The Law Office is a full-service law firm situated at Victoria Island/Lekki, Lagos axis. The law office is mainly in commercial litigation and requires to hire the following legal practitioners:

1. MID-LEVEL LAWYER: The ideal candidate should have 5-7 years post-call experience with some experience in litigation. The preferred candidate should have capacity to work with little supervision and be computer literate.

2. YOUNG LAWYER: The ideal candidate should have 1-2 years post-call experience with an honors degree from a reputable university, must be willing and able to learn quickly and desirous to forge a career in commercial law practice area including sports and entertainment law. The preferred candidate must be very fluent in spoken and written English as well as be IT savvy.

Admitted to the Nigerian Bar.

The salary is competitive and in accordance with industry standards.

Interested candidates should email

SPECIAL NOTE: The SUBJECT of the email must indicate the position being applied for as follows:




Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

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Former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) General Secretary JOYCE ODUAH spoke last Tuesday at the IBA on International Strategy and the International Bar Association: Building and developing an international strategy for young lawyers and its implementation.

Among other reforms, she advocated for reduction of membership and conference fees for young lawyers from all jurisdictions and for all lawyers from developing nations.

INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY AND THE INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION: Building and developing an international strategy for young lawyers and its implementation.
Paper Presented by Joyce Oduah, FICMC, Former Council Member, IBA, at the 2022 International Bar Association Conference in Miami.

Question 1: What steps are in or out in devising international strategy.
International strategy is a term developed from the business sector. It is business plan or strategy created by a company to do its business in international markets. As we know Legal practice is business and as young lawyers you all need to join the international market of legal practice early to enable you succeed.

The question then is how can you as young lawyers join the international market of legal practice?
1. Attend conferences:
Attend Conferences organised by the International Bar Association, Regional Bar Associations and National Bar Association. When you attend these Conferences, make a deliberate attempt to network with lawyers from other jurisdictions. The problem we have most times is that when we attend conferences instead of making new friends we hang on to colleagues we already know or came to the conference with. My advice is that you make friends with colleagues from other jurisdictions and build your international network. By doing so you might be surprised that, opening for international briefs. Note if it does not come today it might come tomorrow.

2. Join in network of law firms:
We have international network of Law Firms and as young it will be great to join same. You can find this by searching through google all you need to do is check their ratings and join. With this you will get the international visibility you need. You can also join informal networks of friendly law firms.

3. Active usage of the social media:
This is the computer age or should I say jet age. To be relevant in the international space one of the tools that you need is the social media. I will recommend Linkedin because it is more business like. I have had opportunity to interact with some of our colleagues in other jurisdictions through this tool and it has been quite beneficial. Instagram is for younger clients. Twitter is more for politicians and journalists but need to be there also. I know you young lawyers are more computer sarvy than me and it will benefit you more.

4. Publishing articles:
To get the International space, you need to or have to publish or write articles in novel areas of law, write on newly promulgated laws. You will be surprised who reads your materials and calls you to handle complex legal issues based on what you have written.

5. Pursue ratings in various international listing:
This is somehow controversial because some people feel ratings are bought, all the same pursue it and get it on merit.

Why International Strategy:
An international strategy is important because there are some restrictions to doing business internationally as a legal practitioner and the only way to navigate the restriction is to have an action plan. Some of the obvious restrictions are:

• Cross Border practice: this is practice beyond a home state where one is licensed to practice. The world is increasingly getting smaller. With the introduction of globalization there has been a move from practicing law in one jurisdiction to increase in cross border transactions. Cross border practice especially in the business sector is on the rise because clients engage in cross border businesses and transactions. We need to counsel clients on the local and foreign based transactions in connection to transnational deals. Also, working for international organizations like the IBA, Continental Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU) and Regional organisation, we find ourselves needing expertise from practitioners in these jurisdictions.
• Differences in legal framework: Different countries; different laws even in countries with similar legal systems i.e. monist/dualist; common law/civil. The International Bar Association provides a platform where you can meet with lawyers across these jurisdictions. Using this network makes work easier. Access to information and expertise and someone on ground.
• Economic and Cultural factors: Cost of travel due to present inflation is high; cost of obtaining qualification; time cost; Language barrier and more. If you have a person in the other jurisdiction it will be easier to penetrate that legal system.
• Limitations by local bars: Qualification and licensing is different in different countries. As a Nigerian, I won’t be able to practice in Ghana, a West African country unless I pass their qualifying examination. Also, differences in legal systems; for example, civil and common law jurisdictions; nationalistic tendencies and protectionism due to fear of domestic practitioners losing out in the long run.
• Cost of doing business abroad: there is high cost for an international practitioner in terms of licensing, time, finances, information, skilled labour.
What are the steps to take in creating an international strategy:
• Understand your purpose: The first step is to understand the purpose of seeking an international practice. This is because all strategies are not the same. Your strategy is determined by the goal you intend to achieve. If your desire is to work abroad for a law firm, your strategy would be different from one who seeks to maintain practice in their home country whilst also servicing their international clients. Like everything else in life, your objective or goal determines your course of action.
• Resource Identification: Understand the resources available to you as this will help in building an effective strategy. These include; financial resources, people resources, intellectual resources, information resources
• Analysis of Legal Framework of Target Country and Client Base:
• Determine the strategy: The market entry mode as well as service/value offerings.

What are the advantages of being part of multi jurisdictional Lawyers:
1. One can design effective and comprehensive strategies for ones clients.
2. Understand international trends.
3. Provide international support for his/her clients

The benefit of being a member of an international organization like IBA is captured on its website homepage ‘you get to meet lawyers and legal professionals from all over the world and you are always learning at the IBA.’

You get to
• Build and maintain a public profile on your My IBA to enhance your recognition, status and improve your visibility online
• Gain new business and build your international referral network
• Attend IBA conferences at a discounted member rate
• Get an international perspective to legal practice. Develop expertise in your chosen specialism
• Expand your international network
• Gain new business
• Making new friends

QUESTION 2: What are the tools available to the IBA to effectively corporate with international practitioners
IBA tools for cooperating with international practitioners:
The IBA as the foremost international organization for legal practitioners worldwide has a role to play in assisting international legal practitioners and so far, the body has performed its function in an outstanding manner. There are several tools which the IBA have put in place to effectively cooperate with legal practitioners. They include:
1. access to reports,
2. surveys,
3. publications,
4. research;
5. professional development opportunities
6. networking opportunities like conferences, seminars;
7. continuing legal development on various aspects of law.; training programmes and materials
8. guidance documents like the practical guide, bar association guidance and the reference annex
9. opportunity to become officers
10. mentorship for example IBA Women Lawyers’ Committee Mentorship Toolkit launched on the 23rd of September.
11. I need to add this because it touches my heart, it is the reduction of membership fees and Conference fees for young lawyers from all jurisdiction and reduction of same for lawyers of the developing Countries. The young lawyers more particularly in developing countries are financially constrained.

Most are unable to afford the membership fees of the IBA. There is thus, a need for reduction in membership fees and conference fees for young lawyers by 50% for them to be able to take advantage of these opportunities. I mean those who are less than 10 years’ post call. Also, the IBA should identify talents through competitions like essay writing and give them opportunities to work or participate actively. The IBA should also provide visa assistance for persons desirous of travelling for IBA events.

Utilizing these tools will enable international lawyers to develop long-lasting business relationships; build lifelong friendships; Increase your profile and create new contacts share experiences and issues with lawyers from all practice areas in over 130 jurisdictions. The IBA is an Investment worth considering as it enables you save time and money by meeting all contacts under one roof.

QUESTION 3: How can a young lawyer effectively contribute and be part of this International community?
Effective Participation
Making the IBA part of your International Strategy should not be merely about joining the community. While this is a starting point, this should not be the end. Make it a part of the plan to effectively contribute to the organization. This way, you build traction and visibility whilst adding value to other members of the IBA and the body as a whole. It should not just be about what you take but also what you give.

Let me give you some examples of myself, my first contribution to my local bar was as a rapporteur during my Youth Service days in 1992. When I joined the Local Bar of my Country Nigeria, the Nigerian Bar Association, my aim was that I bring value to the Association and its members. It was all about service. In 2000 to 2002, I served as the Assistant Secretary, later in 2007 t0 2009, I became the Publicity Secretary, during my tenure as PS I brought lasting changes to my Branch with the introduction of lasting innovation which led to the growth in membership. I later served in the National body of our Association as the Treasurer 2012 to 2014, and there again made a lasting contribution by introducing the Bar Code which changed the fortune of the Branches of the Branches of the NBA. When I became the first female General Secretary of the NBA after 38 years, 2020 to 2022, I also made lasting contributions by introducing the NBA APP and USSD CODE. I am saying all these to let you know that you need to contribute to the IBA to build traction and visibility. All of us on this Panel have made and are still making contributions to the IBA and this is/has given us visibility, without this you would not have known us. You need to make yourselve available to be members of Panels in the near future.

Below is a threefold cord which I have put in place to enable you effectively participate in the IBA and in fact, any community you find yourself in. I call it the ISI model.

Intentionality: Be intentional about your desire to serve and add valuable. Make yourself valuable.

Strategy/Plan: Your strategy is dependent on what you hope to achieve. Participate in programs organized to discuss areas of law relevant to your practice area.

Implementation: Network; build friendships and trusts; keep in touch after conferences and do not fail to use your contacts. Your motivation for meeting people should not only be business. There should be a human touch to your engagements.

My IBA journey would be incomplete without my effective contribution in my local bar. As I have said, finance and lack of access could be a hindrance to joining the IBA. As a young lawyer opportunities will come as you make yourself available to serve from the state to the national and make lasting contributions. Now I am Vice President, West Africa of Pan African Lawyers Union (PALU); Immediate Past General Secretary of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, the largest bar in Africa; Member of the Commonwealth Lawyers Association and more. I have participated in IBA conferences and now I am talking to you as a panelist. This has enabled me build connections and relationships and has enriched my legal practice greatly.

QUESTION 4: What are the biggest trends or challenges in the legal market after the Covid 19 pandemic?
International Strategy post Covid 19:
Covid 19 brought about major disruption to our way of life and work in particular. However, there are benefits to International practitioners especially with the prevalence of virtual technologies and artificial intelligence which places the world at our finger tips. Lawyers can now do business from anywhere in the world and communicate with contemporaries thousands of miles away just at the click of a button and to succeed we must take advantage of the disruption and use it to our benefit. Some of these benefits include: Virtual Law Practice in terms of high presence of legal practitioners and law offices on the internet; sourcing clients; increased access to CLE Courses and legal Conferences and ability to track and report same and share it with the world and potential clients and employers; access to New Opportunities; Greater connectivity with practitioners worldwide; Remote working creating room for flexibility in work schedules; Development in technology and artificial intelligence. The fact that everything can be done online can be of great benefit to the international legal practitioner. This is also cost effective.

It is argued that the inflation and economic recession facing most countries in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic may hinder physical participation in networking, social and learning events due to high cost of participation including travel cost. However, use of technology may bridge the gap as members can participate from the comfort of their homes having paid conference fees and with internet access. And as we know these technologies should be utilized in a way that would allow for active participation i.e. breakout rooms, committee rooms, interactive channels, etc.

There is no one size fit all international strategy; each lawyer must create a plan tailored to suit his/her unique objectives for penetrating the international legal market. One plan is however accessible to all; membership of an International organization with as much clout and tools as the International Bar Association. The IBA if utilized has more than enough resources and platform to position you in the international legal scenery despite the restrictions that exists. It is pertinent to note that to survive as an international lawyer, you need to be able to provide intelligent and smart solutions to business legal challenges faced by businesses, governments and individuals depending on your client base and so you must be abreast with the latest trends and happenings in the international legal ecosystem. To grow, your international strategy is not to be a one off-plan. But a continuous process that is flexible and adaptable to the changing world. The legal practice is increasingly becoming a competitive one and so you must set yourself to stand out; this is where continuous learning and developing expertise comes in. The Covid 19 pandemic has occasioned a rise in cross-border practice and to succeed you need to collaborate. On a final note your international strategy should thus encompass building competence, expertise, collaborations; adaptability, flexibility and the ability to serve clients across different location. The International Bar Association is your sure bet.

Thank You

Former Council Member, IBA
Vice President, West Africa of Pan African Lawyers Union
Immediate Past General Secretary, NBA.

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Dr. Victor Enebeli has been inaugurated alongside other young lawyers to spearhead the Executive Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Port Harcourt Young Lawyers Forum (YLF).

The inauguration ceremony was performed today by the Branch Chairman, Mr. Viktor Benibo. In attendance were members of the Branch Executive Committee among others.

Aside from Enebeli who is the Chairman of the forum, other members of the Executive Committee are:

Ledua Zoe-Akekue, Esq. (Vice Chairman)

Ellen Altraide, Esq. (Secretary)

Ajemina Lawson – Jack, Esq. (Assistant Secretary)

Timothy Clement, Esq. (Publicity Secretary)

Tamunokuro Akuro George, Esq. (Treasurer)

Precious Umoroye Abi, Esq. (Financial Secretary)

Adokiye T. Irisominabo, Esq. (Provost)

Confidence Nwoka, Esq. (Welfare Secretary)


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My vision if elected as the 1st Vice President while working with the President of the NBA is:

● To uphold the standard and reputation of the legal profession while entrenching global best practice as the core values of any lawyer in Nigeria.

● To create a National Data Base for lawyers in Nigeria and all Human Rights cases in Courts across the Country.

● To resuscitate and re-engineer the NBA Human Rights Institute for efficiency.

● To hold National Summit for Young Lawyers in Nigeria on Matters Generally affecting our Practice, Opportunities in the Legal Profession, Human Rights, Gender Based issues and remuneration of Young Lawyers.

● To ensure that NBA partners or collaborate with Civil Societies for the promotion of Human Rights in Nigeria and by so doing strengthen the Human Rights posture of the Association.

Vote LIMAN SALIHU as 1st Vice President of the NBA

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I bet you didn’t know, Mr. Desmond Yamah bought a parcel of land worth over 2 billion naira for his Branch when he was the chairman of the Abuja Branch.

He trained over 300 young lawyers on legislative drafting. Some of them are working with the National Assembly today.

He is meticulous and prudent. No wonder he is the Co-Chairman of the NBA Secretariat Restructuring Committee.

For the love of our great association, vote Mr. Desmond Yamah for the position of the General Secretary.

Watch his hilarious performance at yesterday’s MANIFESTO DAY!

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I Mrs Christiana Dada Endorse Isaac Omuta Ogbah as the best candidate for the post of the 3rd vice president of NBA.

I have known Isaac Omuta Ogbah for well over 3 years and when I just joined NBA Ota branch in 2019, he Isaac Ogbah was still the chairman of the branch.

Isaac Ogbah is a good, credible and detribalized leader who passionately contributed to the welfare of the Young lawyers and elderly lawyers alike.

Isaac Ogbah has a great passion for leadership.

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16th Annual International Business Law Conference of the NBA SBL presents Young Lawyers Trivia Questions

Are you a Young Lawyer of 0-7 years post call?

GOOD NEWS: You are eligible to apply for sponsorship to attend the 16th NBA SBL Conference

Please see details below.

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Mr. Asenoguan Osamuede Isobomuwa has sent a message of felicitation to the Young Lawyers’ Forum, Kaduna branch as they conduct their summit and award night today 24th June, 2022. While the Summit is themed: “Opportunities for Young Lawyers in the Digital Age” the award night is themed: “Setting the Pace”.

Read below the consummate Bar Man’s message.

“It is cheering and reassuring to see the young lawyers of this generation constantly putting forward brave feet as it relates to creating a cynosure of self-belief and determination to excel regardless of our difficult legal -cum- economic environment.

The Young Lawyers’ Forum, Kaduna branch through its programs today, 24th June, 2022 has demonstrated this bravery with its summit themed ‘Opportunities for Young Lawyers in the Digital Age’ and dinner night themed ‘Setting the Pace’. Both themes being vividly reflective of the bravery and ingenuity described above, have by every means attracted my admiration and commendation for them; same is rife and unfettered.

I wish you resounding success at these events. Thank you and God bless.”

Asenoguan Osamuede Isobomuwa, Esq.,
Past Chairman NBA Benin,
Candidate for NBA General Secretary

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The first Inaugural Lecture of the Young Lawyers’ Forum, Ijebu Ode branch had the theme, “The Influence of Justice and Order in a Developing Society.” Notable members of the bar were selected as speakers and panelists.

Mr. Osamuede Asenoguan was a panelist at the event, and has hailed the Forum for prioritizing resourceful activities within the branch.

His words:

“Whenever young lawyers put together thought provoking programs, my confidence in the prosperous future of our dear profession and association is further strengthened.

The young lawyers of Ijebu Ode branch have shown capacity to be an integral part of that prosperous future. They have assembled very notable personalities of the NBA to share their thoughts on the topic ‘The Influence of Justice and Order in a Developing Society’ which is the center-point of their first Inaugural Lecture.

I was more than glad to be a panelist at this event wherein I had yet another opportunity to harp on the undeniable link between the rule of law and progress of a nation.

I commend the leadership and members of the Young Lawyers’ Forum, Ijebu Ode branch for this feat.

Thank you and God bless.”

Asenoguan Osamuede Isobomuwa, Esq.,
Past Chairman NBA Benin,
Candidate for NBA General Secretary




Safiya Balarabe has delivered a goodwill message to the Young Lawyers’ Forum, Ijebu Ode branch on the occasion of their first Inaugural Lecture taking place today, 23rd June, 2022. The topic for the event is “The Influence of Justice and Order in a Developing Society”.

“My regards for the leadership and members of the Young Lawyers’ Forum, Ijebu Ode branch remains firm and same is further strengthened by the boldness and capacity with which this set of young lawyers operate.

It is indeed laudable to begin a venture, especially one which houses a bag load of resourcefulness. The Forum’s Inaugural Lecture with the topic ‘The Influence of Justice and Order in a Developing Society’ and its array of notable NBA personalities as speakers fits the above description.

You have coined a topic that touches on the very soul of the Nigerian state at present. Our major setback as a nation is the willful failure to apply the tenets of the rule of law. It is my sincere prayer that this program and others like it would go a long way to rejig our mentality as a people.

I wish the Forum a successful event tomorrow.

Thank you.”


Safiya Balarabe

Treasurer, NBA Women Forum and Candidate for the position of NBA Treasurer 2022-2024

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The campaign trail of Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN received an impetus on Saturday, June 19, 2022 when the Association of Ebonyi State Lawyers in Lagos State endorsed Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN as the best and preferred presidential candidate for the forthcoming NBA election. This decision was arrived at when members of the Association present at the meeting took turn to apprise the pedigree and records of Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN.

It was said that many young lawyers have benefitted from the professional training and mentorship programmes which Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN has been relentlessly carrying on over the years, this records clearly show that J-K Gadzama is passionate about the growth and development of young lawyers in Nigeria. There is therefore no doubt that Joe-Kyari Gadzama is pro young lawyers and has the competence and capability to continue from where Mr. Akpata led Administration stops.

Sharing the antecedents of the Association, the Chairman of the Association, Mr. Agbafo Ogbonnaya narrated how the Association endorsed the candidacy of the present President of the NBA Mr. Olumide Akpata in 2020 and Mr. Akpata has not disappointed them. He said having assessed the all the candidates vying for the NBA presidency, Chief Gadzama, SAN stands tall and above others and it is clear that he is the only one with competence and capability to lead the Bar at this critical moment.

After deliberations, it was unanimously agreed and resolved that every member of the Association will not only vote for Chief Gadzama, SAN but will also work for his victory in the forthcoming election.

In confirmation of the resolution, members present at the meeting sang a special song which Mr. Kunle Ogunba, SAN crafted for Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN.

J-K Now, J-K Now Now!!!

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It’s few hours before the early bird registration window for the 16th NBA-SBL Annual International Business Law Conference closes.

Many lawyers are taking advantage of these last few hours.

You can still seize this opportunity and register at a discounted rate at

Register now!


SBL Members – N20,000;

Non-SBL Members – N30,000


SBL Members – N45,000

Non-SBL Members – N60,000

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On Friday, June 17, 2022, the Learned Silk, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN was privileged to participate in the ELLAN (Employment and labour Lawyers Association of Nigeria) Presidential exchange.

The Learned Silk passionately answered the questions thrown to him during the debate which were tailored towards the wellbeing of lawyers – an area he remains passionate about.

On sexual harassment, he stated that young lawyers should always speak up and have adequate evidence backing up any allegation. Thereafter, he assured young lawyers that adequate protection will be given to them. Furthermore, he stated that strict punishment such as disbarment will be imposed on the culprits as such an act tarnishes the image of our noble profession. The Learned Silk re-emphasized that he will make sure that such acts are unheard of in the legal profession.

The Learned Silk, during the debate, stated that he believes that in the making of silk, what should be highlighted is whether the applicant has met all the requirements. If the applicant has met all the requirements, he should thus be made Silk. He concluded by advocating that all who have met the criteria should be made Silk, no matter the number.

The Learned Silk when asked a question on the amendment of the RPC stated that he is of the view that the rules should be amended as there were many challenges which were not addressed by the RPC such as the empowerment of lawyers to enable them earn a living outside the normal confinement of the legal profession. He opined that this is inconsistent with the mandate of the NBA which allows the NBA to create wealth and empower members within the parameters of the law.

The Learned Silk during the debate reiterated the well-known fact that the protection of lawyers from the abuse of law enforcement agencies is his priority.

On the question of how the renumeration of lawyers can be improved, the learned Silk stated that the young lawyers do a lot of work in law firms and are talented but they are not adequately appreciated. He stated that the time has come for them to be adequately appreciated by sufficient remuneration.

Furthermore he stated that a minimum pay should be stipulated for the profession.

In his closing remarks, Learned Silk stated that the other two candidates and presidential aspirants are qualified to be the next NBA President but he is the first among equals – the primus inter pares, the right person to lead the bar. He mentioned that this is due to the fact that the bar needs a person who is courageous, fearless and who will adequately fight for the independence of the Bar and the Judiciary.

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AA was on Saturday 28 of May, 2022 a guest of the NBA Yenagoa Branch where he attended the Annual Bar Dinner which drew the curtain on the very successful 2022 Law Week of the Branch.

AA was earlier in the afternoon warmly received by the leaders and members of the Branch including members of the Young Lawyers’ Forum reception by the Bar Leaders and stakeholders.

While delivering his goodwill message at the dinner, AA Dinner called for a stronger Judiciary through depoliticising of judicial appointments and entrenchment of true financial autonomy.

The young lawyers later treated AA to a night of fun when they trooped out to unwind with him at an after dinner hang out.
AA was accompanied on the trip by several colleagues including serving and past Branch officers of NBA Port Harcourt Branch.

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The Young Lawyers’ Forum, Isiokpo branch has put together a power-packed one day Seminar themed: “Contemporary Areas in Legal Practice: Challenges and Prospects for Young Lawyers”. The event which holds today, 27th May, 2022 features notable legal personalities.

Safiya Balarabe’s goodwill message to the Forum is reproduced below:

“The Chairman, Executives and Members of the Young Lawyers’ Forum, Isiokpo branch,

It gives me great pleasure to commend you for taking out time to organize a program that chronicles the legal elevation of young lawyers within and outside your branch.

‘Contemporary Areas in Legal Practice: Challenges and Prospects for Young Lawyers’ is a theme so well couched, it could not have been any better. This theme coupled with the array of seasoned speakers you have selected informs of the capacity with which your Forum conduct its affairs.

It is my desire that every young lawyer in Nigeria has access to quality opportunities to foster growth. This program is a great boost in this regard.

May your Forum never run out of steam.

Thank and God bless”

Safiya Balarabe
Treasurer, NBA Women Forum.

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Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama rounded up his stay in the garden city of Port Harcourt with a lavish breakfast organized by the Young Lawyers’ Forum, NBA, Port Harcourt branch at Landmark hotel, Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

The young lawyers informed the Learned Silk that this was another way of expressing their gratitude to him for the prominent role he plays in advancing the legal profession for young lawyers through the Hon. Justice Chukwudifu Oputa JSC (Rtd) Mentoring Program organized by J-K Gadzama LLP.

The Learned Silk, who is currently the chairman of the Mentorship Committee of the Body of Benchers was elated as the show of love from young lawyers and other members of the NBA, Rivers State contributed to his pleasant and fruitful stay in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

With smiles on their faces, the lawyers enjoyed their breakfast as various food items were on display in the restaurant at Landmark hotel. They also had a round table discussion with the Learned Silk which afforded them the opportunity to brainstorm on ideas and discuss salient issues affecting the Bar. The Learned Silk encouraged the lawyers and urged them to keep up the good work.

In attendance were: Hon. Nimi Walson Jack Jack, past general secretary of NBA; Mr. Kingsley Nyesom Chinda; Mrs. Cordelia Eke; past secretary of NBA, Port Harcourt; Mr. Ezechimenum Adums, welfare chairman of NBA, Port Harcourt branch (YLF); Mr. Victor Agala; Mr. Tamunokuro Akuro George; Mr. Adebayo Williams; Mr. David Ameh; Ms. Dorcas Gibson; Mr. Ebuka Samuel; Ms. Nerissa Obiecheton; Ms. Sophia Ugwuorah; Mr. Nwaiwu Patrick; Mr. Akuro Enoch; Mr. Godsent Elenwa; Mr. Williams Abayomi; Ms. Ruth Itama; Ms. Goodness Keneboh; Mr. Randolph Fiberesima; Ms. Harmony Chikodili; Mr. Obinichi Ugo; Mr. Augustine Obed Emeka; Wejinya Anwuri; Evidence Asite Agwor amongst many others.


The NBA, Okrika branch held its monthly meeting on Thursday, May 26, 2022 at the popular borokiri neighborhood in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Mr. Selema Alamina Walton, vice chairman of the Eastern Bar Forum (EBF) and Mr. Edward Ofori, Esq., the social secretary of the branch ushered the Learned Silk; Hon. Nimi Walson Jack, past general secretary of the NBA; Tamunokuro Akuro George, Esq.; Dafenone Akpomudiare, Esq.; Hillary Ayebaifie Ojeke and others into the meeting. The members of the branch were filled with delight as the Learned Silk and his team made their way into the meeting.

The chairman of the branch, Mr. Emmanuel Eremia, Esq., formally introduced the Learned Silk to members of the branch after warmly welcoming him and his team to the meeting. The chairman of the branch gave the Learned Silk an opportunity to address members of the branch.

While addressing them, the Learned Silk informed members of the branch that he is the pioneer chairman of both NBA-SPIDEL and NBA-SARC. He mentioned that he is looking forward to an all inclusive bar where smaller branches who have been cast aside will be able to take a seat at the Bar. Indeed, this statement made by the Learned Silk captured the hearts of many members of the branch as they nodded in response. His passion for the welfare of young lawyers was brought to fore as he spoke on the essence of mentoring young lawyers to ensure that the legal profession is left in safe hands. He noted that service is the pathway to greatness and as such, the NBA needs a leader who is true to himself and true to all members of the NBA. He gave all glory to God as he mentioned that the grace of God is the foremost factor responsible for his tremendous growth in the legal profession.

Mr. Kalada Nonju, Esq., past chairman of the branch rendered the vote of thanks. He thanked the Learned Silk, Hon. Nimi Walson Jack and other members of the team for gracing the meeting with their presence. Most importantly, he stated that the name “J-K Gadzama” is a household name which requires no introduction as the reputation of the Learned Silk precedes him. He noted that the branch shall account for 99.9% of the votes in support of the Learned Silk’s NBA Presidential ambition.

A son of the soil and past general secretary of the NBA, Hon. Nimi Walson Jack spoke to the credibility of the Learned Silk. He thanked the branch as he recognized the role they played towards pushing him to the NBA national in the past. He assured members of the branch that the Learned Silk is truly a man of his words as they have remained friends for a long time. He noted that the judiciary and the legal profession in Nigeria are currently plagued with certain challenges and as such, the NBA is in need of a leader who can stand up to the current “madness” being faced by the legal profession in the country. He rounded up his speech by stating that although Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN is not “mentally mad”, he has “mad ideas” that can be utilized in addressing the current challenges faced by the Bar. Also, Mr. Ogaga Emoghwanre, publicity secretary of NBA, Benin branch was present at the branch’s meeting.

Group photographs were taken at the end of the meeting and members of the branch had the opportunity of exchanging pleasantries with the Learned Silk.

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The Annual Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Oputa JSC Mentoring Program will hold next month, the organisers, J-K Gadzama LLP have said.

According to a statement made available to CITY LAWYER, this year’s eagerly awaited session is themed “Emerging Areas of Law: The Role of Young Lawyers”.

The statement reads:

Our 7th annual Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Oputa JSC Mentoring Program is scheduled to take place on Saturday, June 4, 2022.

The theme of this year’s Mentoring Program is, “Emerging Areas of Law: The Role of Young Lawyers”. As usual, the program promises to be informative.

Young lawyers who are interested in this hybrid event can click on the link below to register:

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It is with great pleasure that I felicitate with the Chairman and the entire Members of the Young Lawyers Forum of the Nigerian Bar Association, Aba Branch, on it’s 2022 Summit with the theme: *Building a Successful Legal Career and Expanding Legal Minds*

I have no doubt that you have all been endowed with great potentials. You have all it takes to build a very successful and flourishing legal career with all your God-given potentials.

Hence I implore all of you to take the advantage of this year’s 2022 YLF summit to begin your journey to the zenith of your legal career

I celebrate you all now and always.



I felicitate with the Chairman and Members of Young Lawyers Forum of the Nigerian Bar Association, Aba Branch, on the occasion of her 2022 Summit with the theme: Building a Successful Legal Career and Expanding Legal Minds in a Commercial City”.

Aba is widely referred to as “Africa’s China” because of its numerous inventions, innovations and industry, thereby making it a thriving commercial hub.

This Summit is vital as it will galvanise legal minds to take advantage of the opportunities inherent in such a place that’s bursting with enough commercial activities to make Aba a hub for successful legal practice and boost the income and well-being of young lawyers particularly and legal practitioners generally.

I urge all participants to take advantage of this very important event and explore all the legal possibilities.

I wish all attendees an enjoyable, productive and fulfilling Summit.

Jonathan Gunu Taidi, Esq.

NBA General Secretary, (2018 – 2020)


The Nigerian Bar Association Young Lawyers’ Forum, Aba Branch kicks off its 2022 Summit with the theme: ‘Building a Successful Legal Career and Expanding Legal Minds: Prospects for Young Lawyers’. The summit is a two-day programme commencing today, 6th May, 2022 to climax tomorrow, 7th May, 2022.

Mrs. Safiya Balarabe has commended the young lawyers on the forthcomingevent.

She wrote:

“My dear young lawyers of Aba branch, the future leaders of our great and noble Association, I am very proud that you understand the task of leading our great bar in the near future and are constantly preparing yourselves for this all important responsibility.

“This year’s theme is apt as it captures two of the very important tools needed for the leadership of our association: successful legal career and expanded legal minds.

“Your branch has always been one to reckon with in delivering topnotch and empowering programs. I am confident that this summit will be a resounding one and you’ll be very equipped for greater heights.

“I wish you a successful summit.

“Well done and keep up the good work.

“God bless you all”


Safiya Balarabe,

Treasurer, NBA Women Forum


An aspirant for the office of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Welfare Secretary, Mr. Ikechukwu Maximus Ugwuoke has commended Bar Leaders, Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN and Chief Anthony Mogbo SAN for their support for young lawyers.

Noting that some senior lawyers “are doing their best” to ameliorate the challenges facing young lawyers, Ugwuoke said: “I was delighted to learn of the recent opening of application for Afam Osigwe SAN Courtroom Mail Prize for Young Lawyers.

“I am also aware that earlier this year a member of the Inner Bar in Enugu, Mogbo SAN paid the practicing fees for all young lawyers from all the branches of NBA in Enugu State. Such gestures are highly encouraging to young lawyers.”

Describing the initiatives as “quite commendable,” the aspirant said that “More of such gestures are expected from very senior members of the Bar and more especially the Senior Advocates of Nigeria towards encouraging the young lawyers.”

He noted that the challenges that young lawyers face in legal practice are well known to all senior lawyers “many of who passed through same challenges in their early days of practice,” and said that “it is unfortunate that many successful senior lawyers tend to either forget to render assistances to young lawyers or concentrate only on the welfare of the young lawyers that are working under them.”

According to him, “The challenge of one young lawyer anywhere should be a thing of concern to all. The young lawyers of today are the senior lawyers of tomorrow and their welfare need to be taken care of so that they can realise their aspirations.

“Many young lawyers face situational challenges that make them veer off the track in a bid to survive. The kind of foundations laid for young lawyers will determine the kind of Senior Lawyers they would grow to become.

“Senior Lawyers in Nigeria by the special privilege they enjoy in the Bar are highly priced in the profession. By that privilege they handle most juicy briefs that make them financially viable. We know the legal profession is like a wine, it gets better as it gets older.”

Pointing the way forward, Ugwuoke said: “It would not be a bad idea for successful senior lawyers and members of the Inner Bar to set up a trust fund for the welfare of young lawyers. They could set out a specific sum of money that every successful senior is expected to be contributing to the trust fund annually as part of their support for the growth of the younger ones.

“Funds from such trust funds could be used to pay monthly stipends to all young lawyers of less than 7 years post call irrespective of their place of practice. This gesture will go a long way in cushioning the effect of the hardship young lawyers are subjected to. Some professions like the medical profession have a system that rewards their new entrants during their housemanship and internship programmes.”

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A leading aspirant in the race for the presidency of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN has urged lawyers to enquire into the Bar activism records of aspirants seeking offices in the forthcoming NBA Elections.

Speaking to NBA Aba Branch members at the weekend, Gadzama said: “When people tell you they want to be stakeholders in the NBA or hold leadership positions, ask them one question – ‘What have you been doing in the last ten to twenty years for young lawyers?’ “

Hinting that promises are good but past records of activism are better, the NBA Security Agencies Relations Committee (NBA-SARC) Chairman who holds the chieftaincy title of “Okwuluora of Ukpo” in Anambra State reiterated the competency of his candidature.

Speaking earlier, the Chairman of the Occasion, Mr. Ukpai Ukairo said that Gadzama “had been and still is a functional part of the Aba Branch of the NBA.” He urged all members of the branch to support the mandate of the NBA as engineered by the leading litigator “who has been the foremost Bar Leader to institute and maintain a formidable structure for building and mentoring young lawyers.”

Ukairo stated that Gadzama, a chartered arbitrator, spearheaded the process of changing the nomenclature of new wigs from “Junior Lawyers” to “Young Lawyers” on the basis that the term “Junior” was demeaning and less dignifying for persons who had met the requirements and attained the enviable and revered status of solicitors and advocates of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

Ukairo added that Gadzama had always worked and identified with lawyers from the Eastern Bar, saying that “Over fifty percent of the workforce in his office have been from the Eastern Bar. He is our brother, friend and colleague. Let us support him wholeheartedly and ensure that he achieves his mandate of leading the NBA to higher heights.”

The event which held at the NBA Aba Bar Centre, High Court Complex, Aba saw Gadzama being received by the Elders, Executives and Members of the branch “who referred to him as their very own son, friend and kinsman by association.”

While the event started with prayers and reading of Gadzama’s abridged profile by Mr. C. K. Anyanwu, it ended with a question and answer session and a buffet.

Among members of the branch who were on hand to receive the Bar Leader were the Branch Chairman, Mr. Betram Faotu; Mr. Chinedu Nwaozuzu (Branch Secretary); Ukairo; Mr. C. C. Elele (former NBA Aba Branch Chairman and Gadzama’s classmate in Nigerian Law School Class of 1986), and Mr. Uche Awa, SAN (Chairman, Old Bende Association).

On his part, Gadzama was accompanied on the visit by Mr. Chukwuma Ezeala (President, National Association of Catholic Lawyers, NACL), Sir Victor Nwaugo and Mrs. Chioma Ferguson.

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The Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Security Agencies Relations Committee, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN has felicitated with the NBA Women Forum on its 2nd Annual Conference.

Similar felicitations were delivered to the forum by the J-K Gadzama LLP Women’s Group and Young Lawyers Group of J-K Gadzama LLP.

The leading arbitrator has also hailed NBA Uyo and Yenagoa branches on their Annual Law Week programmes.

Below are the Goodwill Messages.

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Former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) General Secretary, Mr. Jonathan Taidi has lauded NBA Lagos Branch on its 2022 Law Week.

Saying that the Law Week “is coming at a critical period in our nation’s history when law and order have become anathema and lawlessness threatens our very existence, with no hope in sight,” the Bar Leader stated that “the choice of the theme and the timing of discussions around it is inspired and commendable and it is my fervent hope that these discussions around legal order by the NBA Lagos Branch will in no small measure reorient our attitude concerning the preservation of our hard earned democracy.”

In a statement made available to CITY LAWYER, Taidi, who is believed to be eyeing the NBA Presidency, stated that the Law Week “is particularly remarkable for the extraordinary contribution it promises not only to the legal community, but the nation at large.

“As a people thirsty for an enduring solution to the challenges bedevelling our democracy, we anxiously await the outcome of this discourse even as I congratulate the executives and the Law Week Planning Committee in advance for a law week like no other.”

In a similar goodwill message to NBA Port Harcourt Branch Young Lawyers Forum on the occasion of its 2022 Summit, Taidi stated that “The choice of the theme is a demonstration of the commitment of the executives and the Summit Planning Committee to the vital role of technology and law in bringing about good governance which has eluded our nation for so long.

“I therefore charge all participants at this epoch and historic event to critically examine the impediments to our efforts at achieving good governance – which is our only guarantee for a bright future.”

The theme of the summit is “Governance, Technology and Law”.

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The Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Security Agencies Relations Committee (NBA-SARC), Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN has felicitated with NBA Lagos and Kano branches on their Law Week programmes. The chartered arbitrator also commended Young Lawyers Forum Owerri Branch on their 2022 Summit which held between March 17 and March 19, 2022.

The leading litigator said of his sojourn in Lagos: “Nostalgically, I recall how I started my Lagos office as far back as 1996 at No. 10, Ribadu Road, Ikoyi which eventually gave birth to the Abuja Office in the year 2000 where I was elected chairman of the Unity Bar in 2004 and grew up to be the Pioneer Chairman of NBA-SPIDEL in 2006.”

He added: “I remain eternally grateful to the Premier Branch of Nigeria’s Commercial Headquarters for grooming me to be their Ambassador at the administrative Headquarters of our beloved country.”
Below are the texts of the goodwill messages.


It is with great pleasure that I congratulate the executives and members of the Nigerian Bar Association Lagos Branch as she holds her 2022 Law Week Celebration from Friday, 18th March to Friday, 25th March, 2022.

Nostalgically, I recall how I started my Lagos office as far back as 1996 at no 10, Ribadu Road, Ikoyi which eventually gave birth to the Abuja Office in the year 2000 where I was elected chairman of the Unity Bar in 2004 and grew up to be the Pioneer Chairman of NBA-SPIDEL in 2006. I remain eternally grateful to the Premier Branch of Nigeria’s Commercial Headquarters for grooming me to be their Ambassador at the administrative Headquarters of our beloved country.

I must sincerely commend the initiative of the organizers of this event for the choice of theme: “Democracy and Legal Order: Shaping the Future” which I consider apt. The need for a true democracy is an issue that remains perpetually centric to the growth of any given society. The judiciary should be independent of the other arms of government to effectively deliver its delicate task of administering justice. Indeed, the preservation of our democracy is fundamental to the sustenance of our legal profession and the Nation, Nigeria. What better way can the future be shaped? I believe that as a united front, we can secure the future of our legal practice and Nigeria by advocating for the supremacy of our laws and the equality of all men before the law.

I urge my colleagues to participate effectively, cross-fertilize ideas whilst addressing issues that affect distinguished members of this great branch by contributing your quota to the promotion and development of your branch, legal practice and Nigeria as a whole. Whilst wishing you a fruitful weeklong celebration, please be assured of my best wishes and support, always.

Thank you and God bless.


It is with great pleasure that I congratulate the executives and members of the Nigerian Bar Association Kano Branch as she holds her Law Week scheduled to hold from Saturday, 19th March to Tuesday, 22nd March, 2022.

I must sincerely commend the initiative of the organizers of this auspicious event for the choice of theme: “LEGAL PRACTICE AT CROSSROADS: CHALLENGES OF LAWYERING IN THE FACE OF NIGERIA’S CURRENT POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC CLIMATE” which I consider apt as the impact of our noble profession in the political and economical spheres of our great Country, Nigeria cannot be overemphasized.

To the awardees on the Dinner, I say a big Congratulations! to you on your meritorious award for your ceaseless support and contribution towards the development and promotion of your admirable branch. I implore you to keep it up and remain true ambassadors of your branch and the legal profession.

Whilst wishing you a wonderful celebration at your programmes and a splendid dinner, please be assured of my best wishes and support, always.

Thank you and God bless.


It is with great pleasure that I congratulate the executives and members of the Nigerian Bar Association Young Lawyers Forum Owerri Branch as she holds her 2022 Summit scheduled to hold from Thursday, March 17 to Saturday, March 19, 2022.

It is worrisome and my heart bleeds that many of our young lawyers are not breaking even today as opportunities at the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), Courts, and Land Registries, to mention but a few, are no longer available like in the past. We must as a matter of urgency address these critical issues if we desire a robust practice and better future for our young lawyers and mentees.

I must sincerely commend the initiative of the organizers of this auspicious event for the choice of theme: “Yesterday, Today and the Future of the Legal Profession in Nigeria” which I consider apt as the future of the legal profession very much rests in the hand of the Young lawyers.

To the awardees of the Dinner, I say a big Congratulations! to you on your meritorious award for your ceaseless support and contribution towards the development and promotion of young lawyers in the branch. I implore you to keep it up and remain true ambassadors of your branch and the legal profession.

Whilst wishing you a successful programme and a splendid dinner, please be assured of my best wishes and support, always.

Thank you and God bless.

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The Chairman of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Security Agencies Relations Committee, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN has commended the Eastern Bar Forum (EBF) for its “tremendous impacts to the welfare and mandate of the Nigerian Bar Association within and outside the Eastern Region of Nigeria.”

Gadzama, who is also the Chairman of the Mentoring Committee of the Body of Benchers for Young Lawyers, also lauded the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers (NALT) on her 53rd Annual Conference for being “a citadel of scholarship and learning in diverse areas of legal jurisprudence and the development of moral and civic character of all persons who pass through her portals.”

Turning to Anaocha Branch of the NBA, the chartered arbitrator and pioneer Chairman of the NBA Section on Public Interest and Development Law (NBA-SPIDEL) said: “I applaud the executives and the distinguished members of the Anaocha branch of the Nigerian Bar Association for their dexterity in leadership and usual cooperation with the Bar.”

A similar goodwill message was issued to NBA Owerri Branch.

Meanwhile, NBA Abuja Branch (Unity Bar) has given an award to Gadzama for his philanthropy and “meritorious contributions to the NBA Abuja Branch.” The award was received on his behalf by Mr. Madu Joe-Kyari Gadzama, a Partner at J-K Gadzama LLP.

Responding, Gadzama promised to give the Branch 10 slots for lawyers between 1-7 years post-call to intern with his law firm for 6 months. He added that the best intern will receive automatic employment with the firm.

He disclosed that Mr. Jerry Ombugado Musa, the Branch Financial Secretary and a Junior Partner at J-K Gadzama LLP will anchor the process.

Below are full texts of the goodwill messages.

With great joy and profound regards, I applaud the executives and the distinguished members of the Eastern Bar Forum of the Nigerian Bar Association for their sterling qualities, unwavering solidarity and usual cooperation with the Bar. The NBA – Eastern Bar Forum has continuously made tremendous impacts to the welfare and mandate of the Nigerian Bar Association within and outside the Eastern Region of Nigeria. I admire your courage, resilience in and unreserved dedication to the NBA. Hence, I urge you to please continue in your spirit of togetherness and commitment to the development of the Eastern Bar and the entire Nigerian Bar at large. As you all gather to deliberate in yet another meeting, I wish you fruitful deliberations and pray that impactful and curative resolutions stem out of your discussions. Please be assured of my loyalty and support. Thank you and God bless.

Fellow Colleagues, Members, Executives of the NBA-Owerri Branch, I wholeheartedly felicitate with you on the occasion of the commissioning of H.R.H. EZE B.S.C. Nzenwa Exco Chambers in the Bar Centre, the launching of the NBA-Owerri New Website and unveiling of the photo gallery of all past Chairmen of NBA-Owerri scheduled to hold on Thursday, 10th February, 2022. I profusely appreciate the membership of NBA-Owerri for accepting me as one of you. I am truly honoured. The NBA-Owerri Branch has always heralded insightful contributions to the Eastern Bar Forum, Nigerian Bar and legal profession through her offering of selfless support. This dedication to duty has positively influenced the personal lives and career of all members. I commend your professionalism and steadfast support and urge you to continue making laudable landmarks in the Nigerian Bar, legal profession and society at large.

I wish you an enjoyable evening as you convene to celebrate the great accomplishments of the branch and commemorate the good leadership of the Past Chairmen of the Branch. I pray that God continues to bring the aspirations of this noble association to fruition. Please be assured of my continual commitment and support.

I felicitate with the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers on this glorious occasion of her 53rd Annual Conference tentatively scheduled to hold from Tuesday, 8th February, 2022 to Thursday, 10th February, 2022. The Nigerian Association of Law Teachers has always been a citadel of scholarship and learning in diverse areas of legal jurisprudence and the development of moral and civic character of all persons who pass through her portals. Undoubtedly, the institution has contributed immensely to the development of the legal profession Nigeria. I must also commend the thematic subjects you have chosen for this years’ annual conference. I consider them topical issues which touch us all, as Lawyers, Academicians and members of the society. It is an honour for me to be part of this epoch-making event as the Nigerian Association of Law Teachers marks her 53rd Annual Conference. I believe this occasion will elicit aspirations towards making laudable landmarks in the legal profession and Nigeria at large. I commend your professionalism and steadfast support and urge you to continue making laudable landmarks in the Nigerian Bar, legal profession and society at large. Please be assured of my continual support and loyalty.

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The Chairman of the Board of Trustees, University of Maiduguri Alumni Association, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama, SAN and Executives of the association have visited the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Prof. Aliyu Shugaba.

During the visit, Gadzama praised Prof. Shugaba for his quality leadership at the institution and reiterated that the alumni association will continuously support the university.

The National Secretary of the Association, Mrs. Afiniki Hananiyah thanked the Vice-Chancellor and the entire management for restoring the glory of the university especially as it relates to the empowerment of the female gender.

The Association presented an award of service to the Vice-Chancellor in recognition of his meritorious service to the University. The delegation also made a stop-over at the Faculty of Law of the university among others, and were by the Dean of Law, Prof. B. A. Bukar.

Gadzama and Hananiya who are both graduates of the faculty pledged to galvanize all law alumni as well as their friends and well-wishers to contribute towards repositioning the Faculty for greater performance and sustenance of its pride of place in the academic community.

Meanwhile, Gadzama has urged lawyers to specialize and do what is best for their careers.

Speaking at the recent Law Week of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Abuja Branch, the leading lawyer who is also the Chairman of the Mentoring Committee of the Body of Benchers, advised young lawyers to decide what they want to do early on in their careers.

Gadzama who was Chairman of the Young Lawyers’ Session of the Law Week said it was imperative for a lawyer in the new age to specialise in a particular area and pursue whatever goals the practitioner has set out in life notwithstanding the obstacles that may present itself.

Held at the Abuja International Conference Centre, the session’s topic was “The making of a successful legal practitioner.” The panelists included Kehinde Ogunwumiju SAN, Oyetola Muyiwa Atoyebi SAN, Dr. Agada Elachi, Prince Chukwudi Oli and Dr. Sunny Kayode.

The panelists made crucial interventions which anchored on the need for young lawyers to be industrious and imbibe the culture of hard work, passion and continual self-development. Oli, in his remarks, emphasized the need for mentorship, adding that Gadzama provided the much required mentorship which he needed in his career to succeed when he worked in his law firm.

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Barring any last-minute change of mind, young lawyers will cough out N80,000 to attend the forthcoming Nigerian Bar Association Annual General Conference (NBA-AGC) scheduled for Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

According to a schedule of fees obtained by CITY LAWYER, young lawyers will pay N80,000 for in-person attendance at the conference should they fail to register via the early bird and regular windows.

Lawyers of 6-10 years post-call will pay N120,000 as late registration while those of 11-15 years post-call will pay N140,000 late registration for in-person attendance.

There are strong indications that the conference will be a hybrid event, as the schedule contains options for in-person and hybrid attendance.

The Technical Committee on Conference Planning (TCCP) had at the recently concluded NBA-NEC Meeting in Abuja proposed the last of week of October as the date for the 2021 AGC. The committee is chaired by former NBA Port Harcourt Branch Chairman, Mr. Victor Frank-Briggs. It was unclear at press time whether the committee has put a seal of finality on the schedule.

The full schedule of fees is available at this link: 

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The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Unity Branch at the weekend organized a hike for lawyers.

A statement made available to CITY LAWYER noted that “The event saw a good turn out of lawyers. However, it was a pleasant surprise when two silks, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN and Dr. Sunny Ajala SAN joined in the exercise which drove up the spirit of the lawyers.

“In the friendly mood of the event, the younger lawyers challenged the Silks to see who would reach the top of the mountain. Unknown to them, Chief Gadzama is a golfer who encounters such terrains while Dr Sunny Ajala is a fit and sporty individual.

“To their surprise, the learned silks got to the top while some of the younger lawyers could not make it.”

Speaking on the event, Chairman of the Branch Sport Committee, Mr. Afam Okeke thanked members for turning out for the event. He specially thanked Chief Gadzama and Dr Ajala for their support.

Responding, Chief Gadzama noted that the essence of such events cannot be overemphasised, adding that “Every lawyer must take part in sports and remain healthy to effectively render quality services to clients and enjoy their lives.”

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J-K Gadzama LLP has held its 6th edition of the “Honourable Justice Chukwudifu Oputa JSC Professional Training and Mentoring Programme for Young Lawyers.”

The event which held between April 23 and 25 was chaired by the Chief Judge of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory, Hon. Justice Salisu Garba while Chief Kanu Godwin Agabi (SAN, CON), former Attorney General and Minister of Justice of the Federation, delivered the Keynote Address.

The discussants included Mr. Muyiwa Oyetola Atoyebi (SAN), the youngest recipient of the rank of senior advocate and Managing Partner at Omaplex Law firm; Mrs. Dianne Okoko (FCIArb), Partner at Marcus Okoko & Co.; Mrs. Toyin Bashir, Partner at Banwo and Ighodalo, and Mr. Darlington Onyekwere, Partner at J-K Gadzama LLP. The hybrid event was well attended by lawyers who fell within the range of zero to 10 years at the Bar.

Participants were treated to a networking cocktail on Day One of the mentorship programme while Day Two witnessed the main event which was the mentoring and training programme. Curtains were drawn on the well-attended programme on Day Three with a breakfast session. The event was held under strict COVID-19 protocols.

In his opening remarks, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama (SAN), the host and initiator of the mentorship programme, noted that young lawyers need to be treated better, and advised them to work hard, persevere and utilize their networks to build a successful legal practice.

In his address, Chief Kanu Agabi (SAN) urged the lawyers to persist within the profession despite the gloomy appearance. He urged the participants to strive to add value before aspiring for financial largesse.

On his part, a representative of Justice Hassan Baba urged the lawyers to work diligently and await the rewards, which would surely come.

A cross section of participants at the mentoring programme
A cross section of participants at the mentoring programme
L - R: Mr Daniel Manasseh Tela, Secretary, Body of Benchers, Prof. Tahir Mamman SAN, Senior Partner at J-K Gadzama LLP, Mr Darlington Onyekwere, Partner at J-K Gadzama LLP, Mrs Toyin Bashir, Partner at Banwo and Ighodalo, Chief Kanu Agabi SAN, CON, the Keynote Speaker, Hon. Justice H. Baba, Mrs Dianne Okoko FCIArb., Partner at Marcus Okoko & co., Mr Oyetola Muyiwa Atoyebi, Managing Partner at Omaplex law firm and Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN
L – R: Mr. Daniel Manasseh Tela, Secretary, Body of Benchers; Prof. Tahir Mamman SAN, Senior Partner at J-K Gadzama LLP; Mr. Darlington Onyekwere, Partner at J-K Gadzama LLP; Mrs. Toyin Bashir, Partner at Banwo and Ighodalo; Chief Kanu Agabi (SAN, CON), Keynote Speaker; Hon. Justice H. Baba; Mrs. Dianne Okoko (FCIArb), Partner at Marcus Okoko & Co.; Mr. Oyetola Muyiwa Atoyebi (SAN), Managing Partner, Omaplex law firm and Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama (SAN)
Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN, the Principal Partner of J-K Gadzama LLP and Chief Emeka Ngige SAN, the Chairman of the Council of Legal Education during the networking cocktail.
Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama (SAN), Principal Partner, J-K Gadzama LLP and Chief Emeka Ngige (SAN), Chairman, Council of Legal Education during the networking cocktail.

A young lawyer asking a question during the session.

A young lawyer asking a question during the session. 

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Former Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) presidential candidate and Bar Leader, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama SAN has been appointed Chairman of the Mentorship Committee of the Body of Benchers (BOB).

Disclosing this in a letter to the NBA President, Mr. Olumide Akpata, Gadzama noted that the appointment was made on March 25, 2021 by the highest policy-making body in the legal profession.

In the letter made available to CITY LAWYER, the Bar Leader noted that “this is an interest that the BOB shares with the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), which, under your leadership, has demonstrated a clear commitment to raising both ethical and professional standards at the Bar. The NBA has made laudable strides on its own, and I am convinced that even more spectacular achievements will follow if it collaborates with the Committee – and by extension, BOB – in discharging this mandate.”

Below is the full text of the statement.


Wednesday, 7th April, 2021.

Mr. Olumide Akpata,
President, Nigerian Bar Association (NBA),
National Secretariat, NBA House,
Plot 1101 Mohammadu Buhari Way,
Central Business District,

Dear Sir,


On Thursday, 25th March, 2021, the undersigned had the privilege of being appointed Chairman of the Mentorship Committee of the Body of Benchers (BOB). The Mentorship Committee of the BOB is charged with the responsibility of promoting the values and skills that are crucial to excellence in the legal profession, and is committed to ensuring that these skills are transmitted to the coming generations of lawyers.

I understand that this is an interest that the BOB shares with the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), which, under your leadership, has demonstrated a clear commitment to raising both ethical and professional standards at the Bar. The NBA has made laudable strides on its own, and I am convinced that even more spectacular achievements will follow if it collaborates with the Committee – and by extension, BOB – in discharging this mandate.

I look forward to working together with the NBA under your leadership, along with the Young Lawyers Forum, in the effort to raise ever higher the professional standards of our noble profession.

Thank you for your kind cooperation, and please accept the assurances of my highest esteem.

Yours faithfully,

Joe-Kyari Gadzama, OFR, MFR, SAN.


Mr. Tobi Adebowale,
The Chairman,
Young Lawyers Forum
National Secretariat, NBA House,
Plot 1101 Mohammadu Buhari Way,
Central Business District,

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Leading law firm, J-K Gadzama LLP will on Saturday, April 24, 2021 hold the 6th Edition of its Hon. Justice Chukwudifu Oputa JSC (Rtd) Professional Training and Mentoring Programme for Young Lawyers. Time is 10:00 am to 6:00 pm.

The theme of this year’s mentoring programme is “Navigating the rough path in the legal profession – The mix of the old and new generation.” The Keynote Speaker is former Attorney-General & Minister of Justice, Chief Kanu Agabi SAN while the Acting Chief Judge of the High Court of FCT , Justice Salisu Garba is the Chairman of the occasion.

Discussants include Mr. Oyetola Atoyebi SAN, Managing Partner, OMAPLEX Law Firm; Mrs. Diane Okoko FCIArb, Partner, Marcus Okoko & Co.; Ms. Toyin Bashir, Partner, Banwo & Ighodalo, and Mr. Darlington Onyekwere ACIArb, Partner, J-K Gadzama LLP.

The event will be moderated by Sarah Jeta Atumga and Lamar Joe-Kyari Gadzama, both Associates at J-K Gadzama LLP.

According to the statement made available to CITY LAWYER, “Young lawyers below 10 years at the bar should kindly click on the link below to register

“From the pool of registrations, a selected number will be invited to attend physically – keeping in line with the COVID-19 guidelines – while other participants will join virtually.”

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Leading Nigerian Bar Association presidential candidate, Mr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN has vowed that he will reengineer the technology ecosystem in the legal industry if elected President come July 30.

Unveiling “Opportunities for Lawyers,” a cutting-edge online portal designed to connect lawyers to latest life-changing opportunities around the world, Ajibade observed that “Technology has become a part of everyday life in today’s world.”

Noting that the legal profession “is not left out” in the pervasive and disruptive inroad of technology, the cerebral senior lawyer stated that “We can either use tech or we can be scared of tech. If you ask me, we should use tech; we should take advantage of tech. We should enable tech to improve our processes.” He observed that technology has been deployed at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic to deliver many meetings and virtual conferences which “we have attended without leaving the comfort of our homes.”

Giving more insights into the groundbreaking App, Ajibade who has served the NBA in several critical positions said: “Not only am I encouraging us to use tech; I have invested in tech. I invested in the development of an App called ‘Opportunities for Lawyers.’ It’s a wonderful App. It’s available on iOs, on android and on the web. It provides opportunities for lawyers all over the world – scholarships, trainings, contests – everything a young lawyer needs to get ahead.”

Unveiling another initiative, the NBA presidential candidate who is very popular in the Continuing Legal Education (CLE) circuit, said: “One other thing that I am investing in is developing a pilot project for digital learning. I think that it’s is a veritable way for dealing with our continuing legal education problems, with training for young lawyers coming out of the Law School.”

He emphasized that “We must take full advantage of what is happening in that space to move our profession forward,” adding: “We need to re-orientate ourselves: our judges have to be retooled; our courts have to be retooled; we, lawyers have to be retooled – we need to learn a new way of doing things.”

The online platform, “Opportunities for Lawyers” was launched on May 2, 2020. It is available on Google Play ( and Apple Stores ( Non-smart phone users can visit from their browsers on laptops, ipad, computer desktop and any other system with internet connection and access the site.

According to the Chief Editor of the American Team, Mr. Reginald Sagay, the application will be available free of cost to lawyers. “For this, we thank the Co-vice chair of the International Bar Association’s Africa Regional Forum, Dr. Babatunde Ajibade, SAN for his immense support, which has made it possible for lawyers across the world to have free access to this product,” said Sagay.

Ajibade had earlier stated that while the current NBA administration has taken positive steps with regard to integrating the use of technology in advancing the cause of the legal profession, “If elected, I will leverage and build on this good work by ensuring that the NBA makes maximum use of available technology to achieve its various objectives. I will explore various platforms that can be used to improve on the NBA’s data gathering, information dissemination and management. I will also explore various means of providing digital learning and training to members.

“Another area in which I will get the NBA to employ the use of technology is with the stamp and seal requirement under the RPC. This scheme was put in place in an attempt to eliminate the scourge of fake lawyers and has been a source of constant complaints since its inception. The complaints range from the logistics of receiving the stamp and seal to the fact that the stamps and seals have an expiry date. I have entered into discussions with technology service providers who assure me that the stamp and seal scheme can be digitalized and dispensed electronically. I will pursue the implementation of this innovation as it will not only address the complaints concerning the stamp and seal scheme as presently implemented but will dovetail seamlessly into the developments that are now being explored in the administration of justice with electronic filing of court processes and virtual hearings. If elected, I will ensure that the NBA builds and expands on all these initiatives and maximizes the use of available technology to achieve its various objectives.”

Non-smart phone users can visit from their browsers on laptops, ipad, computer desktop and any other system with internet connection to access the site. ‘Opportunities for Lawyers’ has social media platforms for latest opportunities and engagement such as






In this paper presented at the FAMA FIRM virtual conference on “Contemporary issues facing the welfare of young lawyers in Nigeria and possible solutions” by fiery Law Teacher, SYLVESTER UDEMEZUE, he strives to plot a roadmap for Nigeria’s young lawyers on how to surmount the myriad of challenges besetting them in the legal services industry.


At the FAMA FIRM’s LAW WEBINAR where the problems and welfare of the Nigerian young lawyer took the Centre stage, I (as a one of the main speakers) tried to identify some of the problems facing the young lawyer in Nigeria, and I made efforts to also advance some recommendations on the way out of the doldrums, in the best interest of young lawyers and the law profession.

For the many challenges the young lawyer faces in Nigeria, I respectfully held the following people and organizations blameful/responsible (each to a certain degree):

1. The Young Lawyer himself/Herself— Lack of proper orientation on the things that really matter within and outside the profession; obsession with inane materialism; excessive greed; acute impatience; lack of proper commitment and self-preparation; low self-development efforts; poor reading culture; obsession with negative comparison; lack of objectiveness in decision-making during Bar elections which leads, sometimes, to enthronement of wrong leaders; failure or refusal to cooperate with, or support incumbent Bar leaderships at all levels; mentality of over-dependence on others (looking for apple instead of focusing on learning how to pluck the apples yourself); improper packaging (your packaging determines the level of treatment you get from others); improper focus on money instead of work which is what would eventually yield you greater dividends; excessive desperation; lack of humility; engagement in delinquent behaviors; distorted and disjointed attitude to life and value system, selfishness and egoism, etc.

2. The Society in which the young lawyer has found himself/herself — bad and corrupt governance, gullible and docile followership, degraded society, poor economy, social dislocation, low support infrastructure, etc.

3. Successive leadership of the Bar Association over the years — failure of NBA leaderships to work hard to stop/reduce incessant encroachment into the legal practice space by non-lawyers; failure to initiate necessary legal reforms that would ensure expansion of the employment base for legal practitioners in order to create more employment and make lawyers more relevant to society (most lawyers look for work only in law firms thereby creating more pressure and are subjected to undue exploitation, harassment, and poor treatment, etc: law firms would appreciate and pay lawyers more (to discourage them from leaving) if the firms see fewer lawyers to employ); NBA has not focused on the real needs of the young lawyer (trying to fix a minimum wage for privately-owned Law firms is mere pursuit of the impossible; come off it and focus on the realizable, more beneficial things); segregation and division within the various segments of the profession lead to acrimony and lack of proper focus; NBA and its members give very little support to legal education institutions in Nigeria; failure to secure a better deal for lawyers in the society, compared to members of other professions (medical profession has a better deal because their leadership had worked for it), NBA has not created proper avenues for robust engagement and deliberations on the challenges facing the young lawyer and the profession in general (except in few instances, the periods and sessions during NBA Annual Conferences are usually entirely dissipated/wasted on discussing matters that have little or NO relevance to the welfare and promotion of lawyers, the legal profession and the young lawyers in particular; we won’t know how to solve our problems if we don’t have proper avenues of identifying and and discussing them comprehensively); etc

4. Employers of (Law) Labour — sexual and other harassment by bosses due partly to desperation and improper conduct (dressing, etc) on the part of young lawyers, and also due to the randy nature of some employers; undue exploitation by employers; improper/inadequate remuneration and welfare packages for employees; unconducive work environment; lack of proper involvement, engagement, poor employer leadership examples, poor employee-motivation etc.

5. Our Learned Senior Colleagues — incessant intimidation and bullying of young lawyers which tend to put the young lawyers off, discourage them and sometimes frustrate them out of the profession; most of our seniors don’t lead by good example, most seniors don’t provide proper support and encouragement to juniors, selfishness by seniors, etc.

6. Educational Institutions—- starting from secondary schools and universities, we need to take education of our youth much more seriously; Council of Legal Education (CLE) should tighten the noose on Law Faculties to force them to re-double their efforts at training lawyers; Guidance and Counseling should be made a necessary part of the curriculum both at the secondary and university level, and indeed all levels, etc.

7. Regulatory Institutions within the legal profession— each regulator hardly lives up to its responsibilities and the expectations of lawyers generally , inefficiency and corruptions, nepotism, little or no partnership among core regulators, etc.

8. Individual Luck: Not everyone would be rich or well-to-do; if you try to be faster than your shadow, you may crash. Hard work is a condition precedent to success; but not everyone who works hard that must succeed. Accordingly, while you work hard to be the best, try and make allowance for some failure or ill-luck because you don’t know what the future holds in store for you. Hope and work for the best, but be prepared for the worst, sometimes; life might not be a bed of roses; challenges are a part of life. Our destinies aren’t the same. Learn how to approach failure and delays. Some were born great; some have greatness foisted upon them; but some must work very hard to achieve greatness. Yet, there are others who spent an entire lifetime working for greatness, but unsuccessfully; such is life. If you lose sight of this fact, you may miss your steps.

9. Parents and Guardians: not everyone is cut out to be a lawyer; some force their children or wards on the profession; let parents subject their children and wards for proper guidance and counseling before allowing them to study law. Don’t push your child to study law; let the decision be wholly voluntary, based on proper counseling. Some lawyers HAVE NO BUSINESS coming into the profession. They just can’t cope, however anyone tries to help them. They’re square pegs in round holes; Legal Missorts!

10. Poor Justice Administration System: corrupting, ineptitude and especially chronic delays in justice dispensation in Nigeria are a great source of frustration and discouragement for the young lawyers.

I proffered a number of solutions, which are contained in my paper (to be shared shortly). I then concluded: the solution to the young lawyer’s problems must begin (but not end) with the young lawyer himself/herself: an altogether new mode of thinking; improved reading culture; hard work; more commitment to the profession and work; patience; selflessness; radical reorientation; eschew materialism and negative comparative analysis; the dependence-mentality; focus all your energy on work, not money, and money will come; proper self-packaging (you don’t need much money to properly package/market yourself; but you need proper packaging to get the money you need, and to make it in the profession); develop the attitude of selfless service (how you serve others determines how far you can go in the profession); personal development; networking; flee from all forms of evil because KARMA and RETRIBUTION are REAL; stay away from money politics during bar elections so you can get the right leadership,; support every incumbent NBA leadership (even if your candidate during elections lost/loses the election (it a civic responsibility), etc.

As I have said, I will make my paper available for public consumption and to continue the discussion.

Sylvester Udemezue (udems)

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Vocal Nigerian Law School Senior Lecturer, Mr. Sylvester Udemezue will tomorrow square up with a leading United Kingdom attorney, Prof. Suzanne Rab and President of the Nigerian Bar Association Young Lawyers Forum (NBA-YLF) Council, Mr. Tobi Adebowale to discuss the vexed issue of welfare of young lawyers.

The event is a virtual conference hosted by top Kaduna based law firm, Fama Firm and titled “Contemporary issues facing the welfare of young lawyers in Nigeria and possible solutions.” The two-hour roundtable which promises to be highly engaging will kick off at 1:30 pm.

The other panelists include Mr. Idris Mohammed, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK) and Managing Partner of FAMA FIRM as well as Adeline Owusua Asante, a Ghanaian attorney with Accra based Integrated Legal Consultants. The webinar will be moderated by Zainab Mohammad Bello, Pro-bono Coordinator at FAMA FIRM.

Participants are required to register for the webinar at or

Rab has the uncommon distinction of having been admitted to the bar of England and Wales both as a barrister and solicitor. She is also admitted as a solicitor in Ireland. She has wide experience of EU law and competition law matters combining cartel regulation, commercial practices, IP exploitation, merger control, public procurement and State aid. 

Rab’s practice has a particular focus on the interface between competition law and economic regulation. She advises governments, regulators and businesses across the regulated sectors including in the communications, energy, financial services, healthcare/ pharmaceuticals, TMT and water sectors. She has significant experience of advising on the development, implementation and application of new competition laws and regulatory regimes in line with international best practices, including in emerging markets.

In private practice as a solicitor for 15 years prior to joining the bar, she has held positions at magic circle and leading international antitrust practices. Most recently she was an antitrust partner with a leading US practice. She has also held the role of director at PricewaterhouseCoopers working within its strategy, economics and forensics teams.

A respected author, Rab is a Consulting Editorial Board member for LexisNexis Competition; Visiting Professor, Imperial College Business School, Intellectual Property and Antitrust; Member, Advisory Board of the Oxford Regulatory Policy Institute (RPI), and a Member of Editorial Board of Competition Law Insight Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

She has been described by Who’s Who Legal UK Bar as “among the best” in the energy field according to sources who commend her “tenacity, technical excellence and enthusiasm”. The Legal 500/Chambers & Partners describes her as “Recommended for her experience acting for governments, regulators and businesses on EU regulation,” adding that “Solicitors praise her for her superior client service .…” On its part, Who’s Who Legal UK Bar: Competition describes the leading attorney as having “superb knowledge of the law”, “creative approach to problem solving” and a “hard-working nature.”

Mohammed has extensive interest in Telecommunication law and Corporate and Commercial Law, having pursued both interests at post-graduate level. He also has extensive experience in Arbitration. He is reputed as an accomplished litigator and appellate court lawyer, and has written several briefs at the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. His experience cuts across Telecommunications Law, Arbitration, Litigation & Appellate Practice.

He has consulted for such A-List technology companies like Swap Technologies & Telecomms Plc, American Towers Corporation Nigeria Ltd, Emerging Markets Telecommunications Services Limited (Etisalat), Huawei Technologies Nigeria Limited, MainOne Cable Company Ltd, Sparkwest Industries, Starcomms Plc and Helios Towers Nigeria.

Mohammed successfully represented a Nigerian tower company before an adhoc arbitral panel in a claim of $65 Million Dollars against a major telecommunications company, and is currently representing clients in a N1.2 Billion damages claim against a multinational company and a N650 million contract claim against a state government.

His practice areas include Telecommunications Law, Arbitration, Litigation And Appellate Practice, And Corporate/Commercial Law.

FAMA FIRM is reputed as “one of the leading commercial law firms in Northern Nigeria.” The firm provides legal services in diverse areas, and is “highly dynamic, service oriented, principally focused on fulfilling client’s need.”

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Young lawyers have expressed disappointment on delays that have enveloped the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Palliatives Scheme. The lawyers yesterday tackled NBA National Officers on the issue on the association’s official WhatsApp platform, “BAR CENTRE 4.”

Opening the barrage of complaints, one Victor Eze wrote on the platform: “Victor Eze from Yola Branch. Please when will they give us the NBA National palliative?” This was the tonic other young lawyers engage in another heated and prolonged debate on the palliatives debacle.

Following up on Eze’s poser, one Muhammad Raji Yabaji said: “I like the question, after receiving our particulars nothing we heard from them.”

Apparently disappointed by turn of events, one Count Vladislaus, switching between formal and Broken English, said: “Broda nor just put mind. NBA National may not give any palliative. You see the way this country goes… They wait for an event to cover up an event, all they just do is just postpone and postpone till we all forget, soon it’ll be December and the NBA National will start dropping guidelines for payment of the 2021 BPF.

“50 naira wen tear nobody see, money wen people pay for BPF will not be talked about, na how to collect 2021 own go dey National minds. Worst part is that we go still rush go pay before 31st March and I am bold to say nothing, absolutely nothing will happen because NBA national will sweep it all under the rug, life will go on as usual. Kobo as palliative none of us go see. Mark my words.

“If they like after this they may send me out of this group and any NBA group, it just shows that what I am saying is the truth. And yes; truth be told we all are aware of the politics up there in the National. Left for a ton of young lawyers in the country they would not pay dime to NBA National, because the words, ‘WHAT HAS NBA DONE FOR ME’ is (sic) on the lips of thousands of young lawyers out there. Let us not deny it.”

I believe the delay in disbursement is becoming unduly protracted for our comfort. Yes, the President has spoken on it about two times now providing assurance that the funds are there. But it may be better to tell us why the wait is this prolonged instead of the silence which has capacity to breed rumors. We are entitled to know what is happening.

On Vladislaus’s fears that he may be sanctioned by the platform administrators for his views, one Damilare Ojo assured him otherwise, saying: “The fact is you have made your point. We are all AGITATED!”

On her part, Precious Nwadimuya said: “So we don’t waste the opportunity to get an answer, I will ask the question on our behalf. @Habeeb Lawal @ PRO NBA Asaba @Kunle Edun, What is happening to the monies raised by our learned seniors in the profession meant to provide palliative for lawyers who submitted their particulars? I believe the delay in disbursement is becoming unduly protracted for our comfort. Yes, the President has spoken on it about two times now providing assurance that the funds are there. But it may be better to tell us why the wait is this prolonged instead of the silence which has capacity to breed rumors. We are entitled to know what is happening. Publicity team, if it means going to (Dr. Wale) Babalakin to know what is happening, please go and bring word for us and bring the money on your way coming, that would be better.”

Particularly worried that the tenure of the current NBA Administration is coming to an end, Vladislaus said: “August is fast approaching, the NBA executives will hand over. Nothing, absolutely nothing will happen. We all will pay BPF again in 2021 and nothing will happen. I challenge the NBA to prove me wrong. This is Nigeria, I hope the NBA proves me wrong in everything. I will be glad they did.”

Trying to assuage the persistent complaints, NBA Publicity Secretary, Mr. Kunle Edun: “Your concerns are valid. I can assure you that the issue you raised has been taken up with the Committee. We should be expecting a positive response soon. I appreciate all the patience. Thanks.”

In an earlier intervention when the debate arose on the platform, Count Vladislaus said: “Just wait, by August they will give a report on how they spent billions on palliatives.”

As one Ezenwa Okoli warned that “You can now be sued for allegations of this nature. Let’s watch it pls,” Vladislaus retorted: “Because we are speaking about our pains, they want to silence us like the FG did Sowere, 2Face and others.”

On his part, Rabiu Ibrahim said: “We are all speaking our minds as lawyers, this is an avenue where young lawyers should know that NBA are in existence. It is when something’s happened that another thing happened. We are not trying to put an accusing finger on anybody. If lawyers that are 10 years at the bar will complain, then I wonder what other lawyers will say.”

This again led Edun to wade in to douse the face-off, saying: “Gentlemen, pls while we exercise our right to freedom of speech, let us show mutual respect to each other and be civil. Thanks.”

It is recalled that NBA President, Mr. Paul Usoro SAN had in a Press Statement late May said that “the NBA COVID-19 Relief Fund Account had a credit balance of N84,223,000.00 donated almost entirely by our distinguished colleagues.” CITY LAWYER gathered that the current balance may be in excess of N90 million.

Usoro added that “The Welfare Committee was saddled with a second significant assignment upon its constitution, to wit, ‘work with me in designing the most equitable and integrity-proof model for identifying the genuinely needy beneficiaries of the relief materials. Part of the Committee’s responsibility would also be to determine the form that the reliefs should take e.g. cash or kind (illustratively, food items and the like) or a combination of the two or any other form.’

“That part of the assignment remains outstanding. I have been assured by the Committee that their focus has so far been on ‘baking the cake’, in a manner of speaking, and that they would shortly proceed to and with that follow-through assignment of distributing the funds to the truly needy members of our Association. I would work with them in that regard and would keep our members fully informed and updated.”

The NBA Welfare Committee is headed by top corporate lawyer, Babalakin. Other members are Chief Bolaji Ayorinde (SAN), Vice Chairman; Miannaya Essien (SAN), Yakubu Maikyau (SAN), Solomon Umoh (SAN), Dr. Garba Tertengi (SAN), Mrs. Victoria Awomolo (SAN) and Sylva Ogwemoh (SAN).

Also appointed as members of the committee are Ibrahim Muhammed (SAN), Emeka Etiaba (SAN), Mba Ukweni (SAN), Steven Adehi (SAN), Olabode Olanipekun (SAN), Tuduru Ede (SAN), Theophilus Igba (3rd Vice President), Emeka Anosike (National Financial Secretary), Joshua Usman (National Welfare Secretary) and Ewenode Onoriode (1st National Assistant Secretary)” as the COVID-19 Committee Secretary.

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Top Bar leaders will on Saturday discuss the role of alumni networks on the legal profession.

Organised by the Nigerian Law School Class of 1989, an accredited NBA CLE Service Provider, the virtual conference is part of a series of webinars designed to highlight trends in continuing legal education, mentorship for young lawyers and the role of alumni in catalyzing growth in the legal industry.

The theme of the conference which holds at 2 pm is “NLS Alumni Networks and the Development of the Legal Profession.”

Listed as one of the discussants is prominent Bar Leader and Chairman of Council of Legal Education (CLE), Chief Emeka Ngige (SAN). Another key discussant is leading Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) presidential candidate, Dr. Babatunde Ajibade (SAN).

Other panelists are Mrs. Elizabeth Max-Uba, Secretary of Council of Legal Education & Director of Administration, Nigerian Law School and Mr. AbdulHakeem Mustapha (SAN), Principal Partner in A.U. Mustapha [SAN] & Co. He was Chairman of the Audit Committee of FINBANK PLC and is currently the President of the Business School Netherlands Alumni Association, Nigeria.

The conference will be moderated by Chief Osuala E. Nwagbara, General Secretary of the Class of 1989 and Managing Partner at Maritime and Commercial Law Partners.

According to a statement by top justice sector consultant and the Chief Editor of LEGALPEDIA, Mr. Emeka Albert, “the third in a series of webinars aimed at opening up vital conversations among lawyers on mentoring, CLE and support to the Nigerian Law School. Dr. Ajibade, being a strong supporter of the cause of our Class, is expected to provide uncommon insights on the subject consistent with his experience and track record.” Albert also doubles as the Chairman of the Nigerian Law School Class of 1989.

The class has recently held webinars on “Online Continuing Legal Education (e-CLE) in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond: Challenges, Benefits and Prospects” and “e-Mentoring for young lawyers: A paradigm shift.”

Prospective participants are required to register for the free virtual conference at After registering, participants will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Ajibade has gained renown as a cerebral lawyer and leading facilitator of continuing legal education in the legal industry. He was called to the Nigerian Bar in December 1989 and elevated to the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria in December 2007. He obtained a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) in 1988. He obtained a Master of Laws degree in Corporate and Commercial Law from King’s College, University of London in 1990 and a Doctorate Degree in Private International Law from the same university in 1996.

Ajibade is a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in London, an International Practice Fellow of the International Bar Association (IBA) and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, United Kingdom. He combines the roles of advocate, a corporate/commercial solicitor, an administrator and a reformer and is reputed to have excelled in each of these areas.

The Nigerian Law School Class of 1989 donated an e-platform to its alma mater as part of its 30th anniversary celebrations. The facility is aimed to support quality training and retraining of Law School students and young lawyers. The electronic platform is reputed as a first in Africa aimed at transforming legal education and legal practice.

Copyright 2020 CITY LAWYER. Please send emails to Join us on Facebook at and on TWITTER at All materials available on this Website are protected by copyright, trade mark and other proprietary and intellectual property laws. You may not use any of our intellectual property rights without our express written consent or attribution to However, you are permitted to print or save to your individual PC, tablet or storage extracts from this Website for your own personal non-commercial use.


Prominent senior lawyers will on Saturday x-ray the emerging issue of online mentoring as it relates to Nigeria’s young lawyers. The webinar is scheduled for 1 pm and hosted by the Nigerian Law School Class of 1989.

Among the speakers at the webinar are leading Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) presidential aspirant, Dr. Babatunde Ajibade SAN. Ajibade is the Managing Partner of S. P. A. Ajibade & Co and the first member of the class to take silk.

Other discussants are leading litigators, Mr. Jelili Owonikoko SAN and Mr. Emeka Etiaba SAN, as well as Mrs. Morenike Obi-Farinde, Founder of Online Dispute Resolution Africa Network.

The moderator of the webinar is leading justice sector consultant and Chairman of the Nigerian Law School Class of 1989, Mr. Emeka Albert who is also the Chief Editor of LEGALPEDIA.

To register for this webinar, click on After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

It is recalled that the Nigerian Law School Class of 1989 donated an e-platform to its alma mater as part of its 30th anniversary celebrations. The facility is aimed to support quality training and retraining of Law School students and especially young lawyers. The e-platform is reputed as a first in Africa aimed at transforming legal education and legal practice. The webinar will among others x-ray the e-mentoring module of the platform especially as it relates to young lawyers.


According to a statement by Albert, “This is the second in a series of webinars aimed at opening up vital conversations among lawyers on mentoring, CLE and support to the Nigerian Law School. Dr. Ajibade, being a strong supporter of the cause of our Class, is expected to provide uncommon insights on the subject consistent with his experience and track record.”

Ajibade has gained renown as a cerebral lawyer and leading facilitator of continuing legal education in the legal industry. He was called to the Nigerian Bar in December 1989 and elevated to the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria in December 2007.

He obtained a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) in 1988. He obtained a Master of Laws degree in Corporate and Commercial Law from King’s College, University of London in 1990 and a Doctorate Degree in Private International Law from the same university in 1996.

Ajibade is a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies in London, an International Practice Fellow of the International Bar Association (IBA) and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, United Kingdom. He combines the roles of advocate, a corporate/commercial solicitor, an administrator and a reformer and is reputed to have excelled in each of these areas.

On his part, Albert is a renowned justice sector reform consultant and Lead at LEGALPEDIA, a foremost software company. He has presented several papers on technology and disruption in the legal industry. Speaking on the impact of technology in law practice, he said: “both Law and Technology are dynamic. But often we, as lawyers, are slow to changing our process. We tend to treat our process as our changeless precedents. That is where we have the conflict with transformative technologies. But technological disruptions are inevitable and unstoppable.”

Copyright 2020 CITY LAWYER. Please send emails to Join us on Facebook at and on TWITTER at All materials available on this Website are protected by copyright, trade mark and other proprietary and intellectual property laws. You may not use any of our intellectual property rights without our express written consent or attribution to However, you are permitted to print or save to your individual PC, tablet or storage extracts from this Website for your own personal non-commercial use.