Did you ever hear the incredulous tale about the fine gentleman who won a game of darts in a pitch dark room? Before you stress your memory, I’ll just tell you straight up that you’ve never heard that story, because it’s never happened.

A wise man once said, “Whatever has been, is what will be again.”

All through history, the leadership of any organization, nation, or people group, has always been a significant driver of its progress and emancipation; or otherwise. In ancient China, the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the rise of the Ming Dynasty translated the Chinese from heavy taxation, corruption and unrest to economic and agricultural reforms, reduction in corruption and revival of Chinese culture. In ancient Russia, Peter the Great ascended to the throne in 1682 and brought with him westernization, expansion, education and industry. In Japan, Emperor Meiji ended isolation and stagnation when he took over the reins.

It’s no secret that every two years, since 2015 at least, members of the legal profession in Nigeria troop to the polls (digitally) to elect a new set of executives at the National level in particular. However, more recently, the tussle for NBA Presidency has sadly become akin to the proverbial shot in the dark with learned members of the Trial Bar emerging from different quarters, with varying levels of capabilities, to test their mettle in the hallowed halls of leadership and power of the Association. And the electorates, like the man playing a game of darts in blackout, may well have to take aim and hope to hell that it hits the mark, unless…

The Profession is one of ancient nobility; it strikes pride in the hearts of all whom are privileged to be members and, hopefully, fear in the hearts of anyone on the wrong side of the law. But lately, our beloved profession has been bedeviled by various forms of sad news ranging from lawyers being beaten up or killed in the course of their duties by trigger happy law enforcement agents, to lawyers being shot at, maimed, or kidnapped by unknown gunmen.

Like any organization faced with series of pain-points, survival instinct dictates that the smartest course of action would be to elect a new leader who is no stranger to power, who has the gumption to stand up to powers that be, and who has the moral and personal strength to weather any storm. Common sense demands that an organization such as ours which has recently been bedeviled by series of attacks on members would gravitate towards leadership that is bold, uncompromising, and articulate.

It would have seemed pretty much a tall order, encompassing all these qualities in a single individual; but thankfully, the person of Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN embodies every last one of the above listed attributes and more. He’s the ‘unless’ we’ve all been waiting for with bated breath.

Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN is no stranger to the Bar and does not need any introduction. When Mazi Osigwe SAN was General Secretary of the Bar, I recall sitting in the gallery and watching him field a volley of verbal bullets for the-then unpopular constitutional amendment which sought to end delegate voting. I remember as vividly as if it were yesterday how he intelligently, concisely, and boldly met every question, comment or veiled barb with unassailable logic and unbending alignment to the course of justice. In case you didn’t know, this very election we’re all heading towards was largely made possible by the many efforts of this very man on that day.

I still recall watching him in action during the Nigerian General elections in 2015. In that election, NBA singled herself out as an election observer without equal. For the first time ever, NBA was feeding second-by-second updates to ALL news channels about the elections because being a master strategist, the administration in which Mr Osigwe was GS, had forseen and executed the planting of lawyers as observers in every single Ward and Polling Unit across the nation.

It goes without argument that Mr Osigwe SAN has proved his mettle time and time again; and I make bold to say the Bar would be very safe in his capable hands. One needs only to look at his manifesto to feel at peace about the future of our great association in his capable hands.

The times dictate the urgent need for a leader with a strong moral fibre and unapologetic affiliation for truth and justice; a man who does not buckle under pressure and a man who promotes the well-being of his colleagues above personal interest. The times require a man of capability and capacity whom has been tested and trusted; otherwise, the elections may be like the proverbial shot in the dark. Mazi is that man.

I’ve recently read with amusement some clumsy and half-witted efforts to blacken the character of the very learned silk. Indeed, the African elders were right when they said children only throw stones at trees with fruits. Interestingly, the campaign of calumny has been focused on Mazi and not on the other contestants for the seat of Presidency; which begs the question: what are his attackers so afraid of? Are they afraid of the Bar Mazi hopes to build? One where young lawyers are treated with respect, kindness and consideration? Or are they afraid of the fact that he, unlike many others, is never afraid to call a spade a spade and speak truth to power? Are they afraid of his unapologetic proclivity for truth and justice? Are they afraid that he won’t kowtow and bow when things go wrong and look the other way for fear of goring anyone’s ox? Are they afraid of a Bar that is finally progressive and unified in every sense of the word? Are they afraid of the potentials of a learned gentleman of the inner Bar who treats every colleague, including the shiniest new wig, with unfailing courtesy and respect? Yes, it is the tree with the most promise that attracts stones. All the efforts of naysayers combined, cannot sweep his many achievements under the carpet and whitewash the fact that there really is no better candidate for NBA President if we’re sincerely interested in moving forward as an Association.

With every failed attempt to blackmail an unassailable reputation such as Mr Osigwe’s, the more discerning minds have become even more determined to stand by him. With each weak campaign of calumny against his person, the intelligent minds are left to wonder why he, more than others, threaten the purveyors of fake news and sentiments.

Learned Gentlemen, it is time to flex our electoral muscles by installing into power, a man who was General Secretary, under the Alegeh SAN administration which has till date, been unparalleled in its achievements. Recall that it was during this era the NBA Secretariat was finally completed and occupied, saving the Association lots of inconvenience and costs. It was during this era the Insurance scheme for lawyers finally became a reality. It was this same era that ushered in the regime of the stamps and seals we’re all so proud of, by the way.

Let us exercise our franchise and elect a man not bound by the shackles of cliques and circles. What he has to offer is plain for the world to see. The time is now.

Nigerian Bar Association dide, tashi, bilie.

God bless the Bar.

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