Immediate past Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) President and Labour Party (LP) Governorship candidate for the forthcoming Edo State Governorship Election, Mr. Olumide Akpata has lauded his predecessor-in-office, Mr. Augustine Alegeh SAN on his 6th birthday celebration today.

In a message made available to CITY LAWYER, Akpata described the former NBA President as “an exemplar of what it means to be truly successful – not just in career but also in character.”

He added that “In a world that often prioritizes professional success over personal relationships, you have very deftly mastered both. Your ability to remain a compassionate friend is truly remarkable.”

On his part, the Chairman of the NBA National Officers Election Appeal Committee, Mr. Usman Ogwu Sule SAN described Alegeh as “an exemplary and inspiring Bar Leader whose tenure as NBA President remains one of the most achievement-laden in the history of the Bar.

“His leadership acumen and professionalism are virtues that endear him to lawyers of all generations.”

NBA First Vice President-elect Sabastine Anyia stated that Alegeh “to me is a consummate Bar man and a builder of young people. He cherishes friendship and is always ready to give a helping hand. With him, there is no dull moment; he always brings out the best in the people around him. He is a friend you cannot afford to miss.”

Below are the full texts of the birthday messages.

“A Diamond In The Legal Profession, A Gem Of A Friend”

At 60, you stand as an exemplar of what it means to be truly successful – not just in career but also in character.

Your legal acumen has helped to shape our jurisprudence, your stellar leadership transformed our Bar…but it is your kindness and unwavering friendship that has left an indelible mark on hearts like mine.

In a world that often prioritizes professional success over personal relationships, you have very deftly mastered both. Your ability to remain a compassionate friend is truly remarkable.

As you celebrate this milestone, know that you are cherished, not just for what you have achieved but for who you are – a man of compassion, warmth and unparalleled loyalty.

Happy 60th Birthday My Brother And My Friend!


27th President of the Nigerian Bar Association



30th President of the Nigerian Bar Association


For me, it is a privilege and honour to wish Mr. Augustine Alegeh, SAN, Happy Birthday and many more returns.

I first met this great man in 2012 in Lokoja NEC Meeting and since that day, it has been all rosy knowing him.

I am exceedingly excited that he will be joining the Diamond club on the 10th day of August, 2024 when he will be marking his 60th birthday in good health and sound mind. To God be the glory.

Augustine Alegeh SAN to me is a consummate Bar man and a builder of young people. He cherishes friendship and is always ready to give a helping hand. With him, there is no dull moment; he always brings out the best in the people around him. He is a friend you cannot afford to miss.

He strikes you where you are wrong with the right hand and quickly corrects you or brings you home with the left hand. In a word, I can simply describe him as a worthy leader.

This great man’s contribution to the legal profession cannot be over-emphasized. During his tenure as the NBA President, he took the Bar to the sky. He brought about so many innovations that Nigerian lawyers are still enjoying till date.

It was during his time that NBA eradicated fake lawyers by the introduction of Stamp and Seal. It became our law that Nigerian lawyers cannot file processes in our courts without affixing their NBA stamp. This innovation did not only eradicate fake lawyers but also brought about financial enhancement to our legal colleagues.

To some of us, he is the father of innovations in the Nigerian Bar Association. A special breed and a dependable ally.

As an association, we cannot be talking about NBA House without copiously discussing Mr. Augustine Alegeh SAN’s tenure. He is indeed a go-getter.

There is one striking quality of this great man; He is not afraid to speak the truth to any institution, powers or persons. As an Edo man, whenever he believes that something or an action is correct or is the truth, he can give everything to stand by it.

I thank God for sparing his life and bringing him to the Diamond age of 60. It can only be God. I pray that the Almighty will grant him many more years in good health and sound mind, increase his wisdom and finances and above all, love and happiness.

Once again, Happy Birthday to our own Austin Alegeh SAN, Past President of the NBA, the man with a golden heart.

Sabastine U. Anyia Esq
1st Vice President Elect.

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