Lawyers in Ilorin Drum Massive Support for Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN

At a well-attended gathering in Ilorin, lawyers came together to express their enthusiastic support for Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, in his campaign to become the President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). The event was filled with engaging discussions, testimonials, and a shared optimism for the future of the legal profession under Osigwe’s leadership.
Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe, SAN, has been widely recognized for his dedication to the profession and his inclusive vision for the NBA. Lawyers in Ilorin praised his proactive bar manifesto, which they believe presents better days ahead for legal practitioners across the country. His manifesto focuses on several key areas, including:
1. Inclusivity and Diversity: Afam Osigwe is committed to creating a more inclusive NBA where every member, irrespective of their background, feels valued and represented.
2. Human Rights Advocacy: Strengthening the NBA’s role in safeguarding human rights is a central part of his vision. He aims to enhance collaboration with the Human Rights Commission to protect the rights of both lawyers and Nigerian citizens.
3. Branch Empowerment: A crucial aspect of his manifesto is the empowerment of NBA branches. By strengthening the Human Rights Committees at the branch level, he aims to ensure a more effective response to human rights issues and other concerns.
4. Professional Development: He plans to prioritize continuous professional development, providing lawyers with the necessary tools and training to excel in their careers.
5. Responsive Leadership: He advocates for a more responsive and proactive NBA leadership that listens to and addresses the concerns of its members promptly.
6. Unity and Collaboration: Emphasizing the importance of unity within the association, Afam Osigwe proposes initiatives that foster collaboration among members, ensuring a strong and cohesive NBA that can effectively advocate for justice and the rule of law.
The overwhelming support from lawyers in Ilorin signifies the growing momentum behind Mazi Afam Josiah Osigwe’s candidacy. As the NBA National Election on July 20, 2024, approaches, his vision for a more inclusive, effective, and united NBA continues to resonate with legal professionals across Nigeria.
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