Registration for the forthcoming Annual General Conference (AGC) of the Nigerian Bar Association will commence tomorrow amid widespread clamour for reduction of registration fees for the annual event.

A notice by NBA Publicity Secretary Habeeb Lawal stated that “Registration for the 2024 Annual General Conference shall open at 11:55pm on Wednesday 22 May 2024.

“The schedule of fees is attached. Virtual participation for young lawyers is free, but interested members must still register for the conference.”

The commencement of registration for the NBA flagship event seals any hope that there may be a downward review of the fees which are considered as prohibitive especially for young lawyers.

This led to a flurry of protests and appeals to the AGC Planning Committee (AGCPC) led by Oyinkan Badejo-Okusanya and NBA President Yakubu Maikyau SAN to ensure a downward review of the fees.

CITY LAWYER recalls that young lawyers under the aegis of “Decent Fees” had launched an online protest against the advertised fees, saying that if not reviewed, many young lawyers would be unable to attend the conference.

According to the young lawyers: “The decision to impose such a hefty fee for attending the NBA conference disproportionately affects young lawyers, many of whom are still establishing themselves in the legal profession and may not have the financial means to afford such an expense. We believe that access to professional development opportunities, such as conferences, should not be restricted by financial barriers.”

Titled “Reduce NBA Conference Fees for Young Lawyers,” the petitioners noted that “As young professionals who are just starting our legal careers, many of us are already grappling with financial challenges, including student loan debt and limited earning potential.”

CITY LAWYER recalls that the Early Bird rate for young lawyers during the 2023 AGC was as low as N7,500 for lawyers who met the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements. However, the Early Bird rate for this year’s conference has galloped to N50,000, showing almost 700 %. Badejo-Okusanya had argued that the increase was due to the current 30 % national inflation rate.

While the Regular Rate for 2023 was N20,000 the Regular Rate for this year’s AGC stands at N75,00. Late Registration which cost young lawyers N40,000 last year has shot up to N200,000 for the 2024 conference.

Several Bar Leaders had also weighed in on the debacle, urging a rethink of the fees, even as many NBA branches also made entreaties for a downward review of the fees. NBA Ikeja Branch threatened to boycott the annual conference unless the fees were slashed. It was unclear at press time whether the branch will make good its threat in light of the latest development.

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