Friends of Sabastine Anyia, Esq. heartily rejoice with the indefatigable Chairman of NBA, BWARI BRANCH, our own Paul Daudu Esq. and the entire members of NBA, BWARI BRANCH on the occasion of their 2024 Law week with the theme: Strengthening the Foundation of Justice in Nigeria. We are grateful to be participating in this very rich law week.

It’s gratifying to know that as the son of our former NBA, President, Joseph B. Daudu, you are living up to our expectations. No wonder they say, “The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”. Keep soaring, your Daddy is watching you with keen attention and a sense of satisfaction.

We have never been in doubt of your ability to effectively and efficiently champion the affairs of NBA, BWARI BRANCH. Your achievements within this short period of time and your well packaged law week bear eloquent testimony to your leadership qualities and humane deposition which your branch and many of us who have come close to you have enjoyed.

We also salute efforts of your executive and members of your branch who had contributed to the success of your tenure and this law week in particular. This law week shall be a veritable platform for ushering in a new beginning to all of us. It’s also our prayers that we benefit from the eminent scholars who had spoken to us and who will be speaking to us hereinafter. We are proud to identify and celebrate with you and your branch members on this epoch making event.

We wish each and every one of us attending this law week a rewarding outing.

Friends of Sabastine Anyia

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