competitive spirit of the games, and seize the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals.

Let’s unite in celebration of our shared passion for both the legal profession and the beautiful game of football.

Chukwuka Ikwuazom, SAN
Partner and Head of Tax, ALN: Aluko & Oyebode

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Friends of one of the leading candidates for the position of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) First Vice President, Dr. Promise Iwezor have congratulated him on his clearance by the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA).

According to the message seen by CITY LAWYER, they stated that the clearance “remains a huge testament to your strong commitment to the rule of law and unflinching ethos.”

The full text of the message reads:


Congratulations on your being cleared to run for office of the First Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association, Dr. Promise Iwezor.

This remains a huge testament to your strong commitment to the rule of law and unflinching ethos.

We wish you the very best at the polls Dr!

Friends of Promise Iwezor

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About six weeks after it was supposed to have made a decision on its choice of Technical Support Consultant (TSC) for the forthcoming Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Elections, the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA) is still keeping its choice under wraps.

CITY LAWYER recalls that the electoral committee had stated in its “Request for Proposal For Technical Support Consultant to the ECNBA” dated 19th February, 2024 that it would on 15th March, 2024 issue a “final decision” as well as award the contract for the role.

The roles of the TSC include Member Identity & Database (Technical Assistance), ICT Service Provider (“Service Provider”), Stakeholder Support as well as Tests, Audits & Reports.

The electoral committee had stated that “Proposals must be received on or before 5pm, on 29th February 2024 for consideration to be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to THE SECRETARY, ECNBA, NBA INSTITUTE, NO. 9 ORO-AGO CRESCENT, OFF MUHAMMADU BUHARI WAY, OFF TWON BRASS STREET, GARKI 2, ABUJA. A soft copy of the proposal and attachments shall also be submitted electronically via email to”

It added that “Proposals must remain valid in all material respects for 90 days. 8. The ECNBA will shortlist and publish successful respondents on the ECNBA/NBA website or any other major platform to afford members of the Association the opportunity to make observations or file any complaint against the engagement of any of the Respondents stating substantial and verifiable grounds. The decision of the ECNBA in respect of the choice of the respondent shall be final.”

The committee set out the timelines to deliver its task of appointing the TSC as follows:

 Publish Request for Proposal – 20th February 2024

 Shortlist successful respondents and notify unsuccessful respondents – 3rd March 2024

 Publish shortlisted respondents on ECNBA/NBA websites and major platforms, request for any objections/complaints – 5th March 2024

 Consider objections and complaints against shortlisted respondent(s) – 7th March 2024

 ECNBA’s Due Diligence and final decision/Award Contract – 15th March 2024

The committee had in a notice dated 27th March, 2024 announced its shortlist of three companies for the role, saying: “The Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA) is pleased to announce the shortlisted entities that have submitted bids as technical support consultants for the upcoming NBA elections.”

The companies include Infohob Technology Limited, Digital Hub Solutions and Services Limited and Morgen Green Limited.

The ECNBA stated that “These entities have demonstrated exceptional qualifications and experience in the field and will proceed to the next stage of the selection process, which will involve interviews and further assessment.”

Digiterhub is reputed as a fast-growing Managed Service Provider (MSP) business “which is poised for global expansion on the back of a robust solution/ product portfolio as well as strategic investments and enhancements in delivery capabilities like Cyber Security, Data Privacy as a Service, Cloud Computing, Mobile & Web Apps, and integrated Training hub platforms.”

Morgen Green Limited is reputed as a company that specializes in providing advanced Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions. Äccording to the company’s profile, “We support businesses and organizations across various sectors by delivering mission-critical ICT systems, integrating tailored business solutions, and enabling end-to-end digitalization of services. Our portfolio includes telecoms, payment gateways, IT security, network services, and edutech solutions.”

Infohob Technology Limited has Mr. Anthony Tersoo Ayabam as its Founder and Chief Executive Officer. He is a member of the National Advisory Council on Technology and Creativity. He is reputed as an experienced leader in the IT and telecoms sector with over 20 years combined technical and C-Suite experience in the development, deployment and analysis of technical solutions, and trends. His technical experience is “grounded in work for range of large international corporations including Schlumberger, Ericsson and the World Bank. He helped these companies arrive at the right solutions, from conceptualization to implementation.”

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Afrobeat musician and son of legendary Fela Anikulapo-Kuti, Seun Kuti, has apologised to Chief Bolaji Ayorinde SAN over a defamatory statement he made against the senior lawyer.

Seun had in a video on social media alleged that Ayorinde intentionally passed information to Process and Industrial Development (P&ID) while representing Nigeria in the arbitration proceedings over a disputed gas contract.

The afrobeat musician had also vowed that he was ready to meet Ayorinde in court over the controversy surrounding the P&ID gas processing contract case.

Following this, the senior lawyer slammed the popular afrobeat musician with a libel and defamation of character lawsuit before an Oyo State High Court sitting at Ibadan.

However, at the hearing of the suit on April 18, 2024, parties informed the court that they had amicably resolved the matter. They urged the court to adopt their terms of settlement dated 15/4/2024 and filed the same date as the judgment of the court.

Consequently, Justice Kamorudeen Olawoyin adopted the terms of settlement as the judgment of the court.

The court said: “In view of the foregoing and in accordance with the expressed desire of the parties in this suit as confirmed by the respective counsel in court, I hereby enter the foregoing terms of settlement as the judgment of the court.”

In the terms of settlement seen by CITY LAWYER, Seun stated that his statements made and published on his Instagram handle @bigbirdkuti on October 31, 2023, against Ayorinde were untrue and stood retracted.

He stated: “It is not true that the claimant (Chief Ayorinde SAN) leaked confidential documents to the adverse side in the P & ID Vs. Nigeria arbitration matter or in any way conducted himself in any unethical or corrupt manner in his work as legal Practitioner for Nigeria in the said case.

“It is not true that the claimant deliberately planned with the opponent to lose in the P & ID Vs. Nigeria Arbitration Matter and sabotaged the interests of Nigeria in the case.

“It is not true that the claimant committed Treachery against Nigeria in the said P & ID Vs. Nigeria Arbitration Matter.

“It is not true that the claimant charged $197 million for a case in which the claimant intentionally sabotaged his country, Nigeria.”

Seun added: “Having now conceded that my allegations are untrue and unfounded and that I have unjustifiably impeached the character and reputation of Chief Ayorinde, SAN, I hereby publicly recant and retract my aforesaid untrue imputations against Chief Ayorinde, which stood to damage the hard earned good name and good will of Chief Ayorinde’s character.”

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