Two candidates in the just-concluded Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) National Officers Elections, Mr. Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN and Mr. Tobenna Erojikwe as well as the NBA First Vice President-elect, Mr. Sabastine Anyia have issued statements in the aftermath of the elections.

CITY LAWYER recalls that the Electoral Committee of the NBA (ECNBA) had today at the NBA House declared Mr. Afam Osigwe SAN as the winner of the NBA presidential poll.

While Ikwuazom had sensationally withdrawn from the presidential race mid-stream, citing irregularities, Erojikwe said that he “will be issuing a more detailed statement on our observations during the electoral process, and indeed the outcome of it.”

Below are the statements.

Chukwuka Ikwuazom SAN: Heartfelt Appreciation for Your Unwavering Support

Dear friends and colleagues,

I write to express my deepest gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to all of you for your incredible support of my aspiration to lead our dear association. Your dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment to our shared vision of transformative leadership and a fearless Bar have been nothing short of inspiring.

From all nooks and crannies of the nation and from all Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) branches, your efforts to deliver on our mandate have been extraordinary. You have worked tirelessly, often going above and beyond the call of duty, to advocate for a better future for our association. Your passion and determination have not gone unnoticed, and I am profoundly grateful to each and every one of you.

Although the outcome of the election is not what we had expected, the dreams and aspirations you hold for the Bar are noteworthy and valid. I appreciate and thank you for your relentless efforts and unwavering belief in our cause.

To the members of our various campaign teams, your belief in me and in our shared mission has been a source of immense strength. Your dedication has reinforced my resolve to continue striving for the betterment of our profession. I am deeply grateful for your support, and I want you to know that your efforts have not been in vain. Together, we have made significant strides, and our journey towards a more inclusive and equitable NBA continues.

Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support means the world to me, and I am honoured to have had the opportunity to stand alongside such passionate and dedicated individuals. Let us continue to work together to achieve the aspirations we hold for our beloved association.

With deepest gratitude,

Chukwuka Ikwuazom, SAN


Distinguished Colleagues and Friends,

I am writing to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hard work, passion, and commitment that you all invested in supporting my aspiration to be elected as President of the Nigerian Bar Association.

I know that the last couple of months have been challenging and I appreciate your significant sacrifices in your quest to building a Courageous and Resilient Bar with me.

When I embarked on this journey, I was driven by the passion to use my time, talent, and resources to serve you and to create an Association that would be beneficial and value adding to you and the society. Although the outcome was not what we expected, I am grateful that you shared in our vision and gave your all to see that vision come to fruition.

I will be issuing a more detailed statement on our observations during the electoral process, and indeed the outcome of it, but it is important to first place on record my eternal gratitude to you for the time, resources, contributions, support, and outpour of love.

I pray that God will reward each of you abundantly.

Candidate for Office of NBA President 2024
21 July, 2024


Learned Silks, my respected Seniors in the bar and Distinguished Colleagues good morning.

Seven months ago, I came seeking your valued support to enable me serve you as your first Vice President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). Today it ends in praise!

Let me first extend my unequivocal gratitude to Him who gives live and everything including the strength, human and material resources, finances and all that is incidental to the realisation of this lofty dream.

On behalf of my immediate family, I stand before you today deeply honored and humbled to accept the role of the First Vice President, which I graciously sought your support to achieve. The moment is not just a personal milestone but a profound responsibility to serve our esteemed Association and uphold the principles of justice, integrity and professionalism that defines our respected profession and which my manifesto captures.

I would like to express gratitude to the members of NBA across board for entrusting me with this position of leadership. Your support and confidence inspire me to dedicate myself in entirety to advancing the goals and interest of our association.

I extend my sincere appreciation to my esteemed colleagues and mentors whose guidance and wisdom snowballed into this great fit. Your counsel has indeed proven invaluable and I am committed to sustaining your legacies.

I am privileged to serve alongside a distinguished team of colleagues carefully selected and who share a commitment to upholding the rule of law and promoting access to justice for all Nigerians irrespective of status, ethnic background, and values. Together, we still strive to foster a legal environment of fairness, transparency, accountability and sense of responsiveness to aspirations of Nigerians particularly in this trying moment of national challenge.

I appreciate past leaders, the outgoing leadership and the bar in general for laying a dependable foundation upon which we shall build never in disappointment but in continued enrichment of our profession in line with its sacred creed.

I will not forget to appreciate my opponents in the just concluded race. They are my source of strength and innovative thinking. I dare to state that they are indispensable. I cherish them and urge them to feel embraced in this journey. I urge them to see this victory as collective. I may not be the best but there is time for every man. This is my time to serve them in humility. I urge them to stay resilient, restrategise and built on the lessons learnt. Success is not only achieved by never failing but by rising each time we didn’t achieve set goals.

Finally, I pledge to serve with integrity, diligence and dedication. I can only do this under a collaborative environment, permit me to therefore seek it from you all so that together with my team we can deliver the giant strides NBA yearns for.
I look forward to working closely with relevant actors to pursue our shared vision for a just, dependable, and equitable society.
Thank you immeasurably!


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